#hope you dont mind writing with bert!
just read on your meta on jean reiner marco. im sorry but u made it sound like jean has no personality or own morals if it wasnt for marco. marcos death wasnt the only thing that spur him into being good tho. he literally said he doesnt want to lose comrades after trost that includes marco and all the other comrades they lost because he didnt expect himself to care that much about them. i will argue that losing sasha has more of an impact to jean because simply, they know and work with each other longer. jean also acted on his own to lead the charge at trost without marco asking him to because jean already has leadership qualities on his own. marco didnt even respond favorably initially but funnily reiner did. marco was just one part of jeans character development. jean has so many other important moments that led him to become who he is later on. he also sees himself as a killer equivalent to the warriors because one death to jean is too many. plus dont forget he is complicit in bertolt being eaten by titan armin as well. i dont think he doesnt have the capability to not forgive reiner because if he doesn't, that will make him a big hypocrite.
Did you, though? Or were you just looking to confirm what a *certain* someone that has made downplaying Marco and what he meant to Jean an integral part of their *ship* had to say about it?
Even if that's not the case, I never said Marco is the reason Jean became good, what I actually said is that he was the first person that made Jean aware of the skills and qualities he already had at a critical moment in Jean's character arc. And bc of that, we could see the long lasting effects it had over his development. I never said that was the only important moment in his development, I was simply focusing on his relationship with Marco bc, yknow, they're my favorite characters? I even linked another Jean meta that analizes how he always has it in him to make the right, selfless decissions despite his major flaws.
You're not wrong in saying that one death to Jean is too many (that's why I said he'd be ooc if the deaths of his former comrades didn't burden him) but you're only focusing on the character's in-story intent while I was focusing on the author's intent. I'm not going to explain again why comparing Jean (& Connie) to the warriors is a false equivalence and Isayama's own writing doesn't support it; the author's intent is to force this idea to make a "war is bad" (not wrong) "both sides are equally bad" (extremely wrong) argument. This post explains why this is an erroneous idea. Not to mention that this is a fascist talking point that only helps the aggressors by sugarcoating broken, lazy morals with pacifism.
Also, I know that most fans like to pretend that the series started with the Marley arc, but that's not the case. There is a major context that separates Reiner's actions from Jean's actions. What Jean did during the clash with the yeagerists was necessitated by the alliance's haste to save whatever was left of the world. What Reiner did during the pre timeskip siege of the walls was motivated by hatred and genocide. Plain and simple. The difference is that Jean didn't have to commit unspeakable attrocities to realize his morals were broken. No, his morals were influenced by loss. Marco became an integral part of his moral compass bc once he lost him --to a fricking titan and without knowing what were his last moments, mind you, Levi too was traumatized after he's lost someone dear to him to a titan for the first time-- he better understood loss and just how much he wants to protect the lives of others. He chose to join the Scouts bc he understood what was the true meaning of all of that "dedicate your heart" fancy talking: preventing another senseless death, more excruciating pain, and giving hope where there is only despair.
There's also a big context when it comes to what happened before Bert's death, isn't there? You're oversimplifying two completely different situations to make a false equivalence. Personally, I hate oversimplifying things. Jean wouldn't be a hypocrite for being unable to forgive Reiner, he'd be more than justified. And who said Reiner should get over what happened to Bert? Ah right, I forgot that in the lore of a *certain* ship Reibert also gets downplayed.
I'm also having a very hard time understanding how does highlighting Jean's relationship with Marco translates as me saying that Jean didn't have any other meaningful relationships with other characters?
JSC is literally my favorite trio, and I hate the fact that the story didn't give us more insight on how much Sasha's death affected Jean and Connie. We see how much it ravaged the two of them after it happened (Connie's "soulmate" line still gets me) and after they saw her in the smoke, but we don't see any moment similar to Jean's monologue after Pieck got him out of Shiganshina (which was an obvious reference to the pyre scene), or when he saw Marco after Hange tried to convince him to join the alliance (and don't ignore the symbolism of only seeing Marco out of all the comrades he's lost along the way, which also includes Sasha). Her death must've been a major reason as to why Jean and Connie joined the alliance, but the story doesn't even imply it bc Isayama focused more on how much her death affected Eren and other characters instead (when he could and should've done both).
