#i'll start posting regularly about the current trends and i'm planning to post about all missed trends in the next few weeks
June 19-20, 2022 - Supernatural trends after Misha Collins Says A Thing.
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It's become sort of expected at this point that once in a while Misha Collins will say something on a convention that will cause even more stir in this hot mess of a fandom.
This time it's during the All Hell Breaks Loose Convention when he described what he stated was supposed to be the show's finale. He even repeated his famous "what are they gonna do, fire me?" phrase originally said in 2020 when, funnily enough, he was discussing the same thing [x, from 25th minute].
He described a scene in the Roadhouse in Dean's heaven, with Sam, many other characters that had appeared in the show over the years, and Cas: "Dean was gonna sidle up next to Cas at the bar, Cas was gonna be there." [video] [transcript] We may never know what was supposed to happen in that last episode, but it's always good to see that Supernatural can still cause a little chaos two years after it ended.
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