#i kind of rambled omg don't worry about matching. i just could not stop.
italeean · 10 months
congrats on 350 followers!<333
for the match-up even: (god I love these things hehe)
brief description: I like to draw and play videogames, love dark colors and the grunge aesthetic, I like to surround myself with people that are chill and non-judgmental, people who aren't boring and that are just kind haha, in terms of food I'm a big lover of meat and sweets -w-
I'm a lee leaning switch!
fandom: genshin impact ofccc
romantic relationship please 👉👈
I'd prefer male for gender to be matched up with:3
thanks in advance <333
SINNY-CHANNN OMG HIII 🥹🩷 I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE YOUR REQUEST IN MY ASK BOX!!! I must tell you, the character I matched you up with came to my mind almost effortlessly... idk why but I just thought "HIM." Period. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your match-up!! ❤️🍡 *some dango for you to eat while reading my little work*
🔮 For this event, I match you up with... ITTO
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
• Itto is the least judgmental person who ever walked on this planet • He's not the smartest, but he takes care of others in his own way (thinking about how he made everyone stop fighting during the Chasm quest) • Itto is a little (well... big actually) ball of sunshine, but his clothes are pretty dark... I have a feeling that you might like his style • I can see you tracing all his red lines just to find out if they're ticklish (spoiler: they are) • BUT... our favorite oni won't let it slide... prepare yourself to get wrecked, my dear • I think Itto is one of those people who get worried sick after they're done tickling the life out of you and become an anxious and agitated mess, which is fun to see, considering how careful he is to never overstep your boundaries • Like... you're fine but he's going around like Taz from Looney Tunes and bring you water, sweets and everything that might make you comfy • He would LOVE to play any kind of games with you... and he'd actually be a good match (unless you're playing trivia or strategy games) • He would shower you with food and then he'd eat together with you!! He'd take you around through the various festivals in Inazuma to make you try the best delicacies from the best stands • He'd introduce you to the gang as "the vice boss"... and everyone would call you that, except Shinobu. She'd quickly make friends with you and give you tips about how to survive in uni • Big tickle fights with the whole gang!! Although Itto would always be on your side hehe... you're his beloved after all • Dates with him would be romantic in their own way... nothing excessively sweet, but he'd do his best to make you feel loved and appreciated 24/7 (unless it's your anniversary... in that occasion he'll go all out with something so flashy that you almost die from embarrassment)
🔮 Tickle scenario "Oh and this is also good... and then we should go there! And we can't miss that ramen stand!" You barely managed to keep up with Itto's pace as he dragged you to every stand that was at the Irodori Festival.
You had already tasted soba, unagi chazuke, a portion of a so-called invigorating kitty meal, onigiri, katsu sandwich, an egg roll and an egg roll sushi and even some udon, and even though they were all small portions to just let you have a taste of everything, you were starting to feel quite full already. The problem was that Itto wasn't showing any sign of satiety yet!
"Itto, baby... don't you think we've already eaten enough..?" You tried to question him, but he just started rambling (loudly) about how you needed to try everything to enjoy the experience to the fullest. It was endearing to you how hyper he could get about the simplest things... and he had even managed to behave for a week just for you, to not ruin your festival experience! You really couldn't say no to him...
This is how you ended up lying down on the grass near the Statue of the Seven in Ritou, with your bellies about to burst but also with the widest smiles ever. "Did you have fun, Luv?" The oni asked you while staring into your happy eyes. "Yes... the food was amazing! And I loved the atmosphere, thank you" You replied enthusiastically, tired but ecstatic.
"Hell yeah! Even Kujou Sara was surprised by how nice I was behaving... maybe she'd become nicer if she found someone... not you, though! You're all mine~" He planted a big kiss on your cheek to emphasize his point. "Hush..." you manage to say as you felt your face getting a little hotter.
Even if he wasn't the smartest cookie around, Itto was extremely observant with you, and even in the weak light of the early evening he managed to notice the light shade of red invading your face.
