#i mean with a death glare like her's??? you'd think she's indifferent to everyone. everything.
silentknives · 2 years
which type of protagonist are you?
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jackass with morals
so you say you've got a heart of gold under those layers of crabby sarcasm and natural attractive qualities, sure. but here's the thing--it's not gold, it's warmth, and that's why it's guarded so heavily. you care deeply, even though you might hate it the whole time. you're annoyed with the way things are, and find evil more inconvenient that anything else, mostly because at your core, you don't understand why inflicting pain is appealing. so yeah, you talk and walk like you're soured and spoiled, but really, it doesn't fool anyone.
tagged by: @austerulous (thank you!! <3) tagging: @finnegansson, @rogaire, @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins (any OC of your choosing!), @ofmisthios, @backedagainstthewall​, and anyone else who’d like to do this!​
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