#i'll never get tired of spreading to the four winds how loving and caring elvis presley was 🥹
hooked-on-elvis · 4 months
"It was his fans who defined the word 'devotion' and it was Elvis who was propagating the faith." — Alfred Wertheimer about Elvis interactions with his fans in the 50s.
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June 30, 1956: Elvis and Barbara Gray (Elvis' date that day and the girl immortalized in a photograph with him in what would be known as one of Elvis' most iconic and sexy portraits by Alfred Wertheimer, shoot that same day, a portrait known today as 'The Kiss'). On the first picture they were at Jefferson's hotel restaurant, and in the second picture they were with Elvis' cousin, Junior Smith, inside a cab on their way to the Mosque Theatre in Richmond, VA, where Elvis would perform in a few moments. Alfred Wertheimer's recollections of this moment:
"The cab drove up Main Street, drifting through the still heat until it landed at the rear of the Mosque Theatre. I had expected Elvis to march directly up the backstage ramp, — it was only twenty minutes to show time, — but, instead, he laid back and held court with the few young ladies who had gathered, all primly dressed in their Sunday best and ready with their Brownie cameras. For someone who was moving up pretty fast he never seemed to be in a rush. He always had time for the fans. The blond in the black chemise (Barbara Grey, Elvis' date) and Junior stepped aside. "Elvis, can my girlfriend take a picture of you and me?" asked one of the young ladies. "Sure, honey." "Elvis, are you going to sing 'Heartbreak Hotel?'" "Maybe. Are you gonna watch me tomorrow night on television?" "Oh, yes." Elvis was not a celebrity who had some vague love of the people or a star who, with a wave of hands, would acknowledge some generalized gratitude for all who had made this possible. He was specific, giving his attention to each, as the Pope gives a personal audience. It was his fans who defined the word "devotion" and it was Elvis who was propagating the faith. He may not have known what he had but it was clear they knew he had it. I was still trying to find out what "it" was.
Excerpt from "Elvis '56: In The Beginning" by Alfred Wertheimer
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Fans backstage at the Mosque Theatre, Richmond, Virginia - Some with their Brownie Kodak cameras, as mentioned by Mr. Wertheimer. June 30, 1956. © Alfred Wertheimer.
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Elvis onstage at the Mosque Theatre, Richmond, Virginia on June 30, 1956. Photo by © Alfred Wertheimer.
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