#i can't wait for the metal chocobo. favorite keyblade ever. just beat everything to death with a fuck-off hunk of cast iron
mrmallard · 7 months
So on top of starting FF13 and playing FF5 on my tablet, I also started playing Kingdom Hearts on PS3.
I think I'm gonna play 13 on weekdays and KH on weekends, and 5 is gonna be a bedtime game because it's on my tablet.
I decided to play on Proud difficulty given how much I've played the game over the years. I actually almost beat the Tarzan level after completely circumventing the Alice in Wonderland stage, I only got tripped up at the final boss of the world.
I just finished Agrabah too. I've got two Dark Matter and two Mystery Goo, and I'm looking forward to getting the synthesis trophy. I'm thinking of trying to platinum the game, but I might save the Sephiroth fight for a second playthrough on easy mode because you get a trophy for playing the game on easy mode.
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