#i may have spoiled myself a bit on FC6's dlc :3c IT WAS WORTH IT! TT0TT Faith-I mean rachel it was worth seeing Rachel smack Joseph klajsf
sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 months
Me: Ok I finished FC5! Now should I do FCND or FC6? .... Me: Let's try FCND. I love Hope County, I want to see the final conclusion, and nature and neon???? My two fav things! What could possibly go wrong? Me, two seconds later, stumbling out of debris: Why is the game play so different???? ;w; I don't understand, was it so hard to just copy the gameplay??? Is this to pad it? I bet it's to pad it. TT0TT M-Maybe I should play FC6, maybe that'll..... Me, three seconds later stumbling out of a hell hole: Where's FCND? I can work with FCND. FCND isn't too bad.
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