#i don't think she'd ever officially join a gang even when she gets a positive view of them. but she ... doesn't mind going to meetings
merotm-a · 2 years
my mind last night about tr verse yuuna: 
  yuuna is just a lonely and emotionally/mentally deeply scarred 14 year old ( like just about everyone else in this series ) who is navigating the world by herself bc she doesn’t have any responsible or caring parental figures in her life. excelling academically and not causing any troubles as student council president is her way of providing stability for herself. if she can succeed without any issues then she can free herself from her circumstances. hence why she can’t understand why people would want to become delinquents because you can still get into trouble and make things more difficult for yourself ( in her opinion +  ). she’d rather keep playing at being the perfect student council president, study until she makes herself sick and work herself to the bone. 
  but she has no real friends aside from hina at the start of the series. the people she hangs out with during school time (bc she can’t really hang out that much when she has free time bc job + possessive childhood friend - her and hina really are bffs like my god ). in earlier timelines, she doesn’t have that many friends even as an adult because she doesn’t know how to open up to people bc she has two barriers to her - one being the student council president, goody two shoes act she puts up and the second one being the mean girl secondary act she also puts up after she stops using the first one. i think once she sees how close the members of gangs are she will be like “ ah. i get it now “ and she’s more sympathetic to everyone afterwards. 
  at the core, even if she has a fake personality, she really does care about her friends and the students she’s tasked with overlooking as student council president. she might nag about grades and getting into trouble outside of school hours but it’s coming from a good place. she wants you to succeed and learn to prepare a future for yourself. maybe you can’t be a stellar student but as long as you can keep up and learn to work hard then that’s fine with her. yuuna will be up at 2am finishing up drafts for school events and the like or staying after school to help with tutoring if someone needs it. 
  she just needs friends. 
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