#i haven't reread it in ages but from what i remember it wasn't too bad
heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Jack in the box (Old)
Male Yandere x G.N Reader
An: was going through my email and found this old fic from my first blog [naga-nerd] I haven't reread it, but I remember the general idea and its one I may rewrite in the future. Hope you enjoy if it's as descent as I remember.
"H-hey Y/n.. Wanna use it?" You turn to look at the person that use walked up to you, small box in his shaking hands. He holds it out a little more, looking away embarrassed as negative thoughts fill his mind. This was a stupid idea. There's no way you'd actually touch it.
"Uh sure I'll try it." His head snaps back to you as you grab the handle and begin turning it. The soft melody of Pop goes the Weasel comes from the Jack in the box, cutting off at times due to the old age of it. You jump as a doll pops out of the box, swinging back and forth on its spring."I didn't hear the end so that startled me. That clown is pretty strange. I mean I'm not judging it but aren't those dolls usually colorful and more alive?"
"Colorful?" He takes his eyes off of you and look down at the box, immediately seeing what you're talking about. The now still doll's clothing resembled those of a happy clown but they were completely grey. The eyes were shut and for a mouth there was a straight black line. The doll was neutral meaning your feelings for him were neutral. Meaning you felt nothing for him at all. Good nor bad. He turns the box over in his hands multiple times, checking the clown doll for any sign of color. Any sign of emotion.
"I hope your jack in the box is ok. I have to go now. Bye." You smile nervously at him as you walk away. Normally your smile would make his day a hundred times better, but at that moment he felt empty inside. He had known you for years and yet you felt as if he was just some person you'd pass by while taking a walk. It wasn't fair. You were on his mind every second of the day but he was the last person you'd probably ever think about. He wanted to smash the box in his hands to pieces and scream to the heavens as he did so. Asking whoever listened why you didn't love him. Why you didn't need him like he needed you every second of the day. But like most feelings he had, he just bottle the anger up.
Frustrated tears fell from John's eyes and landed on the doll, soaking its cloth face. Did he not try hard enough? Maybe he didn't get rid of everyone bothering you and you were just too busy with them. He followed you around and made a long list of those people so that couldn't be true unless you went somewhere without him, which wasn't likely. John grabs the small doll's hand and smiles. He shouldn't be so upset. You just didn't feel anything for him now, he'd change that for sure. He look in the direction you had walked in but you were long gone. That didn't matter though. He knew exactly where to find you.
You wake up in a dark room with a slight headache, laying with your back against something hard. You try to put your hand up to your throbbing head but the thick ropes keeping you tied up stops you. A light switches on and the wooden stairs creak as someone steps into the room.
"I'm sorry that I have put you down here Y/n. Our room isn't quite set up yet and I don't want you to see it." The person from earlier sets a familiar box next to you as he crouched down in front if you.
"Morning sweetheart. Well it's still night time but you've been out so long it feels like a new day." John leans in towards you and you pull away. "Uh who are you exactly?"
You didn't know who he was at all. When he asked you to use the jack in the box earlier you believed it to be a prank so you did it for laughs. You thought it was strange he knew your name but at the time you thought he may have been an old friend.
In all the years that he knew you and everything about you, you never know him at all or realize he was stalking you. You may have said hello a couple times but that's all. His face would just disappear in to the crowd of the many you passed on a normal day. John was a complete stranger to you while you meant everything to him.
"Who am I? Honey you're the love of my life and I'm yours er, I will be soon. I'm sorry to keep you here like this but I have to be sure nobody will try to steal that wonderful heart of yours."
John picks up the Jack in the box and holds it to his chest, voice growing dangerously quiet. The doll from before was still hanging out the box and he petted its head softly "It really hurt me when I found out I was nothing to you Y/n..."
"Don't worry though. I'm not upset about it anymore. I just have to get you to fall for me and that shouldn't be hard. I know pretty much everything about you so I'm sure I can win your heart in no time." He laughs and begins to hum the tone that comes from the box in his hands as he plays with the doll. He suddenly slaps the lid shut, forcing the clown back into its cage.
