#i have ramcoa friends but shit dude
night-wyld-system · 7 months
Maybe the reason I see "nothing wrong" with my actions is because you abused me Dude. You and your friends traumatized me. You and your friends brutalized me.
Maybe the reason you don't want to actually respond is because that means showing everyone that you blatantly lied about me again Dude.
Maybe the reason only your fucking groupies ever supports you anymore and you're grasping at straws is because you're a sad sack of shit who wants to pretend they matter.
Abuse survivors sometimes continue the cycle and become abusers- and you're fucking proof of that.
Why don't you address your ableism and calling me a slur @sysmedsaresexist ? Or are you going to keep pretending that your lies are the truth. Like man I wonder why you had previous abuse allegations from past people in your life. It's almost like you may be an abuser with a fucking history of abusing and berating others and creating hate and harassment campaigns for fun because you're so fucking sad you want everyone else to suffer with you. You're a bigot in the worst way.
"According to the information on that person's blog, I am a RAMCOA survivor, and I am not ready to face that."
You're still lying- I have never once made that claim. And frankly I feel disgusted you would lie about me and actual real survivors further because you're desperate to feel oppressed. I was a few years out of being trafficked when I met you- you took advantage of that to abuse me along with your friends. I have always kept a straight story. My own posts on @awiltedroseconfession also include me apologizing for having issues with being unstable and how people were not obligated to feel comfortable near me. You're pretending you've done anything but be a raging ableist who's brutalized anyone who's more disabled than you.
You're an abuser.
"I support RAMCOA discussions having dedicated spaces."
Why did you support someone telling me to shut the fuck up when I was talking bout how I wanted to try and get a case and go to the cops? Because you were there when Spike told me to shut up after I said I wanted to go to the cops- because I wanted to try and save my childhood friends.
You know you're evil and awful you said so yourself. Why don't you own up to your lies? Why don't you own up to calling me a slur? I can call myself unhinged. But you purposefully called someone who's more disabled than you "unhinged" for reacting and being triggered by you abusing me. That context and usage makes it even more reasonable to consider it a slur.
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