#hostile adversaries' meme of men who are challenged when mansplaining or whatever the exact context is
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
This is a very unimportant topic, but I don’t think what Sophie & co did to get out of Ravagog was reckless. Impulsive, sure, and dangerous, but not reckless. They would’ve gotten into VERY big trouble with the ogres, if they even survived, which they otherwise probably wouldn’t have because Linh could not have held that wave much longer. It wasn’t ideal, but it seems like it was the best course of action out of their limited options, which imho, isn’t really reckless!
That's a fair argument! I looked up a definition of reckless and it gave me "without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action." Sophie was able to evaluate multiple different options and their potential outcomes and from there come up with something to avoid the consequences she didn't want. I concede that that's a supported point. Regardless of the danger and impulsivity of the action, she did think through consequences before making her decision and chose the best course she could, contrary to that definition.
And you're right, out of all the options Sophie was able to consider when trying to escape from Ravagog, it was the option that would result in the least trouble/danger with the highest possibility of success. And it worked! They got out
My reasoning for labeling the decision to be on the bridge as it crashed down to then break through the gates as reckless was based on the aforementioned definition of reckless as "without thinking about the consequences of an action" and a few scattered lines on page 612 of Neverseen. They are (apologies for the formatting I'm trying to grammar):
"But...what happens when we go KABOOM?"
"--but that didn't explain how they would survive the crash."
"Time for the brilliant Sophie Foster to come up with another plan and save us, right?"
"But Sophie was all out of ideas."
All of which indicates that while Sophie had concluded that the flood and bridge idea was better than angry ogres in the heart of Ravagog, she hadn't truly thought of the consequences of being on the bridge when it crashed. She didn't know how they'd survive, didn't have a plan, didn't have any ideas. Which I think could indicate a level of reckless behavior.
I do acknowledge that she does briefly mention it to Dex asking if he thinks they could survive and he says he thinks they would, which gives at least a small amount of forethought and they were pressed for time, but I personally believe that it wasn't enough time for it to truly be considered substantial and maintain that it was, at least partially, a reckless decision.
I do agree with your arguments!! And they're a valid challenge to my hastily assembled list of reckless decisions, so I don't think it's as reckless as I originally painted it given the perspective you've provided. I do still think it was a little reckless, but that it was unavoidable in the situation they were in
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