#i swear the god the amount of fucking scam calls i've been getting is fucking annoying
astramachina · 2 years
Very obvious scammer over the phone: Hello is this *insert my old name here*?
Me: Who's asking?
Scammer: This is *says his name* with *bank I'm not affiliated with*. My employee ID is *insert string of numbers* and I work with *says bank name again*. Can you confirm you are this person?
Me: Oh, yeah, this is kind of awkward but I killed her a couple of months ago and stole her phone so you might want to drop this number from your call list.
Scammer: *is silent for twenty seconds*
Me: Also, if you want to pass off as a real employee calling from this specific bank, you gotta give your social security number along with your ID. It's customary in the US.
Scammer: *is silent for another ten seconds before hanging up*
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