#i did not mean to gatekeep this i've been just crazy busy
epavirees · 5 months
the first thing i look at in a man is his heart and the fact that his tits are in front of it is NOT my fault
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wizzywizzyballs · 2 months
3/11/2024 my first post
helloooo i needed a side hobby thing that my friends didn't know about, so i made this side blog... I don't actually know if they can see this or not. I wanted to make a little online diary for me to talk about my thoughts on where i'm pretty much anonymous. Hiding things from my friends is a bit of a guilty pleasure since I normally end up accidentally info dumping about every hour of my life to them and leaving no room for secrets. For anyone wondering, this is going to be mostly a system blog as well as that's what I (we?) am (are?). I'll eventually make an introduction post maybe if im feeling exxtra daring. but for now, here is what I've done today.
I went to bed at around midnight (I was really tired from not sleeping properly and want to fix my sleep schedule so no naps!!!) and woke up at noon! I normally sleep for only 8 hours like most human beings on earth so i guess i was preettty tired.. I had some funny dreams about friends and hopefully didn't come to any weird conclusions in one of them. I won't disclose that, though, just in case (albeit overbearing and lowkey stalker-ish) find this page and i have to explain my fucking tumblr post to them. Anyways, I made myself brunch... It was a fried egg sandwich with avocado, spinach, and the rest of my tomato.. Because someone else has been using my tomato and I don't know who.. I don't really care that much, there's another tomato. I had some extra avocado on the side, drenched in parmesan. Matt played some rimworld and we ate our brunch as usual and I watched a video about eerie japanese internet history. It's been a recent thing I've been fixated on. It's now 5 pm and we've done nothing but listen to music and play rimworld. I'm now going to take a nap. OH ACTUALLY,, before all of this brunch eating and rimworld playing, Matt helped apply us for a local credit union. Originally it was going to be Kyle's job, but he stopped fronting, and our current gatekeeper got the idea. I'll see tomorrow if we got accepted into it. I hope we did, but I doubt we will with our shitty record of constant unemployment ( we just got our ID) and just overall shitty looking anythings in terms of adulting. If not, we're applying for chase. asides from that, that is genuinely all I've done today. nothing crazy, I'm more excited for the sleepover with friends I should be having on Wednesday. My friends are constantly busy nowadays since they all have jobs, so hanging out like this is always fun. We're supposed to be keeping it a secret from (for anonymity I'll use fake names) Lemon, because he's very whiny and tbh a man-child. He never lets us hang out without him and we accidentally invited him to our ihop date, so we're going without him on wednesday and hoping he forgets about ihop.... You can ssay wwe're evil or mean or bad friends, but if you were his best friend of 6+ years, you'd do this too. what he doesn't know can't hurt him :p so don't tell on me, ok? anyways, goodnight, oyasumi, bon nuit, I'm taking my nap xx
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thoughts on this spn prequel business?
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An eye roll seems poignant enough to sum up the spn prequel and the drama that came along with it.
For starters, after the show ended, regardless of how lackluster it felt to me, I can honestly say I did not desire more. Really, since season 12, the show was...how to say...not great. I mean, I still enjoyed watching it but it wasn't exactly my most favorite thing to do. There were episodes I liked but I can't say that the seasons as a whole are anything I would want to watch again. Seasons 12-15 were passable on their best days and just lukewarm on their worst.
So the announcement of this prequel business was like "whatever" to me. It doesn't sound in the least bit interesting. And I've got nothing against John or Mary. I like both characters -- and no one get on me about how they're abusive in their own way and that I shouldn't even deign to like them, if you're going to come at me with that nonsense, you best be ready for me to put your faves under The Abuse Microscope. I didn't say I had to like them as people, just that I like their characters (but I also don't necessarily hate them as people either). But with all that said, I can say without a doubt that I have never been interested in the events leading into their marriage or how their marriage progressed. We already more or less got that story throughout 15 seasons of SPN, I don't need to see it be re-done and possibly retconned in a prequel series that I really don't think is going to be very well thought out.
As for the drama, I don't really pay attention too much to any of that. But what I have seen come across my dash, mainly how Jared responded to it, I find a lot of that to be more than likely the Gatekeeping Gossip Mongerers of SPN Fandom. I don't put too much stock in any of what they say. Nor do I feel like it really matters all that much.
The show ended, it was great for some, bad for some, lukewarm for some (i.e. me), now I just wish we could move on. I don't really care to see more content from SPN. It's done, it'll always be apart of my heart, but now I'm ready to just live in the world of fanworks now, i.e. the fan art, fan fictions, head canons. People have been so consumed with firing out these conspiracy theories, trying to prove where the finale went wrong, who's responsibility it is, who's to blamethe finale was bad vs the finale was good, blah, blah, blah. So much discourse on these inane topics that don't really matter. Regardless of how you feel about the finale, where it went wrong, yadda yadda yadda, it's still a thing that exists, you being mad about it or tryin to defend it ultimately doesn't change anything. Lets move on and just revel in the more interesting positive fandom content creations, not all this negative gatekeeping bullshit. We're a fandom, with the story ended we can now go crazy with all the things we as individuals wanted the story to be regardless if we got it or not "in canon". We can make the story of the The Winchesters or TFW whatever we want now. Why are we having such a needlepoint focus on these dumb arguments that lead nowhere? I for one join fandoms because I want to have fun not to theorize on network conspiracies or attack actors. I want to have a good time with art revolving around this thing I love and I wish a lot of the rest of the fandom felt that way too but alas, humans love drama so we just sink in these black holes of negativity to garner whatever drama we can find.
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