#i gotta stop my ussy up w my blog honestly. it ain't presenting me so well
krockat · 9 months
i've been wanting to commission someone to make a pfp for here, that uses the hat in my current one
cause rn it's fkn boring and beige and not very visually intrestin - and u can't even read the fkn text that makes it worth! (it's a pic of a yellow beige cap (the hat) w the text "ask me about my lobotomy" on it)
idea's to like make it pretty and faggy and me, and Also makes the text any at all readable lol.
but commissioning is hard! you gotta have like a fkn good proposal and have references, and know what you want and able to word that shit - and most often i just struggle w that.
but this time i have a concept (more than what i wrote) but like,,, i don't wanna be roughin it on an artist. i want to be a GOOD commissioner and until i got d girl't balls to do that i am gonna pass.
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