#i'm proud of this okay skshd
smilemingyu · 5 years
member: kim seungmin (stray kids) 
word count: 4.4k
genre: fluff!!!
a song to listen to: joli garçon by pink martini
warnings: so much fluff,, paris cliches,,,, haha
all i can think about at the moment is how fun a vacation to france would be with seungmin okay!!
okay so like ,,,
you’re seungmin’s best friend and he was like,, i want to go to france and take pictures and you’re like “ok, have fun!” and he’s like “no but…. i don’t want to go alone :(“
and you’re like uh oh,,, he’s pulling out his puppy dog eyes and you can’t say no to seungmin’s puppy dog eyes
and he also offers to pay for everything so like could really pass up a Free trip to france with your best friend???? absolutely not
so he plans it all out for you both and all you have to worry about is packing,,
you guys have a sleepover a little bit before and buy a notebook to write down some places to visit and some things to eat and you’re both just so excited to go
you buy a french translation book and you both study some common phrases and try to have conversations in french
which usually ends in both of you being confused and just laughing over how bad the others accent is
so your plane day comes and seungmin comes to your apartment at 4 am to make sure you’re prepared and he checks through a list of things before you guys go off to the airport
and you’re like,, so tired but can’t help but be fond of seungmin and his want to make sure everything goes well
on the airplane you both fall asleep and only wake up when you guys accidentally bump heads
and then you guys decide to watch a french movie without subtitles to see how much french you guys know
and throughout the whole movie you guys are like ???????? what is happening ,,, je ne comprends pas
so yeah your book didn’t help other than knowing Very Very basic phrases
but you don’t care because you both can speak english and they’ll probably have some english speakers in the touristy places
when you land, you’re both super tired so you go straight to the hotel seungmin had booked
and it’s a one bed room because it’s cheap and neither of you care about sleeping in the same bed because you already do when you have sleepovers anyways,
also it has a great view to all kinds of pretty lights because why would he get a bad view
you both knock out pretty quickly but you ordered some food first since you both had accidentally slept past the food being served on the plane
when you wake up the next day, it’s to seungmin shaking you awake and telling you you guys have to get breakfast
and you get dressed into a cute french inspired outfit because why wouldn’t you come on if you’re gonna be a tourist you might as well be a tourist
you and seungmin may have maybe went shopping beforehand to look for cute outfits together so you’re both dressed in similar outfits and you make sure to get a mirror selfie as seungmin blushes because,
you look like a couple AND you’re cute
and he definitely blushes harder when you say exactly that but he covers it up by rolling his eyes and grabbing his camera
you both head out to the latin quarter and go to a cafe seungmin had found online and you both order some food and coffee and sit at a table outside
seungmin takes some photos of the view you guys have from there, at the people walking by, and makes you pose for some photos with your coffee and shows the photos to you excitedly which is so endearing because he looks up everytime at you with sparkly eyes to see your reactions and it makes you melt inside because he’s the cutest
after he’s done taking photos he pulls out the notebook you guys planned together in and asks what you guys should do after he eating
since you’re already in the latin quarter and are near it, you pick to go to the panthéon and take some pictures there
you also decide to check out some of the stores around and then you set out to do what you planned
you buy a few things from a store, including something that seungmin likes and seungmin tries to pay for it but ur like , bro you’re paying for everything let me buy you something so he shuts up and gives you a smile when you hand it to him after buying it
you stop a few times, seungmin wanting to take a picture of you in front of some of the more aesthetically pleasing shops and wanting a picture of you on the road and you try to get him to give you the camera so you can take pictures of him also because he is cute TOO but he refuses
so you resort to sneaking pictures of him when you know he isn’t looking
and when you look at the photos you took later that night your favorite photo was one you had taken when he was taking a picture of a family (with their permission, of course, he’s not weird,,) and he just looks so focused and serious but cute all at the same time !