"Huh? Are you getting hot? Is it too humid? Are you running a fever?" Well... he was observant, but he didn't exactly have Heizou's detective skills. "Drink this! It's refreshing and you'll feel better!" He shoved a bottle of dango milk in your hands and watched you expectantly as he waited for you to drink it.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked with such worried eyes that it flustered you even more. "Y-yeah... it was nothing, really..." You managed to stutter, but what you didn't expect was Itto connecting the dots.
"Wait! You were just flustered!!!"
He yelled it so loud that you tried to cover his mouth with your hands. "Hush..! Even Lady Guuji will hear you if you keep yelling like this..!" You whisper-yelled, but the oni had a smile even wider than before and a playful glint in his eyes... and you should've noticed.
"Aweee I have the cutest partner in the world!! Come here you!!" He quickly sat up and pulled you on his lap, and before you had the time to defend yourself or protest, five fingers found your tummy and started scribbling on it. "Awe... your giggles are so cute, Sinny~" He cooed while listening to your sweet laughter.
"Nahahahahehehe pfft- Ihihitto wahahait pleahahaseee..!" You squirmed in his lap, but he was too strong for you to get away. "Nope, no waiting. Now I wanna hear you laugh!" None of you two knew why, but your blushy face brought out Itto's playful side, and now there you were, squirming in his lap while he poked your tummy all over.
"Nohohohohooo" You squealed while kicking your feet in the air as if it could help you in any way. "Yehehehes!!" Your boyfriend mocked you without relenting even for a second. "Come on... you know how much I love your laughter, and take this as a revenge for this morning!"
Thinking about it, you shouldn't have tickled him awake that morning...
Knowing it was almost time to stop, the oni decided it was time for the grand finale and lifted up one of your arms while his free hand went to town on your now exposed armpit. "KYAHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAT TEHEHEHEHEHE NOHOHOHOOOO" You yelled while laughing your head off.
Itto listened to your little howls (and even a couple of tiny snorts) and cherished every second of that moment, but he knew it was time to stop, which he immediately did and let you recover.
"So, did you have fun? It was quite the conclusion for our date, huh?" He asked you while smirking smugly. "Well..." You hesitated a little, because you wanted to act tough but you also didn't wanna lie to him, "well... I surely laughed a lot..." you mumbled. "Oh sure you did..." the white-haired guy chuckled knowingly as you let out a yawn.
"Ohoho... someone's getting tired after all that running around, eating and tickling hahaha" He said before getting up, and before you could do the same, you felt two strong arms wrap around you, one on your back and one under your knees.
"Aaand up you go!" The oni cheered while lifting you up as if you were a tiny feather and carrying you bridal style. "Come on, let's go home."
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embrassemoi · 3 years
(1/8) *inhales* *starts screaming like a howler* IT'S HAPPENING OH MY GOD IT'S HAPPENING! Honestly, you have no idea after how many times I checked tumblr after your sbtmas update post. I don't even know where to begin. Probably I should start with moony, right! When he took her flying and asked her to let go of her hands, it kind of reminded me of *that* scene from titanic but with stars and actual flying (sorry jack dawson but remus lupin is and always will be superior). It was just so, so
*inhales too and starts screaming back* HOLY - IT'S HAPPENING! AHHHHHH! REMUSSSSS! AHHHHHHHH - KEEP CALM !!!!!
Ah! now that you mention it, it also reminds me of that 'I'm flying' from titanic!
