#hopefully in 50 years queen'll still be famous
My grandmother was born in 1944. Yesterday I made her listen to Bohemian Rhapsody. I thought she'd say "Oh no, I hate this song" or something like that (because she hates the English language, sorry) but no. This didn't happen. SHE DOESN'T KNOW THE SONG. Never in her life has she heard about Queen. Not once. Or it didn't sink in. Yet she was in her early thirties when they begun to be famous all around the world. She doesn't know who Freddie was, and I didn't even ask her about Brian&Roger&John because I knew it'd be pointless.
So I've been thinking. When I'm an old grandma and my grandkids ask me about some song, "you know granny, you were 22 when it was released, don't you remember that? Everyone knows it, everyone likes it and knows the lyrics, did you like it when you were young? " I don't want to deny having heard it, not even once. I DON'T WANT TO MISS MY OWN ERA.
I don't want to be that much disconnected from what'll make history ... And yet. On the whole, I don't like nowadays' music. And right now I can't think of any song that teenagers will go crazy about in, say, 50 years. I don't know. What are the 2019 songs worth being remembered? Are there any? (I don't even listen to actual music so don't be mad at me if your favourite song is from 2016).
There ARE, actually, singers and bands that I like and that do music nowadays. But they are not worldly known. They don't sell thousands of albums, and if I ask some random people in the street if they know them, the answer will be negative. And I'm not even talking about my grandma. Why would these people be worldly known in 2070? Even if I'd like them to. I'd like to be part of this early fanbase who knew there was something big coming ahead. But I know this is not gonna happen.
I guess I'm bound to miss my own era. Maybe I'll just catch up later, when I'm 70. Then I can just pretend I knew these songs all along ...
But if you have any kind of answer/solution/etc to give me, I'll gladly take it.
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