"Hey Y/n? Do you wanna see how I feel about you? I can't untie you so you can hold my toy but I'm sure my little friend will come out matching my emotions anyway." John turns the handle as you sit there frozen in silence, the dolls appearance changing more and more in the box as the music continues it play.
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orphanage-body · 2 years
Hi 👋
1, 4, 6, 12, 15 and 19 for the book ask
Hey you! Thanks for the ask! 😁
1. book you've reread the most times?
Definitely my dad's collection of Astérix and Boule & Bill comics. I've read those so much when I was younger. Other than that, I'm not really a rereader of books. Special mention tho: The Ocean at the End of the Lane, which I've read twice in the span of a year. This book b r o k e me.
4. what sections of a bookstore do you browse?
Comics (french BDs and US comic books), mangas, sci-fi, fantasy, historical fiction, classics, the english section (if they have one). Not necessarily in that order. Oh, and I have that thing where I look at the books I already own, or I look for the ones I plan on buying one day, like I'm judging the bookstore's good tastes.
6. what books have you read in the past month?
You say "bookS" as if I wasn't the slowest motherfucker out there. I'm rereading 1984 by George Orwell (yeah I know what I said in my first answer, but it's different, I read that book for the first time 10 years ago). I've also read one or two Watchmen comics (the new edition in 12 volumes), and one or two Detective Conan.
12. did you enjoy any compulsory high school readings?
Yeah, I enjoyed most of them (except Le Père Goriot by Balzac, and De Gaulle's Mémoires (never went past the first chapter of that one)), I was an avid reader back then. I don't remember them all, but I remember I particularly liked Tous les matins du monde by Quignard, and À la lumière d'hiver by Jaccottet (programme du bac de litté 2012 rpz).
15. recommend and review a book
Uuuhhh I'm so bad at this. Okay, huh. I don't even know what to recommend? I already talked about my favorite book, The Ocean... Hey, you know what? I'll do The Ocean. So, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, by Neil Gaiman. I love this book so much, you don't even know. It's about a middle-aged man, the narrator, who comes back to his childhood town after his dad's funeral. His steps lead him to a farm nearby, and as the woman living there invite him to sit in front of the pond behind the farm, he unlocks some forgotten memories from his childhood, and the time he spent with the ageless girl who used to live on the farm, her mother, and her grandmother, who pretended she witnessed the creation of the moon. I love Gaiman's books (the 3 I've read so far, at least), because it's not fantasy set in a fantasy world, it's set in an ordinary world, in which the main character lives an ordinary life, until magic comes into their life, turning their world upside down.
Fun fact about this book: I first read it in Finland, when I got a library card (I had read and loved Good Omens and was curious about reading more books by Gaiman and Pratchett, and stumbled upon The Ocean). And it broke me. It was so good. And heart-wrenching. Several months later, I buy the (gorgeous) illustrated version of this book, and decide to reread it. And you know what? Much like the main character, I had forgotten about the ending. So when I read it again, it broke me some more. Anyway, that rec is wayyyyy too long, but if you haven't, you should read it (but maybe you have, since you've read other stuff by Gaiman). Also Gaiman says this one is 90% autobiographical.
19. most disliked popular books?
Idk, I'm not a hater of books, I'm a non-reader of books I'm not interested in (also, I tend to not read a particular book when the hype is big, like I wait for it to calm down or I don't read it at all). Gotta say tho, HP lives a sour taste in my mouth now, obviously. Sometimes writers need to shut the fuck up.
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nikatyler · 2 years
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𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕪 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟚 🌊 𝕧𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕟
at last, you’re mine. what if nerine had gotten what she’d wanted back in 2019?
9/? for 31 Days of Mermaids by @incandescentsims.
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wishesunderthestars · 2 years
I don’t know if you’re gonna answer this, but I have a few questions in regards of writing.
I always read a lot but I never had the ambition of writing anything. However, before I even knew it I already had a plot figured out (I won’t say I have planned every detail but 90% of the storyline is ready) and it’s been YEARS since I realized I had a whole universe sitting in a corner of my brain but I just can’t write. I’ve tried multiple times, either the characters feelings are not shown in a proper way or the description of the scene is horrible. I wonder if I’m being too perfectionist, it’s just that it doesn’t happen fluidly as I feel it should. I even have a Pinterest for inspiration, did not help (I still add a lot of pins though hahaha). And on top of everything, I’m in university now and working a part time job so time is everything I don’t have. 
