#i do agree that generally tiktok favourites tend to be mediocre to bad but there's some really awesome stuff on there too
amphiptere · 2 years
my issue with booktok is not that it is unpretentious and often promotes bad books but that it is an echo chamber of generically enjoyable stuff made for mass-market appeal when I think what makes books so special is that since they are (slightly) easier to get into the world than movies or TV, they are, after fanfiction, likely the most accessible ways to enjoy niche and weird stories that are specific to you and your particular interests. Everyone has something they love that completely lacks popular appeal and if not then they just haven’t found it yet. Non-fiction books are perfect for distributing verified information on incredibly specific topics to the wider public. Fiction is perfect for exploring ideas like what would happen if two worms invented calculus and also let’s throw in some themes on the deeper idea of connection between beings and the universe. Or whatever. There’s weird and awesome stuff out there, and learning about only the things that everyone ever loves will not help you find it.
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