(2/8) beautiful. I cannot even begin listing everything I loved about that scene or else I would have to copy and paste the entire thing here. "But now, watching her glow, it dawned on Remus that he was holding the golden beam that threatened to paint the midnight sky gold." I mean- I probably read this three times because *screaming* HE'S IN LOVE, YOUR HONOR!!! Also I love, love, love the sun, moon and stars being used to represent mc, remus and sirius. It's kind of interesting sun is actually
I WANT YOU TO KNOW I WAS 100% SCREAMING WHILE WRITING THAT ENTIRE SCENE LMFAO! I'm glad you liked it! It was definitely *so far* one of my favourite scenes to write
(3/8) a star so they are similar and belong together, but also the moon and sun are kind of opposites and opposites attract and complete each other. So both sirius and remus are good matches for her but have very diffrent dynamics... I don't know, I am probably overthinking again. But I just don't know who to ship her with at this point. And I don't think you are going to fast with their relationship, their relationship progressed so naturally and beautifully, especially since the beginning
Well when I was in the planning stages of figuring out what I wanted to really add in this fic, one of the first things that came to mind was taking advantage of the moon and star metaphors. it makes things so much more romantic / angsty and plus - they're there. what am I supposed to do - not use the absolute gold I have at my finger tips? (see what I did there)
and no! I always encourage predictions being made. some of my readers have been scarily accurate and it scares the fuck outta me but they're hilarious to read! Like I had one clever reader send in a prediction of what was going to happen and my jaw dropped. Spot on!
also for the MC and remus' relationship progressing - I had to cut out so m u c h because it really was too rushed. But don't worry, it'll be moved to other upcoming chapters!
(4/8) of the sixth year. Okay, I know this chapter was remus' time to shine but can we talk about sirius for a minute? The way he looked at with so much vulnerability in front of everyone. Couple of chapters ago he didn't even cast a spell at her during their duel and bowed in front of her. Considering how romantic feelings are foreign to him, it's crazy to see how much he grown to care for her in a short amount of time. I can't help but love their chemisty, even after everything that happend.
SIRIUS! darling... I feel awful. I can't wait to write his POV of how he's feeling sometime in the near future.
yeah, I was also trying to go for the intense guilt he feels about everything so :p I love torturing characters, don’t I?
(5/8) And there were so many little things in this chapter that made me so happy. McLaggen already started causing drama and I'm so here for it. Sybill celebrating her birthday. Matthew being the best friend ever (When gaplin family owl arrived, i though something happend to him and I was terrified). Lily finally talking to mc again! Regulus' extravagant gift! But being dramatic must be a Black family thing. I can't belive he got her a ring that practically screams "the noble and most ancient
McLaggen - stirring the pot. sly mother fucker haha!
Matthew made a little cameo! I love writing him :D!!!! I have a few things in store for his arch and ughhhh ahahahahah. and omg! no! If I was going to hurt Matthew, I wouldn't do It this early. (That sounds like a threat haha)
(6/8) house of black" while hiding their friendship. Somebody bound to connect the dots (sirius maybe?), right? And he's with his parents for "an event"? Very suspicious. P.S. Bc I'm not creative with names (like remus' parents) I was calling the bunny furry little problem the second or moony jr. in my head. And as for name... flopsy could be cute. I know it's very stereotypical but there was a children's book called "the tale of flopsy bunnies" and I feel like remus might have been familiar
Lmfao fucking Regulus - or really the black family - always one for the dramatic. I can't wait to *eventually* write more of dramatic ass Sirius.
I've also been referring to the bunny as 'furry little problem' in my head haha!
(7/8) with muggle children's books because of his mother and idk, naming a pet after a book character feels like something he would do. Also floppy and flops were some of the nicknames james used to call mc, so it could be cute (But owl bait is also a brilliant name as well). P.P.S. Can we talk about how after mc comes to his dorm for the "bunny time" (very cute btw) remus said something like "i feel like you're using me for my pet" and in one of the previous chapters mc told him he was using
- also I'm surprised you remember that part about James calling her 'Flops' ETC considering I only mentioned it briefly. Wow! And you're absolutely right, it would be such a cute call back to the MC!
I'm going to be running a 'poll' (idk if I should call it that) sometime within the next few days of a list of name suggestions I've gotten and let readers choose the name! and I'll totally add your suggestion to the list. love it!
(8/8) her for the casette player. I don't know if it was intentional but for some reason that made me laugh so hard. And seems like I talked way too much again thank you for this chapter and thank you for listening/reading my ramblings, I guess. *screaming stops* *howler rips itself into pieces* -🌸
It was intentional! I'm glad you caught on!
and thank you for rambling, as always I loved reading it! Made my week :D xx I wish you a wonderful day/evening 😊
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