I know you’re also a very busy person, and I cannot imagine how you still manage to write cause as you can see I could never lol. And I know that every writer has their own method as well, but do you think I should figure every single detail out, decide what will happen in each chapter and then try to write? Or try again with less self criticism idk haha. Also, how do you balance the description of things like places, clothes, characters and their feelings? Do you think (as a reader and a writer) that the place should always be descripted or there are times that are not important?
(I forgot half of the questions I had while I made this rant and will not wait until I remember cause I'm anxious but I just want to let you know that Eunoia is a masterpiece and I love every single line that you wrote)
Okay, I remembered to mention that it revolves around a lot of grief and other intense feelings that I swear I can feel myself but have no idea how to even begin to put in words without being repetitive, incredibly boring and unconvincing.
The second part of this question wasn't sent on anon but I'm pretty sure that it's from the same person. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Now, to answer your questions. What I think you're suffering from is a bad case of perfectionism and I can tell because I suffer from it too. Daily. It significantly slows down my progress and I haven't figured out how to combat it yet. I would suggest writing a very rough draft at first just telling the story to yourself. Write all the scenes you want to write, everything you have pictured, and not get too critical about it. Just get the story out. When you finish it you can see what worked and what didn't. Rereading it you might find that some parts are actually really good and don't need much editing. Personally, I write one chapter at a time because it would take ages to finish the story but that also depends on if you're writing fanfiction or a book you want to publish.
And I don't think it's necessary have every detail figured out when writing, some things just come naturally when writing. But again, that depends on you and what works best for you. For me, I have a general outline and before I write each chapter, I list the scenes that I want to include. An example from Chapter 21 of Eunoia is:
Mc and Namjoon discuss what they mean to each other and what they want from each other. Also the boy her mother wants to set her up with. She turns down the invitation.
Taylor shows up to congratulate her with cake and the mc panics a little. She talks to Taylor and she is understanding
Jimin makes a flower crown and places it on Taehyung's head.
This is taken directly from my notes and that's usually the level of detail I include when I'm outlining each chapter. And often I add new scenes when I'm writing or change the plan for some of them or move them around.
Balancing descriptions is hard and I don't think it's something I've mastered. Each writer is unique in how much description they add. There are best seller books that the descriptions are minimal and then there is J.R.R. Tolkien who could write ten pages about a rock.
Describing the place isn't always necessary in the sense that you don't need to dedicate a whole paragraph to it. Sometimes just referencing where they are is enough, like the park or a clothing store. The reader can imagine what that looks like. Also, if you have described that place before you don't need to describe it again. But describing places can set the atmosphere and the tone of the scene. You can sprinkle in single lines of description throughout the scene.
Again, just write the words as they come and you can edit them later. You don't have to write long paragraphs about the characters' feelings. And it's okay to repeat some things a couple of times. Just take a look at how repetitive some things in Eunoia are.
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billiejean485 · 5 years
Karmiro Kiss
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(Text from DA:)
First of all, I'd like to state something: I don't usually upload art such as this often or at all, and I rarely even show it to anyone. Reason? Been bullied a hell of a lot for it in younger years, so I learned to keep things like these to myself. However, I am pretty sure the Karmiro fans would appreciate it, and I am having a really hard time finding artwork devoted to this ship myself (kudos to Iamaddictedtocoffee and KenKic4Ever - you guys are IMO the best I could find), and I honestly wanted to contribute.
Second thing I wanted to mention is that - although the show itself made me a huge Karmiro fan, this particular piece/sketch came as an inspiration from reading Arctimon's fics. My God - for the past 6 years I've been having a really hard time finding quality fanfics (I got older, and my standards became very high), and their in particular are among those rare that make me cling to it like an idiot, rereading it until I know it by heart (still in the process of achieving that btw XD). I haven't left a review yet, but, I can say here that that level of quality English, original ideas and great imagination is not something that you just stumble upon in the fan fiction world easily. I'm blown away. Still am. Still haven't read everything, so I won't drop that mentioned review yet. But, Arctimon, if you're reading this - you have my huge support, and I'm a really big fan.