Don't get me wrong tho, I'm not trying to invalidate your opinion, I just don't really see the point in turning whose death had more of an impact on Jean into a competition. And I disagree with saying that more time spent with someone makes them more important (same with the idea that more screen time = a better character). Both Marco and Sasha were Jean's cherished friends, and I'd argue that losing them both affected him in different ways. The story, however, emphasizes more on how losing Marco affected him. Which is why I said Marco is Jean's most significant person and loss, bc Isayama wants us to remember that just as much as he wants us to remember his complicated friendship with Eren, as an example of another of his important relationships.
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(Previous) Bert tilted his head and hummed curiously. “I didn't see you do anything wrong. I’m not sure why she squealed like that. She loves playing fetch…” He bent down and rubbed his fingers together to get Sherri Jr’s attention. “Come here girl!” She waddled over to him. Bert scooped and held her up in the light to examine her. Here was a good chance for Sherri to grab her father’s phone! She maneuvered her grabby tail into his chest pocket and lifted it out. “Oh?” Bert finally took the hint that she needed to say something, so he set her down and waited to see what she did with his phone. She navigated to the contacts list, then found the one with Teddy’s name on it and opened up the messages. She slowly tapped her paw pads to the screen. Writing with a phone keyboard was so much more difficult than a computer keyboard… About a minute later, Teddy received a text from Bert. It read “joey is a apology gift. dont kick. sorry I did not be a good table.”
Teddy watched Sherri Jr. type in equal parts concern, anticipation, and fascination. It was a good thing that they had a way to communicate other than body language. Otherwise he'd inadvertently repeat the same mistake until he gradually realized it through trial and error.
When her text came through he started to reach over to pet her before remembering why he shouldn't before his body reminded him. So he settled for holding his hand out and hoping that she understood what he was offering.
"Oh Sherri..," Teddy softly said as he softly smiled at her. "I'm sorry. I thought that you got worked up because you wanted to play and, well..," he paused to awkwardly chuckle. "I can't throw well at the moment."
"Besides, the possibility of you apologizing never crossed my mind because it was my fault for being thoughtless. I just placed it all on my lap— and by extension, you— without thinking about what would happen if you got up."
Then Teddy turned to Bert. "Is it alright if we move closer to the counter? Or do you have a side table I can borrow?"
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fancymuffinparty · 7 months
Hello there! I am a multi shipper as well and a big fan of AoT. Im also a big fan of your work; the Summer Fling series is probs my favorite, I love the way you wrote the Bert/Ymir pairing; in all my years as a fan of AoT I've never actually met another BeruYumi fan! ^.^ we aren't a very big part of the fandom. Anywho, are you going to write more for them in the future? also, do you have any head canons regarding the two of them?
Hello hello!!!!!!
I'll be honest... I'm always a bit hesitant to talk about beruyumi because... it gets a lot of criticism. I dont even mind that its unpopular; small ships have never fazed me. But it's the backlash and hate it used to get that deterred me from being outspoken.
It used to be REALLY bad. Now, luckily, i've found that people in SnK are either pretty chill/tolerant or just dont care lmao. And then on the rare occasion, there's people like you and me that are like 'wait, i like this pairing, it's great!' and we vibe lol.
I wrote the SFS back in 2017, and although it was a mult-ship fic, the beruyumi in it is what probably turned off a few ppl from reading it :/ But it also revealed other fellow BY shippers and so that was well worth it!!! So thank you for taking the time to read that one! It will always hold a special place in my heart because it was like one of the first multi chapter fics i actually finished lol (even tho my writing style has changed A LOT since then and yikes!!)
