#i wonder if we'll be getting other content of them too .. to celebrate the plushies :0
strawglicks · 28 days
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graham plushie is real
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
Alternatives. (Edgar x Reader *AU I guess*)
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Genre: Fluff.
Summary: If plan A doesn't work, there are still 25 letters left.
(Second person point of view)
"I can't believe we're that unlucky!" You groan, watching the heavy rain run down the streets. "First, you had to work late, so we couldn't go out, and now it's raining!"
"I'm sorry." Edgar wraps an arm around you, soothingly rubbing your arm in an attempt to comfort you. "I know it was supposed to be just the two of us celebrating our anniversary, but I was given heaps of work at the last moment."
"It's not your fault." You sigh. It really wasn't; you just couldn't help but feel a little disappointed either way.
A long moment of silence pursued as Edgar stared down at you with guilt. You wanted to assure him that you weren't blaming him for anything, but you didn't have time to do so; he suddenly spoke up. "How about we have our date inside for today? Then tomorrow I can make it up to you."
Your eyes brightened with excitement. "That would be wonderful!" You embrace him tightly, earning a bashful chuckle.
"So, movie night?" He smiles after you let go.
You nod but pause, slumping your shoulders, after a disappointing realization. "We don't have any snacks. Not even popcorn."
"We don't nee-"
"A trip to the supermarket it is, then!" You nod, cutting off his statement and walking off towards your shared closet to pick out an outfit for your late night trip to the supermarket.
"Are we really going to the supermarket at 12 am? In the rain??" Edgar almost pouts. He was probably tired after a long day at work, but he really couldn't say no to that innocent look of excitement on your face.
"My god, it's still pouring!" You shuffle closer to Edgar under the umbrella he was holding for both of you.
"You know it hasn't been longer than 10 minutes since we stopped looking out the window, right? Were you expecting the rain to have stopped?" He laughs in amusement, making you blush lightly.
"Hey, I'm just saying!" You defend, while knowing full well he had a point.
"Sure." He ruffles your hair then begins leading the way to the supermarket, careful not to rush ahead of you and give you a free, unwanted shower in the middle of the street.
As Edgar struggles to close the old umbrella, you marvel at the view in front of you. It's been ages since you've gone to a supermarket at such a late time, so the lack of people and the immense quietness were captivating in a way.
"Look! It says buy two for the price of one!" You tug at Edgar's sleeve, distracting him from reading the contents of some ambiguous canned product.
"Those are just two plastic jugs?" He raises an eyebrow.
"But it's a good offer!" You argue, lifting the colourful containers to his face, as if causing him to cross his eyes by how close the objects are to his face will somehow convince him it's a good deal.
"But we don't need them!" He laughs lightly, pushing them away from his face. "Come on, we haven't even bought the snacks yet; let's go." He places the alien canned food on the shelf and places what you called a wasted good deal on their shelf as well, then proceeds to push the cart towards a different aisle, dragging you along with him to ensure you don't pick up some other good deals.
"Okay, we'll buy popcorn and maybe some other snack, but that's it, okay? No going crazy and buying an entire shipment of some Thai candy you thought looked interesting, okay?" Edgar only notices your disappearance after receiving no response, "(Y/N)? (Y/N), where did you go? Were you even liste- come on." His palm immediately flies to his forehead when he sees you approaching him with a plushie.
"It's so cute!" You hug the small rainbow unicorn closer to you. "It's not even expensive; can I please have it?" You ask, pulling off your best puppy eyes.
Edgar struggles for a few moments before sighing, "Fine."
Letting out an excited mixture of a squeal and a thank you, you run up to your fiancé, placing a quick kiss on his cheek. He embarrassedly touches his cheek, a little startled by the gesture, but it made him momentarily forget about having to pay for the unnecessary toy.
"Now can we go buy the stuff we came here to buy in the first place?" Edgar grabs the cart and pushes it forward while walking, carefully checking the categories written on top of each aisle.
"Here!" You rush in between rows and rows of various types of chips.
"Weren't we buying popcorn?"
You pull two large sized bags of chips and add them to the cart. "If we're having a movie night, we need to do it right!" You lift a fist and display an exaggerated determined expression, receiving a laugh from Edgar as he shakes his head in disbelief.
"I'll leave it up to you then." He seemed to have given up on restricting your choices, and now he's just amused by how many items you can buy apart from what you actually needed to buy.
A few (scratch that; they were certainly more than a few) useless items later, you'd finally gotten the stuff you needed and payed for them.
"Still raining?" Edgar's eyes widen slightly. After all this time, you still can't get used to how adorable that expression is; it was your second favourite expression of his. It looked so innocent and pure, always making your urge to kiss him triple. Alas, you had to keep the desire to yourself for now.
