#i always knew clefairies were rude pokemons
rememberthemonster · 7 years
Twitch Plaze Blazed Glazed 33: Just Go With The Flo
When we last left our honey of a heroine, she just came back from another dimension, where she met Luke, one of Luke’s friends, and a shiba that was definitely not an Uxie. 
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But don’t worry -- she’s back in the REAL world again.
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Will the Poke Mart be her first stop?
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Apparently not, as she’s headed over to “Soheal’s Strait.” I’m not sure if that’s supposed to mean something or if it’s a corruption of “Spheal’s Strait”, but either way, it doesn’t look like the kind of place a Spheal would hang out, so it still doesn’t make sense.
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Okay, THIS looks more like Spheal territory. But not knowing Surf, we head back and checkpoint at the Pokemon Center.
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“...are delicious...”
Yes, it’s weird that an entire region’s name is donut backwards.
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As we head in the direction of the Seaspray Dam to presumably finally deliver that package, Honey gets roped into a double battle.
It’s against Beauty Gabrielle and Youngster Joey. Notably, Joey is trying to impress Gabrielle so she’ll go out with him. The chat didn’t seem to notice at the time, but now that I’ve written it down, I can already hear the TPP headcanon triggers going off.
And yes, this Joey has a Rattata. Sorry, no loophole. He also has a Taillow, btw, and Gabriella has a Pidgeotto and Clefairy.
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After the fight, Gabriella informs us that the Seaspray Dam provides renewable energy to the entire Tunod region. Hmm... if I were an evil electric rodent seeking to do bad things and stop the plans of anyone trying to stop me, I’d probably make a stop there. 
Just saying.
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Yeah, I’d say things aren’t looking real great for AJ.
After wandering into some tall grass, Honey does some badge farming.
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This Houndour has no name, and isn’t the same as the one Honey eventually adds to her team... but shh, spoilers.
There’s also Growlithe, Pikachu, Marill, and Mareep in this tall grass. 
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Quite frankly, my dear, I... think the joke is just too obvious. 
He thinks otherwise, though, claiming that the dam fills him with glee.
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Welcome to Seaspray Dam. Who wants to bet that some sort of hostile takeover is going to happen here?
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See? The nice man is giving us a warning. Or maybe he just doesn’t want our sticky fingers on all the machinery. Or maybe he and the other guy are going to challenge Honey to a Double Battle. 
Which they do. She wins.
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This guy informs us that nobody is allowed on the upper floor. Given how much effort Honey went to to try to get the elevator into the Penthouse despite not having the key, I don’t think she’ll listen.
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She doesn’t. Either despite her dad’s advice, or because of it. I guess she thinks this is the time and place for breaking rules.
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It seems like the flow of the electricity determines where Honey can walk and where she can’t. It also seems like the water is flowing straight off the edge of the endless void of the fourth wall.
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“And now is not the time or place to electrocute yourself.”
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Aha! I knew something was up here! Even if that something is merely supply and demand, and thus simple economic problems...
Although when said demand is for regionwide electricity, and said supply is in finite numbers, I guess it’s pretty serious. Still simple, but serious.
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And this is where the lag bites us, and Honey spaces out again.
What is this person saying? “Evening”? “Every”? By the time the Stream picks back up, this is what Honey hears:
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“...needs of Tunod...”
Yep, it’s economics. Simple, potentially devastating economics.
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Seems safe enough for you, uh... sir? Madam? 
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The lag returns, and Honey’s ability to completely blank out to what people are saying strikes again. This next scene goes by pretty quickly, but I managed to capture the split second:
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“...need, kid, I’m busy.”
Honey, who by now is used to snappy women being rude to her, hands Flo the sensor that Professor Willow gave her.
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Whatever Flo says next, Honey appears to tune her out. Possibly the talk got way too technical for her. By the time the stream picks back up, Flo’s at this point of talking:
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Honey affirms this.
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Sure, Honey is used to doing favors for rude people.
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And Honey phases out again. Her mind’s elsewhere. Possibly the human world, the one without Pokemon... possibly just thinking about Luke, and wondering if that ‘friend’ of his is his girlfriend, and if not, if he’s available.
Eventually Flo commands her attention back.
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Say, Tongo’s sort of a greenish-blue Gem... 
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OOC: Bill here is referring to Tongo the Lil’ Monster, who was born from the Nail Gem during the pre-Chatty Yellow intermission game “Lil’ Monster”. In some TPP canons, notably those of N8, Pioxys, Emoji_Master, and the author, Lil’ Monsters are the children of the fossil deities of the TPP universe, and as such are sort of deities themselves. 
Tongo was considered to be the child of Sail (Connections) and Plume (Technology, Cheating/Hacks), and the author considers him as the fossil of dreams, imagination, reality paradoxes, and pirated ROMs, and as largely (or at least partially) responsible for all the dimension-hopping that Monster Rancher host Aya did during the pre-Chatty Yellow intemission. This dimension-hopping broke the universe to the point in which the Voices and Emotes were literally everywhere all over Kanto by the beginning of Chatty Yellow, and even the major trainers were transformed into Emote-headed abominations.
But to be fair, Tongo had been pretty much kidnapped by a guy named  '666fR that he couldn’t stand, so maybe it wasn’t his fault. Maybe.
ahem But, anyway, back to Honey:
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She tells us to take the card to pass through the corridor that the guards are blocking, and to “HURRY UP!”
Yeesh. Rude, lady, rude. Yelling at people isn’t cool. Yelling at disabled people is less cool. Yelling at disabled people with hidden reality-warping superpowers is likely to get you in all sorts of troubles later on, especially when and if you have to fight them for a gym challenge.
But in the meantime, Honey has a job.
To be continued...
OOC: I now imagine this song mashup to be Honey’s theme. Funny how her greatest asset -- her dimensional powers -- seem to be hindering her ability to function as a normal person, because she’s always halfway in another world. As a woman with invisible illnesses and oversensitivity issues, I feel I can relate to that. Honey, so far, seems to be very much like me IRL.
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