#i need to update okaaz and ven's on-site lore now that they're officially together
fang-fr · 5 years
I haven’t talked about Ven (he/him) on here for a while, so I’m going with him for this one!
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Blessed with the colors of the Windsinger, Ven lives in Godling Hollow and serves as the clan’s direct connection to the Wind deity. Or...he’s supposed to. He’d much rather spend his time playing Go Fish! with his friends and darting through the clouds with his boyfriend than meditate. After he noticed the mask Kun made for Mindok (read that story here), he asked her to make one in the likeness of his boyfriend, Okaaz. Ven likes to don the mask whenever he thinks Okaaz is taking things too seriously or is in a sour mood. Okaaz staunchly denies that he finds the mask funny at all, and insists that it’s childish and stupid, but Ven knows what his boyfriend’s face looks like when he’s trying to hide a smile.
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