#i get cringe memories often but i think i just got literally the most cringiest one i could ever think of
dboliklover · 6 years
Q and A Session!
Thank you, everyone, for sending in your questions! We will now answer them! Italic is Mod Roza, while bolded is Mod Azusa! Everything is under the cut for those who would like to skip!
Question 1; HI! /can I ask how old you are?/how long have you had this blog?/do you have a favorite rp account(other than this one lol)?/how is school/work going? Thank you for all your hard work!!
Mod Roza; Hi! I’m fifteen, but my birthday is on the 17th of November, so I’ll be sixteen soon! We’ve had this blog for a few months now, but I forgot the exact date ^^’ No, I do not have a favourite RP or headcanon blog, but I do enjoy a handful of all types of different fandoms. I also do roleplays on my email, so if anyone would like to discuss a roleplay with me, please PM me on my personal blog: Daughter_of_the_gods Or click here!  As for school, it’s good. I’m hella busy though! I have my mock GCSE’s starting next weeks until the second week of December so I won’t be able to post for a while unless it’s announcements! Sorry! And thank you! We appreciate it, and we appreciate all of you! <3 Mod Azusa; Hello! Let’s just say I’m older than fourteen but less than twenty :’)My birthday is the 14th of January! Like Roza said, we’ve had this blog for a few months now. I’m sure if one of us looked back in our private messages we could find the exact date. I’m pretty sure it was before school started though!Hmm. I don’t exactly have a favourite rp account, but I do have one of my own! I rp either through discord or via email, so feel free to send me a message on my personal (naiis-blr) if it interests you! School is going pretty well! All of my class averages are at 70%+, which is great! I have final exams for this semester in January though ;~; Question 2; Can I ask both Mods, what encourages you to start writing a prompt/scenario? Like do you pick ones that interests you the most?      
Mod Roza; Hmm, what encourages me? Well, usually what’s been in the ask the longest! But if I’m having writer’s block, I’d choose something easier for me to do, and eventually come back to the other one after I’ve gotten more ideas!I especially love the more unusual ones! Mod Azusa; A good question! I tend to start with ones that have been in the ask box for the longest, or ones that I know I’ll be able to power through and get out straight away! If there’s none that interest me, I pick a random one and work through it. All of the asks that follow the rules get answered; no matter how much we don’t want to do them!
Question 3; This is an ask for both of mods!! What are some of your favorite bands/singers? Mod Roza; Hmm, I love ALL kinds of music (Except for dubstep and heavy metal) Here’s some of my favourite bands and singers though!
-Lauren Aquilina
-BTS (Kpop)
-VIXX (Kpop)
-Jula (Polish singer
-)Ed Sheeran
-Anna Jantar (Polish singer) 
Feel free to PM me on my Personal blog if you’d like to discuss more music with me!:
Mod Azusa;
I really love anything country and to do with vocaloid! I love songs like Dark Wood Circus and The Servant of Evil series. Some of my favourite country songs are Love me Like You Do, Canadian Girls and Being Down The House!
Question 4; This is a question for both mods again if its alright!!! What are your favorite diabois?
Mod Roza;
I’m a 110% a slut for three of them. I call them my “Unholy trio” THis consists of Ruki, Kou and Subaru. These three are my weakness and I cannot choose between them. I love them all. So my “favourite” is the whole unholy trio.
Mod Azusa;
Ruki is my favourite diaboy
fight me. Question 4; this is a question for both mods, What made you guys start wanting to write for dialovers? and did you guys make this blog together or one of you just ended up joining it after a while lmao
Mod Roza;
It was a joined thing! If I recall correctly, Mod Azusa wanted to make a DBL blog (After I successfully dragged her down to DiaHell, y’all are welcome for the fact I converted Mod A into one of us and added such a talented writer as them into our DiaHell ranks XD) but after I suggested having a headcanon blog, and we agreed to do it together from the beginning! It was super difficult to get noticed in the Community at the start, but now we’ve E X P LO D E D  Please Keep in mind I have a horrible memory and Mod Azusa most likely remembers it better than I.
Mod Azusa;
I had originally started this blog as a fan blog! After talking with Mod Roza, we both decided to turn it into a headcanon blog. It’s a good way to get writing skills while doing something you enjoy!
Question 5; ask for both mods, what's your favorite disney movie?
Mod Roza; My favourite Disney movie? That’s a hard one! Hm, I gotta say I like Mulan a lot, because she’s badass, but then again I also adore Tangled, too! Mod Azusa; Favourite movie hands down is Aladdin. Jasmine is best princess 10/10 .
