#i literally have only ever married him in allllll of my files
disappearinginq · 4 years
Magnum wasn't exactly chill about it lol! "Six months? Hell no, marry me!" But honestly? I wonder if it isn't insecurity on her part. We know how much she cares for these men, how important her life on Oahu is to her. It's entirely possible she's afraid that after 6 months (or even longer) there won't be a place for her with these men anymore. I'm not sure she's ever had friends like the guys before. We've seen her kill for Magnum, we've she's willing to die for him, but she genuinely might
(2/2) Be thinking that, after half a year, they'll have moved on. They wont need her anymore and she'll be back on the outside of their family circle and might not ever find her way back in. Especially if she's still not sure whether she's as important to them as they are to her. T.C. might well have agreed to step up just for Magnum's sake, after all. She wasn't there when he said he was doing it for her. She could be genuinely terrified that she'll lose everything and everyone if she leaves
See, I can get that, but it doesn’t really go with her visa issue of not re-filing ahead of time? If it was so important to her, why would she wait until literally the last second? 
And yeah, Magnum’s reaction to it is also, sorry, but kinda dumb. Dude, you’ll be fine. It’s six months. She’ll be fine. It’s six months. And part of that is okay, yeah, fine, you could drift a part, but your other option is you are still forced apart by federal prison walls for 5-10 years for committing a major crime. And most of my issue with it is that it SO against her character. I don’t particularly like her, but they’ve pretty firmly established that she’s a stickler for rules. Maybe she had OCD, maybe she’s just a neatnik, who knows, but for her to suddenly go (in the same episode) from “breaking the law is wrong, no matter the reason, admit your fault and take the punishment” to “fine, fake marriage it is!” doesn’t make a lot of sense for her either. If she’s willing to do allllll of what you mentioned for Thomas, it just comes out of left field to be onboard with breaking such a major law, and really blatantly. I like the dynamic of Magnum is the Master of Winging It - he just moves on instinct and it 99% of the time works out really well for him, and then Higgins being the realist of “hooooooooold up there, cowboy, reality check”, and it’s like the writer’s forgot that these characters aren’t complete idiots. Between the two of them, they’re going to know that 1) getting married 4 days before a deportation date on an already overstayed visa is going to not only be hella suspicious, but it wouldn’t actually keep her here and 2) EVERYONE they involve is going to be charged with aiding and abetting, and neither of them are the type to drag other people into problems like that. Now it’s not just them, it’s Moto, it’s Kumu, it’s Rick and TC, it’s even Jin and Kamekona. 
Also, I don’t know if this is an issue in the UK, but even if you’re married, you don’t automatically get to stay here. My aunt got deported to Mexico even though she was legally married to my uncle for more than a year before he got out of the service and was headed back to California, and she could not legally stay in the US and file for citizenship/green card. And she was stuck in Mexico for...18 months? And even after they approved her (through...ahem...shady legal practices), they were on INS’s radar for the next ten years, ‘just in case’. 
Ugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....I just...wtf, writers. Make half as much effort as fanfic writers and at least take characterization and fallout into account. 