(side note: i love kim seungmin,,,,,,,,,,,, he’s the cutest he deserves the world okay ,,)
he lets you take a picture of him with his camera in front of the panthéon because like why would he pass that up,,
and you’re pleased when a lady passing by offers to take a picture of you both together so you both pose cutely and she comments on what a nice couple you are and both you and seungmin blush but you had already gotten a comment like that from the barista that you were just like aight,,,, guess in paris we’re a couple then
you guys giggle about that together and stop at another cafe to plan out your next move
you guys decide to plan a visit to the catacombs so you go back to your hotel to change into something a little more suitable that way you wouldn’t get your cute outfits dirty
you stay in the hotel room a little bit, looking at the photos seungmin took and texting your friends about how pretty paris is
hyunjin texts back with how he’s jealous and seungmin should have took him instead and you say better luck next time but the group chat had already started planning a group visit and you’re not complaining, because that would be fun
you guys head out soon and stop by a shop to buy a flashlight based on advice online that said to buy one
seungmin also secretly buys you a stuffed animal he noticed when you were looking at what drinks you could buy you both just in case you get thirsty and he hides it in his bag to give to you later
on the way to the catacombs, seungmin does the same as he did at the latin quarter and stopped to take some pictures, even asking some couples if he could take pictures of them in some broken french
he always compliments the couples which usually gets a compliment back to you and him which you thank them for because you might as well you know
you guys arrive to the catacombs and have to wait in line to actually go in so you both make conversation with a couple in front of you
they’re two girls your age who hang off each other and they tell you guys about what they’re gonna do afterwards (go and get some drinks at a cabaret) and offer you guys to join them and you’re like,,, sure sounds fun and seungmin also agrees
they make conversation about how they got together (they were best friends and just naturally slipped into a relationship) and they ask you how you and seungmin got together
and you and seungmin exchange looks and it’s obvious you’re both like ok what harm could it be to pretend we’re a couple in the pretty city of paris
so you make up a story about how seungmin confessed to you when you were stargazing one night and he wraps his arm around you naturally
so you enjoy the catacombs together with the couple, taking pictures inside and you take some photos of the couple and they take some photos of seungmin and you and you and seungmin start to hold hands sometime after leaving to keep the couple illusion going
you all decide to just walk around some shops and wait for it to get darker before you go to the cabaret and you try to ignore how good it feels to be holding hands with seungmin so naturally
you all go to the cabaret and order some drinks and you and seungmin don’t drink much because honestly you wanted to enjoy paris sober more than you’d want to drunk
you part ways with the girls later in the night to go back to your hotel (after exchanging numbers and saying you’ll definitely have to meet up for lunch the next day)
even after you had parted ways seungmin still held your hand but you tried not to think about it too much
when you get into the hotel room, he pulls the stuffed animal he had bought you earlier and hands it to you and you blush and are like “what’s this” and he blushes also and was like “it’s cute, reminded me of you so i wanted to buy it for you” so you give him a huge smile (which makes his heart beat a lot) and you give him a big hug
you fall asleep while you both watch a movie, cuddling the cute stuffed dog he had gotten you
the next morning you wake up a little later than the day before
seungmin was already awake and eating a bagel on the balcony and he has one prepared for you also when you come out to join him
you guys eat in silence looking out at the city until he breaks the silence
“our eiffel tower day is the last day, by the way..,, wanted it to be more exciting,”
you nod agreeing with his planning
you had two more days to go
when you’re done eating you guys pull out the notebook and makes plans for that day
you plan to go to the louvre and then meet up with the girls from the day before for lunch and then you’ll go to domaine national du palais-royal afterward,,,
and then you found out there’s a korean market near there so you both plan to stop by there to buy some stuff so you can make some dinner in the hotel room together
excited to have your day planned out you and seungmin dress into another couple outfit and you decide to mention that little uhhHh scheme (?) you guys had made the day before
“so ,, are we just gonna pretend to be a couple here,,?” you ask and seungmin looks surprised as if he didn’t think you’d mention and you see his ears turn red but don’t tease him for it.
“i mean,,, here is considered a pretty romantic place so,, i guessed we might as well,,” and you agree and grab his hand “then hello boyfriend” and blushes and laughs, before presses a kiss to your cheek “hello (girl/boy)friend”
it’s easy to fall into that kind of relationship with him, even if it’s just for show
it was like how the other couple had talked about,, very natural that you knew you were going to be sad once the paris trip was over because you already had a crush on him anyways but you decide it wouldn’t hurt too much to at least enjoy this charade for the time being
so you guys set off, holding hands and go to the louvre excited to see all the pretty art and take some great photos
he immediately unlocks his hand from yours to make you take photo in front of it first and has you do a bunch of different poses, laughing when you do a silly kind of pose and you smile back fondly and he snaps a photo again
he comments on how pretty you look before you take the camera from him and have him do the same as you
you ask a lady to take some photos of you both which she gladly does, giving you both a smile
seungmin gives your cheek a kiss when she takes a photo and you know you must be blushing in the next photo when he is looking down at you
when the lady hands the camera back to you both, she comments on how much you guys remind her of her and her husband and you smile and thank her
seungmin intertwines your hands again and you wait a little until you can go into the museum
you don’t notice when he takes some photos of you inside, before taking photos of the art because cliches are cliches for a reason and that’s because they’re fucking fantastic skfsj
you’re fascinated by all the art inside which seungmin finds really cute and he pays close attention to your words when expressing your love for each piece
my heart HURTS
he cutely smiles whenever you smile widely at him and can’t stop from taking more photos of you
