#i will never forget shinra blabbing on to shiki and the underling he's treating about shizuo's bloody white day fiasco.
shizuostrans · 2 years
Maybe it’s just me, but I noticed that a lot of fics where people describe Shizuo’s job as a debt collector, is that they always seem to leave out the fact that he technically works in the sex-work industry?? Him and Tom collect dept from people who aren’t paying for the call girls they’re hiring. And it’s kinda shown/mentioned in the anime even, it is kind of a small detail though.
*I don’t know how in depth they go into in the novels though since I’ve only been able to read bits and pieces of it
Idk sorry for the ramble, it was just something I noticed a lot in fics
Yeah don't worry my inbox is meant for rambling actually <3
The novels don't get too in depth about it unfortunately. The debt collection agency he's a part of is contracted by different businesses that are involved with the sex industry, but it doesn't go much further than that. The most interesting part about it is that their agency is aware that they're skimming the lines of legality when it comes to how permissible the contracted businesses are (the example given in the novels being sex shops). Which is kinda expected given Japan's... dubious history and laws around sex work.
I'd say it's a missed opportunity but I also don't really trust Narita with treating sex work respectfully lmao.
But you're so right anon! It's something I'd love to see expanded on in fanon content!! We get a lot of Shizuo's disdain for gamblers in fics, but I'd like to see some that delve into what he thinks of debtors who are amassing a treasure trove of porn. Or if there are any debtors that have unsavory debts that lands them in a coma for a year. Or if he's met with any of the businesses/employees the agency's working with himself. Or what he thinks of the sex industry in general given that his job is tied pretty heavily to its operations.
Honestly I'd just really love to see more interaction between Tom and Shizuo (and Vorona depending on the timeline) and the Awakusu-kai. Their agency is directly involved with brothels' businesses often, and the majority of brothels and sex services in Japan are owned and facilitated by yakuza. Shiki mentions briefly that he tells the newer members not to mess with Shizuo, so it implies that they do cross paths. Exploring the connection between the debt collection agency and the Awakusu-kai has a lot of potential and would be a very interesting read!
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