#i hope this means she won't instantly get p.lastered xD
honorhearted · 3 months
Kiara was exhausted; she'd spent yet another day, secretly healing as many men as Benjamin could send her way. Despite the numerous sugary foods he encouraged her to eat, she was using her powers too much - it wasn't sustainable. And yet, instead of being happily passed out in her bed, she stood in the doorway of the party, silently debating whether to turn around and leave. This was most certainly not her usual company, and she knew she had only been invited because they'd noticed how much more time she and Benjamin had been spending together. She was sure they assumed he was courting her, but as long as that was all they were suspicious of...
Just as she was about to leave, she met Benjamin's gaze from across the room and with a faint smile she stepped towards him. It made a nice change to wear something other than her bloodied nurse's uniform, she supposed.
"Major Tallmadge," she greeted him, before standing on her tiptoes and wrapping the red ribbon lightly around his neck. "I think that means you're not allowed to abandon me here."
Tie a red ribbon around my muse’s neck to claim them as your V.alentine. / @apurekindness
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The old f.armhouse was awash in warmth and laughter -- so much so, that Benjamin almost felt a little too warm as he remained tucked in the farthermost corner of the room, a cup of ale in hand and a faint smile upon his mouth. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy parties, per se, but he had so many duties to attend to that he was growing more and more discomfited by the second. Shouldn't the time for celebration be after the w.ar was won?
At the pianoforte, a rousing rendition of "The K.ing's Own R.egulars" started up in loud, discordant syncopation, and unable to help it, Benjamin grinned before glancing toward the entryway. That was when he saw her...Kiara, wide-eyed and a bit out of place amidst all the o.fficers' wives and guests. Blinking in surprise, he set his drink upon the mantelpiece and moved to intercept her.
"Has something happened?" Benjamin asked, his voice hushed and tinged with urgency.
Kiara, however, remained warmly sweet-faced as she rose on tiptoe and wrapped the long, scarlet ribbon around his throat. At the start of the gathering, the group had created a game -- a silly one, at that -- where womenfolk claimed their beau for the evening by tying a token around their throats. The implications could be romantic or otherwise, and blinking down at her in visible bafflement, Benjamin wasn't certain which Kiara intended.
"I think that means you're not allowed to abandon me here," she said, straightening the ribbon.
"Uh..." With a self-conscious little laugh, he agreed, "It is a bit unnerving, isn't it? All these strangers... And yet, w.ar has made family of us all." Expression softening, however slight, Benjamin glanced toward the singing s.oldiers before looking Kiara's way and holding out a hand. "Would you care to join me for a drink?"
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