#i don't get why people don't like Raoul or Mamo
toon-kirby · 9 months
There is SO MUCH that ALW changed that bugs me, but first and foremost the fact that the framing device is NOT about a Sadman Deadwife, but about a journalist that's trying to learn about the Phantom of the Opera. And even more got changed in the damn movie, which more or less is propaganda to make Raoul look like a giant wimp and Erik as a misunderstood honeybun! It grinds my gears with how much he changed to the point where all adaptations are just retellings of HIS musical!
Oh you are so right. I haven't seen it so again, I can't comment on all the changes, but it is notable that when I said I was reading it on discord someone replied with "I like the show and the book is way better, and Raoul isn't a wet napkin anymore!" I have to wonder if it was like with Tuxedo Mask in the Sailor Moon anime. I read that the people making it hated him for some reason and that explains why he doesn't do much and also why they tried giving Usagi other love interests every chance they got-- including Prince Demande, who totally didn't try to brainwash and rape her! Nope! (I prefer the anime over the manga for many reasons, but her giving no thought before blowing Demande into smithereens might be the one thing I prefer from it.)
The main reason I read it (aside from just wanting to) was for inspiration for both an original project with a similar villain and also a potential AU for FE4. Yes, I know what you're thinking, I haven't even finished the Sleeping Beauty one! And you're right! Might try to get the fourth chapter up before the Nintendo direct in an attempt to manifest that remake, actually...
For the FE4 AU, I figured I'd do the musical prologue scene but instead of sad wifeguy it would be Seliph wanting to learn more about his parents. Kinda a combo of both! I think the most obvious candidates for a FE Phantom AU are Ferdinand, Dorothea, and Hubert, but Sigurd, Deirdre, and Arvis arguably fit better due to their respective pasts and because Dorothea loathes Ferdinand at first. Arvis may not be ugly, but he does have to hide his cursed bloodline from everyone, which is a pretty good reason to live in the sewers.
Hubert would love that torture chamber though.
As for the original project, I worry that despite building up a very healthy relationship with the actual love interest that people will ship the main character and the villain, who has a very phantom-esque crush on her. I suppose it can't be helped, as people ship what they want-- but it would make me worry I failed at showing it wasn't a healthy relationship. Except if killing someone's parents isn't enough to show that I don't know what is.
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