#i am literally barely 100lbs I should NOT be having 'oh no i am gross' thoughts
naughtynoodle056 · 11 months
TW: heavy heavy mentions of disordered eating/ ED habits / maybe implied dieting? Idk proceed with caution
yeahhh I'm back to lowkey not feeding myself again because oops I feel guilty and disgusting eating after one (1) well intended conversation someone had with me but maybe drawing stuffing art will snap me out of it. Or maybe I won't and I'll just be stuck in "Yeah its hot when everyone ELSE eats a lot but me cuz I don't deserve it" hell. Guess we'll have to wait and see 😙✌🏾
Also the cruel irony of being brought McDonald's not even 12 hours after a "Hey dude can you maybe relax a little eating like a fat ass i dont want you to be fucked up in your 30s and 40s getting too comfortable eating whenever 🥰" type conversation,,,,,,, I want to yeet it out of my body so badly but I guess this is one of the rare times being a little emetophobic is a good thing. Either way I both feel like shit but also am still VERY much so in Feedism Mood so I guess at least the Kink Gult wasn't triggered at the same time as the little Ed I may or may not have
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