#i like to think ted says “barbecue sauce” when he's just in shock too
my-soupy-brain · 1 year
Going shopping for clothes with ted... trying on some lingerie and pulling him into the changing room. He can’t help but admire your figure. Puts his warm hands on your waist like, “darlin’, you look amazin’”
OOOOOF! This is a sexy situation. He wouldn't know what to do with himself, and that makes it even better. Let's gooooo!
WARNING: Light smut and teasing ahead...
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader (f)
You tugged Ted's arm into the department store to go shopping. Really, you didn't have to tug at all. Ted loved going shopping with you. He had an eye for your style, and always found something that you ended up bringing home.
But as you wandered into the intimates department, his cheeks blushed and he smiled brightly at you.
"So, ah, darlin', what are we doin' here?" he asked playfully, holding your hand as you wound your way through the racks.
"Shopping for something special," you tease, darting off to the more intricate and sexy lingerie.
Ted admires the soft fabrics and romantic lace around him, his brain flitting to images of what you might look like in one of these things. But equally attracted to you when you're in your sleep shorts and one of his Richmond t-shirts.
Your eyes brighten at a red satin number - a corset bodice covered in black lace, with garter belts and a push-up top. You wink at Ted as you pop into a fitting room.
"Where'd ya go, sugar?" Ted asks, his cheeks breaking into a big smile, knowing full well you're trying on that saucy little number.
"I'm in here, but I didn't realize this thing had a ribbon in the back, I may need your help, Teddy..." you tease. Ted blushes, looking around to see if anyone may see him in the fitting room. He knocks twice gently on the door before you open it. And my God, what a sight you are to him. "Barbecue sauce," he murmurs, mouth agape as he takes you in.
Your hair is down, a little fluffed out from taking off your clothes, and your body is the picture of sexiness and elegance... "Can you tie me up in back?" you ask, turning around, your butt rounded out under the hem.
Ted nods, his mouth agape, as he steps in and closes the door. His fingers fumble with the ribbon a bit before tying it into a bow, his big, warm hands settling on your hips as he leans into your ear.
"My God, darlin', you look amazing," he whispers, his lips kissing the soft skin below your ear. "Absolutely delicious."
You tilt your head to the side, giving him more room to worship your neck as his hands trail up and down the lace. You can feel how excited he is behind you. He works his way up your chest, feeling your breasts as they spill over the top. "So, Coach...is this a winner? What do you think?" you tease, stifling a moan by biting your bottom lip.
He spins you around and pushes you up against the wall of the fitting room lightly, his hands traveling in a frenzy to touch every detail of the lingerie, of your curves...
"Oh, I think it's a winner alright," he jokes, kissing your lips, sliding his tongue against yours. His greedy hands can't stop touching and grabbing, his length hard behind his khakis.
"God, Ted, this is so sexy," you murmur, his lips again trailing down your jaw, to your neck and collarbone. He groans in pleasure in response, "Mmm-hmmm...."
You both jump apart, eyes wide and laugh bubbling up in your chest.
"Hi there, I'm Judy! Do you need any help with anything? Additional styles or sizes you'd like to try?" the perky voice outside the door asks.
"N-no, I think I'm all set. Thank you, Judy!" you answer, your hand over Ted's mouth before he bursts out laughing.
"Alrighty, well holler if you need anything."
As you hear Judy's heels retreat you kiss Ted's lips again. "Let's wrap this puppy up and get it home," he says lowly against your ear. "I'm not done with you."
TA-DA! Hope you enjoyed it. I've thought about this scenario a lot. Because Ted would absolutely be flustered to be in there, and then turned on like a Christmas tree the moment you closed the door.
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