#i am not slavic so please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong on any of this
spilledbutter · 1 year
reading up on some slavic folklore and learned about yarilo
yarilo is apparently a god of vegetation, fertility, and springtime
the legend goes that yarilo was the lost tenth son of the slavic god of thunder, perun
yarilo was stolen away on his birthday, which fell upon the celebration of the new year
he was stolen away to the world of the dead where he was raised by the slavic god of the underworld, veles, perun's mortal enemy
in slavic tradition, the underworld was a place of eternal spring, with bountiful crops and endless greenery, teeming with wildlife, and located across the sea.
yarilo grew up tending cattle and minding the vegetation. he eventually returns to the mortal realm from the underworld, and with his return, brings spring and fertility. he's even god a little rhyme:
"where yarilo walks, there your field gives birth..."
he falls in love with marzanna, a goddess of death and rebirth, and they undergo a series of courting rituals. their wedding marked the summer solstice and was a blessing to the world, bringing peace between the underworld and the mortal plane.
the twist is that, as yarilo is a god of vegetation, his life cycle wanes every year after the harvest when the crops die. (the myth explains this as him dying due to being unfaithful to marzanna and being killed for it).
without him, marzanna becomes bitter, leading to a frosty winter. the gend goes
and every year, the cycle begins anew.
spring, summer, autumn, winter. what a beautiful concept.
other fun tidbits:
accounts emphasize the presence of a horse, that yarilo walks a lot, and has sore feet
he is identified as a mischievous god, possibly associated with shapeshifting
thinking a lot about jaskier as yarilo...
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the-slasher-files · 3 years
Hi, just a curious anon here. I really love Andrei and I was wondering what his patronymic is?
Hello!! Thank you for this ask because without it I would have never thought about it. So, first of all, I am not Russian but I am from Slavic decent and I am trying to learn Russian ssooooo fingers crossed this is the actual correct way of his name.
Andrei's Dad was Dimitri so I believe it would be Dimtriyevich but I could be wrong and feel free to correct me.
There is actually something funny about his last name too. When I was creating him I always put down Kulokova as his last name but that's the feminine version and it's supposed to be Kulokov instead, if I'm correct. But me and a few people have just said it was an error on his birth certificate lol
So fingers crossed this is correct but this is his full name: Andrei Dimitriyevich Kulokova (supposed to be Kulokov) Кулокова Андрея Дмитриевича
Again, if I'm wrong please let me know or explain it lol 🔪💕
Ps. I'm also very very very glad you love Andrei, it means so much!!
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