"Yeah, it's strange how it hasn't stopped until now." You muse. You grab the umbrella, since both of Edgar's hands were busy with grocery bags, and attempt to open it.
"Okay, what's wrong with this thing?" Your eyebrows furrow, as you battle with the button on the handle. No matter how hard you push and press, the button wouldn't budge.
Edgar places the grocery bags on the floor. "Let me see?" He takes the umbrella from you and tries to open it himself.
Praying you won't have to swim your way back home, you watch as he fumbles with the ancient umbrella that you honestly don't even remember buying; it seemed to have always just been there.
With a few violent jerks, Edgar opens the umbrella. Or more accurately, Edgar breaks it. The troubled, guilty expression that takes over his features leads you to smile in awe, and as if under some mind control effect, you find yourself automatically pecking his cheek. Your gesture relaxes him, and he smiles at you.
"I guess we'll have to hurry home if we don't want to get too soaked then." Edgar jokes, picking up the grocery bags again after disposing of the now useless umbrella.
"First one home gets to shower first?" Giggling, you take your position, ready to semi-sprint back home. You weren't very fond of the idea of breaking your back bone or something, so you knew you weren't gonna use your full power to run.
"Already too slow!" Edgar sprints past you, sending you into panic mode for a few seconds before you begin running to catch up to the cheater.
"Hey, that's not fair!" You yell, realizing you had no chance of catching up let alone beating him.
Not even looking behind him, Edgar yells back. "You're only saying so because you're losing."
It was true. You'd done that to him so many times that it was only fair for him to take his revenge. But with the rain soaking you and the mud splashing beneath you, you really dreaded not being able to shower first.
"I win." Edgar beams proudly, patting your head once you reach the front door.
Since you were panting, the only response you could give was a glare, which he seemed to find adorable, for he simply chuckled at you and kissed your forehead.
Seeming to be in deep thought, he stares at you for a few moments then places the bags on your porch, away from the rain. He proceeds to take the rest of the plastic bags from your hand and places them next to the ones he'd placed on the porch. Without saying a word, he takes your hand in his and pulls you towards the middle of the empty street.
You let out a little laugh, "Edgar, we're already soaked; what are you-"
Your statement was cut off when he stopped walking, faced you, and gently placed his hands on your cheeks. Eyes shut, he closes the distance between your faces, and you find yourself following his lead. He presses his lips, which were relatively cold, onto yours, but the temperature difference didn't matter, since the gesture was enough to warm your entire body. Your hands grasp at his jacket, yearning for the familiar feeling of your bodies pushed together as one.
The rain wasn't making things easier, and you were sure both of you were to end up with a cold or even a fever, but both of you were already drenched anyway, so you had nothing to lose.
Your eyes flutter open when you both pull away, and you were greeted with the expression you so loved to see. Your favourite expression of his. It was one where his lips were pink and swollen after your shared kiss, one where his cheeks were a deep shade of red, one where he seemed to be blushing but still smug and proud of himself. This was your favourite expression; it was so beautiful to look at. It would've made you kiss him one more time if it weren't for the rain.
"I saw it in a movie, and..well, I wanted to try it, but I always felt bad and didn't want to have you get sick; however, since we're already wet, we might as well try it." He smiles, his gaze shyly escaping yours.
"I loved it." You squeeze his hand in assurance. "But we should get back inside now." Laughing, you both walk back into your house, trying your best not to make it look like a sea monster just broke in and sort of flapped its limps everywhere.
As your deal stated, Edgar got to take a shower first. While waiting, you placed your items in their correct places and prepared a movie.
"Finally!" You cheered when Edgar came out of the bathroom. Steam clearly filled up the space inside, and it lured you inside immediately; you were desperate for the hot water to make up for the cold shower you were forced to have because your umbrella decided to die on you.
The hot shower relaxed the muscles you hadn't realized were so tense. It was a magical feeling; no matter how many times you try it, it never ceases to impress you.
After eventually convincing yourself it was enough, you get out of the shower and dress yourself in some comfy pyjamas.
"Time for the movie!" You announce, walking out of the bathroom, but Edgar was already passed out on the bed, his mouth slightly open- something he only did when he was extremely tired.
Smiling to yourself, you grab the duvet and pull it on top of him and tucking him in. "Good night."
You turn off the large screen in your bedroom and eagerly make your way to your side of the bed. Careful not to disturb his sleep, you slowly slide beneath the cover and shuffle closer to the peacefully sleeping Edgar, basking in the warmth of his body.
Perhaps you didn't get to have your originally planned date, but being by his side would always make you happy. Therefore, anything can count as a good date if you're doing it together. Maybe even sleeping.
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