when you guys leave, you’re a little sad but thankful you were able to see the nice works and you cheer up when seungmin wraps his arm around your waist as you both walk to meet up with the couple
while you all eat some lunch, you tell the couple about the louvre with all the passion you have for it, talking about how much of a life changing (i literally just wrote changbin five times before i could finally type that right imskfjsk) experience it was and one of the girls comment about how in seungmin looks with you which causes you to look up and make eye contact with him and you see how fond his eyes look and you’re done for-
you giggle when seungmin blushes and just buries his head into your shoulder, patting him on the head and earning coos from the girls about how cute you both are
after you guys eat you ask if the girls want to come to the domaine national du palais-royal (there has GOT to be a way to shorten that) and they agree to come with you (mentioning that they were leaving tomorrow morning and you’re a little sad but seungmin was secretly fine with it; not because he didn’t like them but because he had already made plans for the whole day tomorrow for the two of you) and you guys have some fun taking pictures there
the girls try to have you guys taking a picture kissing but seungmin just kisses your cheek and shyly says he doesn’t want to kiss for the camera to them which makes you feel a little insecure but you ignore the feeling
you all separate when you and seungmin go over to the korean market and you plan to make some bibimbap and rock, paper, scissors over who is going to pay
seungmin wins so he gets to pay but you secretly slip some cash into his bag when he isn’t looking
when you get to the hotel room, you both change into something comfortable before starting on the food and it ends up being just you making it with seungmin backhugging you and encouraging your hard work
you roll your eyes at him but keep yourself relaxed in his embrace
you both decide to eat on the balcony like you did that morning and you look out at the lights, admiring them
“everything about this place is so pretty,,” you mention and seungmin nods, “it really is” he brought his camera out to take some photos and he takes some photos of you too
you reply to your group chat and they ask you for pictures at the louvre so you have seungmin send you them (which he had already uploaded into his phone)
you send him the pictures that the lady had taken of you and seungmin and try not to blush when you see how fond you both look of each other and you send him so pictures of the art
seungmin sends the pictures he had taken of you without you knowing and texted “the real art!” making you blush even more and you’re surprised you didn’t even know he had taken them
so you send the photos you had snuck of him the day before without his knowledge when he was taking the photos of the family and text “the real camera focus!” and he looks surprised when you look at him
you both laugh when jeongin sends a “get a room” and you’re confused when hyunjin sends a “i thought you weren’t confessing until the eiffel tower??”
you look at seungmin but he looks as confused as you and texts “i have no clue what you’re talking about”
felix says something about hyunjin being dumb before hyunjin was like “lol wrong best friends,,, hyunjin and heejin are going to paris and heejin was planning on confessing,” and you’re like,,,,,, “haha what,,,,, we meet some girls named hyunjin and heejin” and hyunjin was like ,,, wait ,,,, send pics
and seungmin did and he was like “yo wtfff that’s them” and what a great coincidence that was
so you guys decide to do a group facetime with your group and you tell them about how cool paris is and you show them the view that you have and chan is like “woawww it seems so romantic” and seungmin is like “! it is !” and you’re like “haha yeah,,, everyone thinks that we’re a couple here” and minho is like “i’m pretty sure that’s not just a paris thing” which causes seungmin to glare at him and you to blush
jisung asks if you guys have learned any french while there and you answer, “oui, seungmin est un joli garçon” which seungmin looks confused at and you giggle and changbin is like “from my listening of french music,,, i know what that means” and you put your finger to your mouth in a shushing movement which he nods and laughs at
“I’m googling that,” seungmin says and you just shrug
you guys go to bed later in the night after facetiming with everyone for almost five hours and you’re so sleepy when you cuddle with your stuffed dog (you decided to name rimbaud) and seungmin is a little jealous of it even though he bought it for you
(have you guys ever facetimed your friends for five hours because if you haven’t i do recommend, it’s so refreshing,,,)
you wake up later than seungmin again and he’s not on the balcony or in the room when you look for him and you almost panic because didn’t kim kardashian get robbed in paris what if the same people took seungmin but then you find a note underneath a snack pack of fruit that reads “went to grab us some food! i’ll be back soon, joli (fille/garçon) <3” and you blush upon him calling you pretty (girl/boy)
you eat the fruit gummies and watch some TV until seungmin comes back
he’s holding a picnic basket when he comes in and he smiles at you
“i already planned today’s day specially, if you’re okay with that” and you smile brightly, “of course i’m fine with it”
and he tells you that you’re going to check out another museum, first off, as he puts the picnic basket into the fridge and you get dressed to match his outfit that day
you both take a selfie and text to your group chat that you’re off and you go out
he takes pictures as he did the other days and you’re happy that you stop by a cafe to get some coffee, smiling when the barista compliments your outfits
you both find the museum fascinating and this time you’re sure to take some photos of seungmin also
he smiles at it and then pulls you to switch your camera to your front camera and you both take some photos with the art and you decide to kiss his cheek at one piece of art and it was his turn blush over it
afterward, you head back to hotel and when you get there he grabs the picnic basket he had that morning out of the fridge
“now,” he says, “we’re going to have a picnic! i know you always want to have a nice picnic so i thought this would be the best place to do it… a lot of people recommended jardin du luxembourg for it, so we’re going there” you get really excited over it,,, you love picnics
“where are we going afterwards?” he blushes, but smiles, “a surprise” it makes you very curious
you arrive to the place for the picnic and put down a pretty blanket, and seungmin brings out some sandwiches and a bottle of wine “i felt like we needed a proper french picnic” you laugh as he brings out wine glasses also
(side note: i wrote this part while listening to quatre épines by josh savage ft. angéline so i recommend it!)
