#i like them qp best bc to me bart is so aroace. but they're a very very affectionate qp and they mean so much to each other aughgh
mamawasatesttube · 10 months
bart tearing apart the multiverse for kon drives me crazy i don’t know how to put it into words. they’re so precious to each other
THEY ARE SO PRECIOUS TO EACH OTHER!!!!! WAUUUGGHGHHGH if rebirth has done Anything right by kon, it's the yj19 konbart hug + the issue talking about their parallels. they love each other so much hrnhgh i still haven't forgiven final crisis for having their reunion be so soulless either, like auughhgh there is no way bart didn't latch onto him and cry his heart out. like come on. genuinely they get me so bad i want them to hug and cause mischief and bicker relentlessly and cuddle while they're doing it. konbart my absolute beloveds aaaaa
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
Since someone has to: timkon for the ask game? And while we’re at it, how about bartkon (in the qpp sense)?
HAHAHJSDHK it's really hard to guess what i'll say on these ones, isn't it??? gee what a toughie!!!
timkon first!!!
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
man. this shit, bro
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2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
as ever i am NOT immune to best friends to lovers. also, absolutely love the way they balance each other - tim the strategist, kon the improviser. they bring out the best in each other in a lot of ways. also they're just funny and i love them 🥺
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
the timkon tag is a horrible place where every tim is some weird pathetic drippy guy who needs to go into a clothes dryer on high for four hours and every kon is a stupid cardboard cutout with no personality made to just play the role of boyfriend (bonus: for him to just exist to get intimidated by the batfam). it is a dark land where hope is lost. it is the land of mordor, where the shadows lie. every single time i go in there i regret it immediately
AND NOW KONBART!! (FRANKLY i ship it both qp and romo. like, my first choice is qp bc my bart is hc very aroace but i DO also like them romo. they're just sooo <3 i love them.)
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
THEIR PARALLELS... their shenanigans... like they both have the "no childhood" thing going for him, both have been nonconsensually cloned and the clone wants to kill them, both have a huge disconnect from others and often feel out of place... and also they're both so fucking stupid and funny when you put them in the same room.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
they have the RANGE!!!!!!! from the stupidest hijinks possible (yj98 sushi scene) to genuine raw emotional depth (i know yj19 was a mess but it did them RIGHT w the issue where bart fainted into kon's arms god fucking bless). bc they have so many heartbreaking things in common but again they are just both so upbeat and silly and lighthearted as people most of the time!!! it compels me.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i have an opinion on their unpopularity, that's for sure. they should be MORE POPULAR they are SO FUN !!!!!!!
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