#i'll tell you: mianlin interactions weren't given too much thought
vermillioncrown ยท 2 years
Building the SS MianLin
Ok, bc of the existence of the Lan Wenhui au, I'm content to disembark from the jc/zyx ship. And, of course, forever happy to go where the story takes us. But Mianmian and Yunxun! This could be fun! And unlike lxc/zyx, doesn't require as much 'hasn't happened yet' to make the shop float. (My personal feelings on ot3 are already documented.)
- Comparable levels of snark. I mean, the two are basically trying to raise jzx into a normal human being, and they understand that this is an Undertaking and must be done w a certain level of humor/exasperated self-awareness wrt to difficulty of the task that no one asked them to do
- And they're part of Gucci Gang together! Established friends! Trauma bonding!
- Lqy would fit in beautifully w Shuangfeng, is my bet. Just enough gremlin, just enough political savvy, would be over the moon at ppl not taking her less seriously bc of her gender
- Least likely to take zyx's gender fuckery as deathly injury to their worldview/paradigms. Would honestly probs be amused and Understand thoroughly
- No need for any sort of widespread gender reveal!
- If they got married, she could be in on the gender fuckery. "Ah, yes, my....husband... ๐Ÿ˜" "Oh no, this is my sister-in-law"
- (Congrats her on bagging one of the jianghu's top 5 lmao)
- Would not infect zyx w the Drama. Lqy isn't immune to Drama (see her canon quitting of the Jin Sect), but she's too sensible to suffer fools and knows when to peace out. Unlike the rest of the contenders on dbd's The Bachelor, she isn't a Drama Magnet
- Also, zyx wouldn't be tied to a sect leader/heir. Big sigh of relief
- Previously referenced sensibility means she'd also be able to bring the side eye of judgment down on zyx when they get too wrapped up in convoluted research and neglect bodily needs, but also knows when to let things be
- Lqy is the closest thing this franchise has to a normal, emotionally even-keeled character. A selling pt all on its own. Also the character probably least likely to make zyx feel like they have to tend to their partner's emotional needs and growth
- Would be A-OK w trolling the hell out of wwx for his longstanding crush on zyx/be unimpressed w his tryhard insinuating teasing
- And, most importantly, basically guaranteed that there would be no untoward biomechanics troubleshooting ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
idk if it's a good time to start considering mianlin with gucci gang turbulence - hmm perhaps it's the perfect time!
(we're only so far into the fic + allowable character interactions, so again, can't count anyone out yet)
i think you're the first to really bring this possibility up, too. addressing each point
- yes, there's already personality chemistry between the two of them, esp when lqy comes out of her shell
- friendship is a very important foundation, and they've started on their way to building it (even the current issues, of which lqy's part hasn't been fully addressed yet, is all part of sweet sweet development)
- true, but a lot of the misfits of the cultivation realm (ie. most of the canon characters) would do okay-to-well there, too
- true to an extent - i feel it still depends on when and where and other developments between them. while we all like joking that lqy is the best and most boss-ass, rational bitch in the house, she's still a teen that's growing and maturing, she's still a person that has human flaws and biases. when everything settles, amusement and understand will probably the general feeling, yes.
- also true - but depending how things play out for others and wherever gender reveals are dropped, can be the same for others (not saying i'm dropping these genders whenever i feel like being saucy - a lot of these moments and instigations have already been plotted)
- YES. 100% post-canon shenanigans, bonus points in really annoying the shit out of nosy canon-folk that want to know about zyx's family (eg. wwx only gets nosier and nosier w his favorite people)
- (damn bro, yes, you clocked the self-indulgence, zyx will absolutely go up in rank)
- Also yes to the lack of Drama(tm), just regular drama.
- Also very true, and it also makes [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] easier
- Another aspect of lqy and zyx getting along, having inherent balance in their respective personalities
- Equality is important in a relationship (even if not perfectly 'equal'). Helps that zyx would have to get to know lqy as a person more than what the media showed her as (sassy, rational, etc etc). it's more organic
- see the point on gender fuckery, this is an extension of it
- no one's gonna die via a giant skewer, but there's definitely a learning curve nonetheless
all of these are nice points made... but none of them take into account to how it takes two to tango
so while we're seeing dbd and the other characters through zyx...
how do you think lqy sees zyx???
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