Now, in regards to your second question, YES! I have plans to write more for them in the future and in fact... currently, i am working on a new fic called Streamline! :) It's a modern AU, pro swimmers AU because i will always headcanon Bert and Ymir as athletic and as strong swimmers! Check it out, if you wish!! :D dude, i've been wanting to write it for like 5 years!!!)
oh lordy, i have SO many headcanons for these two! I could write a whole ass post about it 🤗 (that's tbc!! because i've already gone overboard with this post haha also, i need to warm up 💪)
anyway, thank you for this nice ask :) and for being a fellow BY shipper that appreciates this small but mighty ship!!! hope you have a nice day:)
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teddy-yandere · 3 years
Gojo yandere alphabet?
Satoru Gojo Yandere Alphabet
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes
A/N = Feel free to request any characters you want. I write for many different fandoms , all you have to do is scroll to the bottom of this post and pick what fandom and character you want me to write for and send me a request. My inbox is always open so feel free to chat with me!! <3
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
• Gojo definitely shows his love through physical touch , and acts of service. If you are also a sorcerer, he might tag along with you to help you kill spirits. This is before he went completely yandere , and kidnapped you.
• Gojo can get really intense when it comes to showing love , and affection towards his precious darling. Sometimes he will force you to cuddle him , and give him kisses. He doesn’t really see anything wrong with it , because he feels like he deserves everything that you have to offer.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
• Very , very messy.
• If he feels like you are in danger , then he will not hesitate for a second . He will kill anyone that comes near you. I doubt anyone will try to challenge him. After all he is very strong , and can easily end them. Most people will just leave you , and him alone.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
• Gojo might be very playful with you. He won’t directly mock you , but he will make a couple of jokes here , and there. If he thinks that his jokes are hurting your feelings, or making you cry , then he will stop.
• He will only stop for a little bit , at least until he can’t hold them in any longer.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
• He will force you to sleep in the same room as him. I doubt he will force you to sleep in the same bed . He might purposely make you watch a scary movie at night , so then you feel scared , and agree to sleep in the same bed as him.
• Sneaky bastard
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
• Gojo never knows when to shut up around his darling.
• Within the first hour of him kidnapping them , he will tell them his life story , and tell them all about the people that he works with. He will also gossip about Megumi. Poor guy :((
• He will also be very honest about his feelings. He wants to encourage you to talk to him . He thinks that him telling his life story , makes the two of you closer.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
• Gojo would find it very amusing. He thinks it is funny how you think that you can beat him in a fight. He might let you think that you are winning , but then he would suddenly flip over . Now he is on top of you. He would say stuff like =
• “ wow darling , feeling feisty ye ?”
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
• No , this is certainly not a game to him. He takes his darling Bert’s seriously ( most of the time at least ).
• He does think it is funny to watch you escape him. As I have said before , he might let you think that you have a chance if escaping, but in reality, you really dont.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
• Making him jealous is the last thing that you would ever want to try doing. Gojo has a nice sense of humor, but he does not think stuff like this is a joke. You are his , and his only.
• Your worst experience was when you told him that you did not need him to keep you warm at night ( it was a freezing night ). So Gojo decided to leave you in the snow for a little bit , until you began crying for him.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
• I don’t think he has a plan , if he hopes that you are in his future .
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
• As I have said before , he does not get jealous , he just gets very overprotective.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
• Gojo is a very touchy person in general. Just add that with 100x more love , and affection. He cannot keep his hands off of his Darling . Literally. He will always be touchy you in someway, even if it is just touching your feet together at night. He will cuddle you randomly at night. His excuse, is that you seemed cold , and he was just trying to warm you up !
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
• He won’t really try to court you unless you are someone he makes contact with on a regular basis. For example , if you work with him , he might say some flirty compliments , and comments ever once in a while.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else??
