#i have a lot of thoughts about Jeritza's employment by edel and hubert but I'll give it it's own post
varley-of-torment · 1 year
what would it take for Jeritza to defect to the Kingdom/Lions in the professor mercedes & student jeritza au? Also I know you're a Dimilix fan, but have you considered Dimitza? They're both freakishly strong blond lancers with a dark side caused by trauma, and I think their interactions would be extremely interesting.
To the first question: I think it would just be a matter of he and Mercedes finding out who the other is. Assuming Jeritza doesn't recognize her at first, once they figure it out, I'm sure he'd much rather be on the side of his sister.
Jeritza has no reason to stay with the empire once he's given a better option (he doesn't share their motives and is only with them as a result of a string of shenanigans). I headcanon that Hubert has some kind of leverage over him to keep him in check, but even that shows his relationship with them is one of control rather than loyalty.
And even if he's hesitant to switch sides because of how deep he's in it, we all know how protective Mercedes is of her little brother. If he told her "well, I have a... job... that makes it hard to have control over my life" Mercie would just go "then quit your job! I'll help you draft a resignation letter :)"
To the second question: That's a good point! They are really similar (like literally "Same hat!") and their interactions would be interesting, but I think they might be too similar for them to be together as a couple, but on the other hand- and if they were students at the same time- they could both use another awkward traumatized bi guy to understand what they're going through.
(also Jeritza as a parallel to Dimitri is interesting because it of how Edelgard exploits Jeritza's mental illness for her benefit, which I think colors how she would hypothetically think of Dimitri's mental illness. But idk)
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