Question 6; ask for both mods, do you have any pets? if so explain their personality? Thanks
Mod Roza; Yesssssssssssssssssssss My baby Tiger. (He’s a cat called Tiger and NOT an actual Tiger (Low-key wish he was tho)) Tiger is a huuuuge cat that I’m pretty sure is as big as an actual big-cat cub and he’s fluffy af and a huge asshole but he’s the most lovable asshole ever. He is very cuddly when he feels like it, but he drools a lot and recently he started cuddling my head and licked my eye which was G R O S S. But I love him so much and he’s my precious child. Mod Azusa; Hey! I used to have two pets; a German Shepard husky mix and a calico cat. My dog’s name was Elvis and my cat’s name was Tails ^^. We sadly had to put them both down due to various illnesses, but I was able to be with them for about nine years or so. Question 7; for both mods, what was the first thing you guys ever wrote? do you think its good and is it still online or in a notebook? Lmaooo- Mod Roza; I mean, i was probably like, 3 when I first wrote something?? But I think you mean what’s the first /original/ thing I have written, and I will tell you that yes, I still have it and unfortunately yes, it’s online. It’s the cringiest thing ever and I hate how awful 12-year-old-me was at writing. If anyone is wondering I wrote “jelsa” fanfics. Jelsa being the ship for Jack Frost and Elsa. Are you cringing yet? XD Mod Azusa; Oh man. The first thing I ever /actually/ wrote was an attack on titan fanfiction about two years ago. I still have it on my google drive, and it makes me cringe to even look at it. It was a summer project that I was writing with an online friend- we never did finish it, but I read it over every once in awhile to see how much I’ve grown as a writer. Question 8; nyello, i wanna ask both of yees, Which dialovers boy(or boys) do you have the hardest time writing for? ty Mod Roza; Reiji. Without a doubt I can’t do that King of Savageness. He’s soo hard to write for I literally DIE whenever I write him.  As for Mukami’s, Yuma is hardest to do for me. Mod Azusa; I think the hardest diaboy for me personally to write is probably Yuma. He’s a very hard character to nail, and I’ve spent quite some time browsing and replaying the games just to get another look at his quite abstract personality. I do try my best to keep him as in character and realistic as possible! Question 9; hi! sorry if this has been asked before, what made you guys interested in diabolik lovers? like how did you find out about it? (this is a question for both mods btw!) Mod Roza; Oooooh Gods….I’ve been in DiaHell for YEARS. Like, I don’t even remember HOW I got into this hell. But Here I am~Tbh I think I google something like “Romance animes” or “Supernatural animes” and found a list and it caught my eye??? Idk anymore RIp.((I got Mod Azusa into DBL y’all are welcome. Like Otome is the thing me and her originally linked and connected to and now we’re great friends b/c of otome.)) Mod Azusa; I originally got into diabolik lovers because of Mod Roza! She introduced me to it, so I have her to thank for bringing me into the community. I have a great love for otome games, and so I began playing the diabolik lovers series shortly after watching the anime. Roza and I watched it together, and there were quite a few… choice words exchanged on my part towards anime!yui. Question 10; i have an ask for both mods XD, whats the creepiest thing thats ever happened to you? Mod Roza; Gods, where do I begin? I guess the time when (TRIGGER WARNING: Hitting on underage girls) I was at my uncle’s name-day party ((Slavic thing)), and there was this guy in his mid 30’s there, he seemed pretty cool at first, until he tried to hit on me later in the night, when I had admittedly a little too much to drink (It was a family party.) and I was tipsy, he danced w/ me (Which isn’t considered creepy in Slavic countries, but he danced w/ me in a slow, romantic manner and it was V uncomfortable!) And the straw was when he kissed me neck and called me his “little lady” I pushed him the fuck away and sat on the stairs, too scared to tell anyone and i felt V disgusted and filthy.He ended up w/ my Uncle beating the SHIT outta him though, and he ran the fuck out the house after that. But it to this day scarred me. Mod Azusa; ooo. I don’t tend to have creepy things happen to be very often (i’ve gotten used to quite a bit of it). I can’t recall exactly a time when I’ve been creeped out, but things that go bump in the night can cause uneasiness. I get frightened more often than creeped out. Thank you all so much! I hope you enjoyed this Question and Answer session! We hope to do more of these in the future. Have a great day everyone!
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