#i'm not gonna write a lot in the tags but ;; ___ ;; serious hbd babie
chrisbangs · 5 years
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Happy Birthday to one of the Most Important People In My Life, aka Abia, aka @seungminhos!
Oh Boy. Here we go... (I want you to know I haven’t even started typing yet and I’m already in tears... For Fuck’s Sake!) 
Happy birthday babie! My sweet little dumpling! My angel snowdrop! Happy birthday dummy!!! I don’t even know where to begin, I spent the whole day dreading writing this message because I knew I’d start crying, but I’m going to do my best to remain A Strong Dude and not weep my eyes out. 
So, I believe the first time I messaged you, way back when, was because I was curious about which SKZ song you weren’t a fan of, after you rb’d a post about it. And you were like ‘omg, well, it’s this song’ and I was like ‘ohhhh thats cool’ and then?? We just?? Kept talking? Like idk?? It really wasn’t the most dramatic of introductions into a friendship, but it was very chill? And after that we found out you were at the same uni I used to be at and that was a ride. 
And like, we stayed talking for a while, but I think we really got close at the end of last year/towards the beginning of this year. You really helped me out during a super difficult time. You were one of the two people who knew that my mom got a surgery and so you really helped me out by sticking with me and just listening to me rant about all of it. You really fucking helped me and that meant so much to me... It was a point where I was so lonely in my life and I had absolutely no one around to help me cope with how much stress I was feeling, but you were right there constantly cheering me on and listening to my worries- I can never ever explain to you how indebted I am to you for what you did for me. 
Not only that, but you continued to help me with some Personal Drama that arose a while later with some people in my life. You listened to me. You always apologize to me that you wish you could do more, but I hope you know, not a lot of people really do listen to me irl, and you simply sticking by and hearing what I have to say? Means so much to me. More than I could ever explain. Abia, you give me a safe place to let go of my concerns and you’ve been such a safe place since I met you. 
And to cap it off, Miss President of The Seungminators, you’re so loving. You have love for everyone- Seungmin, Minho, Woojin, SKZ, your friends, KSoo- Like the list Goes On. You share your love and your humour and your warmth with all of those people around you. When I first met you and talked to you, you really made me laugh- and you still do. I’m so so so grateful to you, for making my days and my life brighter and warmer and for always putting that Good Good Seungmin content on my dash. 
You’re one of the strongest and most courageous people I’ve ever met- you’ve sacrificed a lot and worked so hard to get where you are. You’re not only a smart kid, but also a really, really, REALLY amazing friend. I’m so proud of you for working hard at school but for also being a warm and caring person in your life. You make my heart spin ma’am, and you make me feel loved. 
For all of this, and so much more, I’m so grateful to you. My ‘thank yous’ cannot begin to encompass the love and thankfulness and gratitude I feel toward you and you really deserve to know that you’re extraordinary. Thank you for being one of my closest friends and for helping find light in my life when everything around me was dark. I am so thankful and honored to be your friend and to be able to wish you, happy birthday. 
I love you dearly dummy! 
- Love, Ganguli! 
(P.S: I said stay up to you with my whole chest like I was gonna make you stay up fnawoefinawoeifaiw WHACK how I’m annoying like that.........) 
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