you both say a cheers, before drinking and listening to some music on a bluetooth speaker and eating
you end up laying down and looking at the sky, your head in seungmin’s lap and him playing with your hair
you feel so comfortable that way and almost start nodding off until seungmin mutters something
you open your eyes, curious, and he’s looking down at you smiling “huh?”
he chuckles, “nothing… you’re just… really pretty, you know?” you smile satisified, and your eyes begin to flutter as he starts playing with your hair again,,, you didn’t even know he had stopped, “you’re not too bad yourself” you mutter, before you feel yourself sleep into a comfortable sleep
while you sleep, a couple actually comes over and compliments how cute you guys are and seungmin thanks them before asking if they could take a photo of you both
they do, and seungmin is very happy with the photo he gets out of it, before taking some photos of you
he wakes you up a little later, shaking you from your sleep and having you stand up with him
he says he wants you both to stop at the hotel room to drop off the picnic basket and you walk with him, and he lets you lean onto him as you try to wake yourself up more
you stop by a cafe when you leave for the next stop to grab some coffee and you head up to the next attraction and you notice seungmin getting a little nervous when heading there so you grab his hand and try to soothe him, though you’re confused as to why he’s nervous
you guys get to a place called the wall of love, and you’re fascinated by it, immediately taking pictures of it
seungmin watches you silently before telling you he wants a picture with both of you in front of it and he asks someone to take a picture of you both and he says something you can’t understand in french to them
he turns you towards him when you’re getting ready to pose and decides to say something
“i was going to be cliche and do this at the eiffel tower but i decided this was undoubtedly a better place to do it,” before you can question him about his words, he holds your chin before leaning in and kissing you and you don’t even hear the shutter of the camera because you’re too busy kissing him back and trying to calm your heart
“i love you,” he says when he pulls back, and he points at the wall of love “i love you in more than 250 ways, but i felt like this would be fitting to show how much i love you”
your heart melts and you almost feel tears prick at your eyes, before you pull him down to kiss him again and that time you hear that camera shutter but ignore it “i love you too, so much. wow, do i love you.” he smiles brightly at you and your heart feels like it’s flying
he thinks the guy who took the photos for him and offers him money, but the guy shakes his head and smiles, “anything for a couple in love!” and you smile back over it
you take some more photos at the wall, smiling at how many times seungmin kisses you and seungmin asks some other people if he could take photos of them
that night, you both kiss on the eiffel tower, looking out at the city and you take some pictures there too, sending them to the group chat later on and gaining so much response from everyone that you laugh at and tell them you’ll talk about it when you both arrive back the next day
when you both fall asleep that night, it’s cuddling together and exchanging little kisses before actually nodding off, and seungmin almost feels bad that the stuffed dog he had gotten you was kind of forgot in that moment,
but he’s glad it’s him you’re cuddling instead.
notes: this makes me want to go to paris now i did this to myself,,, also my skz bias is changbin but i’m on such a seungmin kick lately,,, thank u seungmin. i’m lowkey proud that the french i wrote in this are from my own knowledge because of the one time i took french my junior year (even though i live in florida and everyone else took spanish,,,,, i’m kind of dumb bitch) okay i’ll shut up now,,,, also i recommend looking up the wall of love! it’s cute!!!! also i named the stuffed dog after french poet arthur rimbaud! he has amazing poetry and a pretty interesting life when he was alive, there’s a movie about him that leonardo dicaprio stars in! hope you guys enjoyed this, haha, it took a lot of research ksskj and 8 pages in google docs <3
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