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blog101398 · 7 years
Yesterday and this past week have been the hardest. Yesterday was Nick's funeral and honestly I hated it. I didn't think I would be hit so hard with all of those emotions. Sitting there and thinking what if this was my mom, sister, brother, Anthony, or even my fiends. I just couldn't handle it and I lost it in that gym. Seeing all of my cousins and family that I see maybe once a year if that was really nice but I couldn't handle all the hugs and crying. It was so much and I tried so hard to keep it in. I bit down on my teeth and tried to 'swallow' it down (( it being me crying )). My aunt Debbie came up to me and just kept hugging me and telling how I was such a great kid and that I never need to forget that and that I always need to remember that everyone is here for me. She kept repeating that over and over and I don't know why but I cried then and I don't know why. When I got home all I wanted to do was hug Anthony and not let go. Anthony this week got really annoyed with me and it was understandable. I wasn't being myself. I didn't have an issue with him going out and being with friends. I was glad he was FINALLY getting a break from his studies. Even if it was just for a couple hours. I know he probably doesn't believe me when I tell him that but I didn't have an issue. I know I went on here and ranted really quick because I was "worried" but in all honesty I wasn't. I do trust him and I don't worry about him leaving or doing something I wouldn't approve of. I don't worry about anything honestly. Minus his blood work but I feel like that's a reasonable excuse for me to be worried? Everything with that is turning out good though so I'm not as worried as I was before. I was pissed about Amber and pissed about my Dad and then he told me he was going to a drag show so I was pissed something like South Beach was going to happen so I went on here to rant and get it out of my head and after the fact I was fine with him going out but I was still pissed. You took it out on him and Liz. Liz got pissed at you for doing that and so did Anthony. (( also watching finding dori didn't help with your pissedness - not a real word but whatever - so don't do that next time you're pissed )) Amber is a totally different person now. I don't see her and I being close friends like we were but I would still like to be Friends in a way. Having everyone over here Friday night made me so happy. I loved hearing everyone's voices in my house again and to be honest I miss that so much. I'm also really glad Amber AND Luke got to ride in the truck with us. I got to talk to Amber and Luke and I found out a lot about them. I haven't talked to Amber like that in foreverrrrr. I say I don't care and just go with it and I do because Amber and I aren't that close anymore. That doesn't mean I don't care though. I miss her a lot honestly but I don't ever see ourselves being as close as we were and that's okay with me. Today is Super-Bowl Sunday and it marks (( insert amount of years it's been )) since my mom filed for divorce and our lives changed for the better. Looking back I would have never pictured myself being where I am today. I'm happy. I feel safe. I feel protected. I feel like a new, and better, me. I wish he would get on his child support and medical bill stuff so it wouldn't stress my mom out. I hate seeing her struggle and stress about something that can be avoided. Gay bars give me so many weird vibes. I want to go to one but at the same time I don't want to go to one but I want to go to one more than I don't want to go to one. I think I would have a lot of fun, nervous at first because it would be something new I'm experiencing, but I think it would be a really good time. I want to go to one on spring break but I will check with Anthony and see what he thinks. I'm so confusing on this which is why I want to go to one so I can know for sure exactly how I feel. You need to work on so much. 1) you need to stop being so hardheaded. Yes joking is okay but stop doing it literally 2) you also need to work on your jealously. Literally chill the fuck out. 3) you need to work on the subject of alcohol more. You have taken some BIG steps so I give you credit for that but continue. Don't stop. 4) don't forget scholarships. Those are important. 5) start sharing and asking more things. Share your feelings with Anthony and ask things. IT'S OKAY TO BE WRONG. 6) make sure Anthony is okay. Just check on him every now and then. You know he's stressed a lot with school so just check. I don't want Anthony to think I don't trust him or don't believe him or that I worry because all of which is not true. I don't worry (( only on reasonable things like his blood work )), I do trust him, and I do believe him when he tells me things. I HATED how annoyed he was and how short he was. I just didn't like that side of him at all. I'm not mad at him or upset because I can see his side and why he was like that. He had every right to be like that. Gus is such a damn hassle, like fuck. That dog doesn't listen for shit but I still love him though. A&M... just tell me yes or no already 😫😩 Other than allllll of that.. life is great. You have your family, friends, and most importantly Anthony. He's so great to you AND others around you. I love him so fucking much and just want to hold him and squeeze him tight. I can't wait until next year. I'm ready for that next chapter of our life together. It's a long way off but I do see myself marrying him one day and honestly that makes me so happy. I see us with a house and eventually kids. I just see my future with him and I really hope he feels the same. Also please work on your chicken wings and chicken legs and flat non sweet pancake butt. It's embarrassing. @4:11pm
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