#i know she won't be upset if my house isn't ready but still 😭
choking-on-roses · 4 months
Boss: When's your last day again?
Me: March 1st.
Boss: Oh. I have you down until March 5th :/
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anonil88 · 2 years
Euphoria Season 2 Finale live blog:
I am not fucking ready. This little preview before episode has my heartbeat racing.
🎭Spoilers below as always🍿
Oh Fez. "I saved the best seat in the house for you." 😭
Fuck you custard. Faye is a real fucking one, let's go Faye let's fucking go. She's sober and safe with Fez and Ash.
Ashtray said fuck that noise. God dammit Ash. Now Fez definitely going to prison for Ash's fastness. God dammit.
Aw Fez and Lexi really had dreams and an honest friendship/relationship. I'm very upset that this all went to hell, also look at Angus finally getting some lines.
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Fuck man I'm so mad at Ash like I get it but I am also upset like he's so rash.
Rue said: what the fuck is Cassie on.
Suze said shit is about to hit the fan.
This is bad. Oh fuck Cassie is about to drag her sister and tarnish everything entirely. Yea Cassie is broken.
This is not the play, oh thank God Suze is trying to difuse the situation and there's no way she can.
Cassie is right but also wrong because Lexi has trauma too. Not her getting sexualized while being a damn mess.
Maddy is like bitch let's fight bitch.
Lexi you did not put the carousel into the play.
Yoooo Maddy get her ass. Kat said girl chill, not BB with her vape hyping this shit up.
Suze really stayed diffusing this situation until the very end. That's a mess.
Ah sober Rue talking to Elliot should be interesting. I wonder what he will or won't tell her about that night. But it is wild that they are both so chill and understanding with eachother still.
Oh we're getting a Dominic Fike track okay then.....he's serenading her. I dont want it to be romantic but if they both stayed sober they might stay long long friends. Idk though but her does like likes her though. Rue and Jules are definitely going to need some time to talk like really talk and converse though. I just im quite confused by what's happening in this boys bedroom right now. He will be back for season 3 though possibly so we will see. That scene was too damn long like I dont really care about his album but I'm glad he's having his moment.
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Omg someone finally chose truth.
Yea the play isn't over yet and life ain't over either. Time to see this final act through, which I'm really excited to see.
Aw Rue is such a good ass friend.
"Giddy Up." Come through with the one liners Bobbi. Lexi being honest and giving a tribute to Fez gives me chills. Fez gonna do everything to try to give Ashtray a life.
Yea the feds are here.
Wtf are you doing ash? THIS IS NOT A MOVIE ASH, YOU'RE GOING TO GET BOTH OF YALL KILLED. He put them both at risk entirely.
Is nate going to try to kill his dad? That sure would be stupid on his end. Nate is so tall compared to his dad but also if he does this in front of all these people he's so stupid.
Yea that is exactly what you learned from your dad, how to be violent. Its kind of like the play these people don't know what is happening and Cal and Nate do.
Nate is about to spill the beans, ugh not the dream. You're trying to protect your dad but he never asked for your protection. Not Nate looking like a sad child finally receiving love. Revenge solves absolutely nothing Nate unless you called the cops. He did it. Omg Nate finally did something right for once in his life, good for him. Maybe he will be a better person after this.
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My question is what are they arresting him for? Also not Nate backing out of the room just like when he was a little kid.
ASH STOP. The bullet that hit Fez was Ash's not the cops. If Fez dies it will be Ash's fault not the cops.
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You shot a cop cold blooded, Fez can't save you no more.
Rue's eulogy is so so sad and I think...yep Lexi put it into her play. Aw Rue sweetheart. Her dad and Rue mirror eachother.
All of them at 15/16 had an awful ass year. 8th grade is ass.
I hear that Labrinth song in the back.
This isn't even a eulogy this is just pain and trauma.
Fez is going to go to jail as a different man than he was.
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Aw Rue, yea ms girl sit with those feelings. Sober Rue looks good and healthy.
I'm glad these two, Lexi and Rue, get to reconcil their friendship. They both kind of need to because their mutual closest friend was taken by the police.
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Really loving how Lexi ended this play. Rue needs her friends, but also Suze thats not the time for a photo.
Rue needs a healthy coping mechanism also idk if Lexi should be a pillar of mental health. Cause that was partly healthy but also not because her sister absolutely hates her. Rue needs to learn how to talk and be honest.
Loosing a parent both through abandonment and death is fucking hard. You absolutely cannot hold on to the anger stage of grief or let it paralyze you because it will.
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This is a good step in the right direction Rue, really really good.
Oh? This is the play? Wait but she talks about the play after....I'm so confused.
Cassie's face is fucked and all Maddy has is a scratch. Some people honestly go through this, fight, and reconcile. But, Cassie you should not be excited for that.
I'm highkey worried for what is about to happen between Rue and Jules right now but also I think the two of them talking is good. But also Jules love is great but you gotta apologize, love is not enough and doesn't take the place of saying I'm sorry. Cassie and Jules both need to work on the issues Rue said I love you but I'm not ready.
You were too high for most of it unfortunately.
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So we're definitely seeing them in their senior year for season 3. I'm entirely okay with that because I don't want nor do I think they can push a fourth without a co writer. Not a producer co writing or reading scripts. But someone sitting down and saying let me help you write this and develop the script with him.
Ayy zendaya singing love that but also I kind of prefer the original version. Rue said I was sober not by my own volition though and I don't know who I was high which is sad but honest.
Thoughts: Not a bad finale but the pacing issues do persist. And persist they do. If I rate it ill give it a 7.5 to 8 leaning to 7.5 whereas season 1 finale was a 9.5. I'm going to sit with this one and really write out my thoughts and review. It will be in a separate thing from my full season review or maybe not but I'm hmmm. I believe some things were cut though. What I will say is I relate oh so much to Rue in a lot of ways as I do many of the characters and I really do love them all. Even with their messy ass actions. I yea imma have to sit on this one cause I have thoughts but I need to really formulate them. I need some answers in season 3.
(A message to my bestfriend I watch with: There's 0 closure for Maddy, Nate, or Cassie and they are all seniors. So Rue is going to tell us she stayed sober and thats it but we don't know what happened. They could fill us in in the season 3 opener but like wtf. We also said the math ain't mathing.)
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