#i love that sonadow is an established ''it's complicated''
instead of going to bed at a sensible time last night I started sonic prime and it really fucks severely oh my god
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cynicallyscorned · 8 months
Ship Bias!!
5 ships i'm biased about for my muse! ( accepting. )
and the #1 contender is... shocking nobody,
Sonic X Cynic.
listen. okay. when i first conceptualized cynic, I went in with absolutely no expectations when it came to ships. the goal was just to play a version of sonic that was fun to hate with a warped idea of self image and right and wrong. I was not expecting cynonic (and every variation it can come in) to be one of the main OTPs here. Tbh I didn't even care much for dupe-shipping since part of me thought it was a lil weird, and the other part just had no experience w the concept. enter my friend Jeremy, who came up with an AU sonic on the spot as I was sharing a bit of info about cynic that is basically the polar opposite to his rugged bad boi persona. a couple impromptu improv charming exchanges between them later and I was sold LMFAO. I haven't been the same since. and since then I've developed such a soft spot for the idea of this traumatized lil rat learning to become...okay with himself and who he is and come away from the darkness through Sonic's help. (frankly, sonic being such a strong influence in the other character's life in a positive way has always been one of my favorite things abt his pairings) I've adored every interaction he's had with every sonic! platonic, romantic, sibling like, enemies -- it does not matter to me. it will always fascinate me and I will always get a kick out of writing this guy's complicated and messy feelings abt his alternates because it's always so unique every time.
Shadow X Cynic.
I'LL BE REAL CHIEF. the OG plan was so far away from this pairing. I came up with cynic during a period where sonadow had been a bit soured for me due to bad rp experiences. part of the way I established cynic and his dynamic with his own shadow from his dimension was a little influenced by this fact. WITH THAT SAID - I've been completely sold on the pairing I have going with seiko's shadow (@somewhereinchaos) because it's like a completely different spin on sonadow. at first it just seems like two edgy moody assholes that somehow get along but then the nuance and actual sonadow undertones start coming out as their relationship develops. cynic and shadow are quite similar and they find comradery in their shared grievances with the world - yet at the same time also have strongly different personalities and they manage to strike an unexpected balance of lifting each other up and leaning on one another for support. I love that cynic brings out a soft and emotionally consoling side of seiko's shadow that had nearly been forgotten, while shadow brings out more of the heart and passion that makes cynic A sonic! its so fascinating... their relationship has also made me fall in love with sonadow all over again and I just care them so very much. 🙏
Scourge X Cynic.
You are strongly responsible for this brainrot turning into a full fledged otp because I was not prepared for how much these two would have me in a choke hold HDGLJ. like, I already knew cynic would think scourge is cool, that he'd have a person crush on him. I've said before while describing him that cynic is of a similar concept to scourge if he just never changed his identity. radical differences aside, they both understand what it feels like to be told (indirectly or otherwise) that they are inherently wrong and their version of 'sonic-ing' is bad. but where cynic desperately clings onto his identity as sonic with a struggling grip, scourge cast that life aside and became something bigger. that suggestion is so dangerously tempting to cynic as it is painfully relatable, to embrace your worst side because it's 'all you'll ever be.' BUT BESIDES ALL THAT - it ALSO is in a hilarious yet tragic way, a dark spin on cynonic. scourge has all the personality traits of sonic that pull you in, make you wanna like him, which is.. infectious to cynic. they are doomed by the narrative but you still can't help but go 'aww' when scourge gets cynic to laugh or when they riff off each other in their dumb competitive natures.
Surge x Cynic.
THIS ONE CAME COMPLETELY OUT OF LEFT FIELD FOR ME BUT I AM NORMAL. ok, maybe not normal. I haven't caught up on IDW since reading the first issue for imposter syndrome so there's stuff I'm missing here -- but the bottom line is @synnrrgy's surge has wormed her way into cynic's tiny little brain and he is down bad. they somehow bonded through beating the shit out of each other and sharing that same brash attitude, not to mention their mutual dislike for sonic and feeling the inferiority complex. they are the kind of pairing where one part of the ship is always pushing each other's buttons and vice versa but still can bond over doing dumb and reckless shit. what's more, cynic is hopelessly drawn to dysfunction, and still has that deep seeded ache to help people deep down. the situation surge is in with starline aches my HEART because it seriously brings out the desperation cynic has to protect the ppl he cares about, making him pull a complete 180 to the closed off and aloof demeanor he usually has. and the memory loss.. augh. I love me a good angsty antag pair that motivates one part of ship to try to be the 'hero'
Blaze x Cynic.
THIS ONE.. KINDA JUST HAPPENED and it's not exactly the setting you'd expect either. in the TBC au ive mentioned dozens of times on this blog, cynic who is a misunderstood outcast at school develops a crush on @warraigoe 's blaze, and due to tragic circumstances leads to them both being put in a position where they have to sorta set aside any growing feelings so they can prioritize 'leading' the one standing force against CHORUS tech. blaze is both cynic's rock and also someone he trusts to watch his back, but she is also nearing dangerously close to hosting age (essentially when a teenager comes of age and falls victim to the brainwashing hive mind psychic force known as the Song. it's like an invisible illness that comes for almost everyone at some point in this verse) and so cynic is deeply afraid of losing her too. it's another very doomed by the narrative pairing and it's their softer moments with each other that just makes all the upsetting things that end up happening to them hit even harder. in another life they are happier and able to maybe get a chance to actually enjoy each other's time without the threat of inescapable doom bearing down on them...
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