#i just wanna see pete be the REASON vegas goes SPIRALLING and UNRAVELS i want pete to fucking GET UNDER VEGAS' SKIN SO BAD SO SO SOOO BADLY
taikanyohou · 2 years
like yes we're all talking about how pete reacted to vegas torturing that guy and him not flinching or blinking or turning away but rather staring vegas right in the eye and what pete must have felt then wrt how twisted vegas actually can be.
but. oh god. i wanna know exactly what that did to vegas. what was going through him then. bc he MUST have noticed it. when he saw the rest of the bodyguards being unable to stomach it and yet. there's pete. and pete only. being the only one with the courage to meet his gaze and face him throughout the whole thing. vegas will have that etched and ingrained in his memory.
and. as if vegas isnt going to remember that moment and not bring it up in some way later on again and mention it to pete when vegas has him right where he wants him.
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