Now on to the rant on the art aspect of this sketch.
I don't have much experience in drawing a kiss, and still learning to do that. What killed me even more here is just the position (that I probably didn't even figure out well) of the two - if you have that steamy kiss where both sides try to pull each other into it, and a couple with height differences between a girl and a boy such as Hiro and Karmi, everything gets complicated. The arm position is probably off (because yours truly was lazy enough not to reference anything). I hope at least I got their faces right - I haven't drawn either of the two enough for practice. Oh, and Karmi's hair was ridiculously difficult for me; it should be simple, but nope.
Ah, yes, and the Baymax sketch in the bg - the body probably should have been a bit bigger, but 'anatomy' wise I think it's okay. I just placed him in the wrong spot. And I have a feeling that it made perspective make no sense (he's speechless, btw XD).
Okay, and two last things.
I love the fact that Hiro is the shorter one in this relationship and is probably standing on his toes somewhat here, while Karmi has to bend down and/or pull him up. It's so relatable and heart-warming. :D I remember how all that went in those years of life (14~16). Wish we'll manage to see him grow, but who knows. Also, depends what Disney plans for the sequel of the movie, if they're even planning it (it got them an Oscar, so chances are high).
But one thing that saddens me in that is that - for most characters that appear in TV shows that are based on the movie there is like a rule that they don't appear in the movie's sequel. Which brings me to the second thing.
Even though I ship them with all my heart, I see little possibilities for these two to become something more than friends (there is more chance for that happening with Hiro and Megan, although the whole Karmutie stuff has led us on to believe otherwise up until she showed up). It seems as though Hiro and Karmi's relationship was made only to reach some "good friends" climax and that that's the whole point of it. Even Karmi's crush on hero-Hiro looks more like something that came as a product of her loneliness rather than actual need for a romantic interest in her life (I think she'd be a lot more invested in her relationship with 'Captain Cutie' if this wasn't the case). And when you take into account that this is a show aimed at kids... it all makes sense. Kids don't like romantic stuff, nor do they need it. But what do they need? Learning more about friendship, especially with that girl or boy they tend to fight a lot and don't get along well. It's a perfect reason to make you think that that there will never be anything more in this relationship. But it gets on our older fans' nerves because - naturally, the characters are not kids, they're teens. Things function differently here. I mean, okay - Karmi and Hiro may not be each other's type (debatable) in the end, but you can't tell me they don't care for each other at it's base, and that they will learn to get their rivalry out of the way to make a clear path for that. And when that happens, everything's possible.
But coming back to the first thing I brought up - the characters from the TV show rarely, if ever, make it to the sequel of the movie. Which means, whatever happens with these two, they will probably split up. It's saddening, and I wish things would change there. Hey, seeing Karmi in the sequel would make who knows how many of us happy. And not just her - bunch of other characters too. Or at least give them an honorable mention.
It's because TV shows get made for kids that nothing from it gets transferred to the sequel of the movie, which gets made for audiences of all ages. If there's something I wish would change, it's that - having TV shows dumbed down for kids. And with that I mean - seeing characters a lot older act like they're children. What the heck is that teaching the little kids? That reality will never be like they saw it on TV?
Kudos, and a really big KUDOS to the shows that are tackling this particular thing. It's good and it's healthy. If you wanna make something for kids, make it really appropriate for kids. Don't tug on the nerves of us older people, because - whatever the world says, there will always be those older ones that watch cartoons, ages ranging from older teens to who knows how old. We don't like watching those dumbed down things, no matter how profitable it is for you, content-makers, to target it only for kids, who will get you the most money. Yeah, it's harder to make such stuff, we know, but it's not impossible. At least show a little effort.
But, concerning that, I can't complain on BH6's TV show anymore. The second season was fantastic so far, and those 'dumbed-down' elements were reduced to the bare minimum. I just hope it stays that way.
... Well, this was a whole lot that came out of me just because of posting one silly fangirl drawing. XD Hope some of you actually managed to read this.... Too bad all of this is going to get dumped in the Scraps' section (please make a Sketch section, DA!), like most of my uploads do.
I live and breathe sketches. lol
Oh well - thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. XD I'm really done this time.
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