#i guess a lot of people don't like Illinois as much as i do rip
cuddlesworks · 3 months
I think i will have to cancel the prizes for my Illinois dtiys, not enough people joined to make the judgment fair :(
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adequater · 5 years
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carry on, wayward son
my wayward son book arrived yesterday, and i already finished it. here are some of my favourite scenes ever in it (had to narrow it down a lot but here's some). i love my emotionally constipated children so much :(
i love this book. i know a lot of people don't, but i think it was the correct medium, and sets the scene perfectly for the third book. it's frustrating, sure, but it's beautiful. beautiful how they yearn for each other yet not having the courage to say it to each other. how they miss each other, but baz respects simon's space, and simon thinks baz is doing that because simon's a burden. how baz feels like they're slipping for so long now, but he refuses to go, BUT recognises the strain. it's so fucking good. and the way they don't even KNOW how far gone both of them are for each other!!! how dare. i don't have enough pics for it but my fav one:
baz: pls pretend that u like me so that people think ure entranced w me
simon, on the inside, fuming: PRETEND?? ACT??? AS IF I DON'T FEEL THAT WAY FOR YOU ON A DAILY BASIS????
simon's depression was realistic. not wanting to do anything, and the fact that baz hated their america trip that is all over the place, then just LOOKS at simon smiling, happy, getting off that damn couch, and think: yeah this is worth it. their clear juxtaposition towards things make me love them so much. (e.g simon pov: iowa is so beautiful. then baz pov: iowa is the exactly like illinois. idk why they even separated them.) their inability to express what exactly they're thinking frustrates me, but is so so real.
they're so human.
agatha and shepard are lovely. the sexuality arc is something i yearned for. shepard is just [chef's kiss] precious boy i don't even know why you tolerate these assholes of kids. also. baz was soft on shepard, no? kinda precious. and ofc penny is lovely too but sometimes she makes me want to rip my hair out. she gets called out for her behaviour, but she doesn't quite change towards the end? i don't necessarily like micah, but i think some of his points about penny were right. but penny is still so stupid brave and caring, i don't think i'll ever stop admiring her for that. and lamb....i like him honestly. he's the one who shows baz this plethora of opprtunities as a vampire, and it was GOOD because baz can finally see nothing is truly bad about his vampirism, and he can even feed on someone without murdering them....[glances at simon] interesting arc i HOPE rainbow explores it more. but. uh. lamb [jake peralta 'cool motive. still murder.' gif]
(also hot take i guess but simon being jealous rly strikes a chord in my heart. I LOVE IT!!!! i just wish baz KNOWS that he was jealous. damn it)
third book wish?
for simon to know his origins, maybe. it pains me that he doesn't know lucy. rosebud boy echoes in my ears the whole time i read it. also: for them to talk properly. for once, goddamn. for them to be content, intimate. for baz to love himself, for simon to see himself for what he's worth.
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