#i don't expect boardwalk empire but i don't think that's what they're gunning for anyway
rad-roche · 6 months
penny for your thoughts on the new teaser trailer for Fallout on Amazon Prime?
i think it'll be interesting, however it turns out. kyle maclachlan and walton goggins are great gets, though i wish the ghoul looked ghoulier. i don't know enough about acting, prosthetics or the like, to say if that's to spare goggins the genuine torment that is getting extremely made up for a tv show, or if they wanted to go for a slightly sexier angle with broader appeal, or to let him emote. i'm tempted to try drawing him as a more traditional ghoul for fun, that seems to be a recurring thing for me. i think the BoS stuff looks like really goofy foam rubber cosplay stuff... and i kind of dig that? i feel like that's keeping in the spirit of pulpy 50s media, even though i'm not sure it's intended. i've refrained from discussing plot or writing so far because i don't think i'd be giving it a fair shake, not until i've seen an episode or two, though the 'two-day shipping' thing hasn't sat right with me. vibes for me so far is could probably be better, could probably be much, much worse. it's probably going to be an okay tv series, though i'd certainly be happy to be proven wrong either way. the worst thing it could be for me is completely uninteresting
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