• He acts the exact same way , but he never shuts up. He is always talking to you one way , or another. He is just a very enthusiastic person around you. It gets annoying after a while.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
• He will probably isolate you. I am going to use the same example as earlier =
• Your worst experience was when you told him that you did not need him to keep you warm at night ( it was a freezing night ). So Gojo decided to leave you in the snow for a little bit , until you began crying for him.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
• Aside from kidnapping, he Jets you do basically whatever you want , as long as it is not putting you in danger. He can be chill sometimes.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
• Hmmm it is very hard to tell with Gojo. Sometimes , he can be extremely lenient with you , on the other hand , the tiniest thing might set him off I to a protective spiral.
You could simply just be trying to get something from the shelf , and Gojo starts to randomly freak out , because he thinks you might hurt yourself .
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
• He will be heartbroken if his Darling successfully left him. He might try to move one , but in the end you were his one true love. He might try to go on dates with people who look like you , but it will never be the same.
• If you died , then he will forever mourn you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
• No - just no
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
• He was very curious about you. Something about the way you talked , and walked attracted him. You were constantly playing in his head ( until he snapped ).
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
• He will not allow you to isolate yourself from him. He does not tolerate you actively trying to ignore him.
• needy boi
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
• He will burn the world down for you. He is not afraid to hurt you or your family to convince you to behave , and love him. He sees nothing wrong with what he is doing.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
• Nothing really
• If you want to escape him , your only hope is that somebody strong will help you.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
• Not physically ( most of the time ) , but emotionally
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
• He sees you as his equal pretty much. ( except he is stronger than you )
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
• Depends
• If he knows you , and you are active in his life , he Night pine for you a long time , until he breaks . If you didn’t know you , then I would give it a month until he takes you.
• Gojo can get very paranoid at times.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
• He would unintentionally break his Darling. He problema won’t even notice he has broken you , until it was too late.
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Thanks for reading Darling !! <3
Feel free to request any character you want. I write for all genders. If you don’t tell me what gender you want then I will just make it gender nuetural. I write for many different fandoms such as:
• Demon Slayer
• Haikyuu
• Attack on Titan
• My Hero Academia
• Death Note
• Jujutsu Kaisan
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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starrysence · 6 years
warnings: mention of abuse + implied depression
●ok so they both?? like? struggle w/ expressing their emotions verbally (spot a little more than albert), like in face-to-face conversation ▪modern era they wouldnt have a problem texting each other "ily" or "i love u" etc but they wont be able to say it out loud for a little while▪no problem showing physical affection tho●hoo boi are these boys physical▪what they lack in being verbal they make up for in kisses/hugs/hand holding/other stuff like that u know▪albert usually initiates physical contact bc he's so touch-starved▪when theyre both new to their relationship he does little things like hold spot's hand and trace shapes on the back of it ▪also draping his arm around spot's shoulders and running his fingers through his hair▪spot will never admit it but it drives him crazy●theyre both Very Athletic▪they just seem like the athletic type▪gonna be real i dont know SHIT about 99% of the sports on this planet so dont expect too much detail▪al loves track n dance and spot loves football▪actually al can run rlly fast it's kind of frightening▪extremely well defined muscles from dance▪def into ballet, modern, tap, jazz▪spot can hardly dance▪he knows ballroom dance bc of a class medda made him take and Thats It▪but hes really good at football▪works out. on the daily.▪al works out almost every day but some days he can barely bring himself to get out of bed and spot gets that▪al isnt one of those people who feels better after exercising bc he can barely get himself to do jt▪but he'll read a good book and listen to some nice music and thats his happy place▪sometimes he'll actually just pick spot up out of nowhere and nyoom y'know●a couple months into their relationship is when al tells spot hes adopted ▪spot is surprised bc al couldve told him earlier???? since he knows spot is adopted too▪but albert explains that he was scared bc telling someone hes adopted makes him feel like he has to tell them abt the shit his biological parents did to him
▪so spot tells him that he isnt being forced to talk about it if it makes him feel uncomfortable, and starts Panicking when albert starts crying▪hes all "did i say something wrong???" and albert shakes his head and just tells him that it means a lot that he said that▪now he is significantly ess Panicked▪and albert just like. pulls him into a hug and hes always down for that●neither of them like the snow very much●they stay inside wrapped in every blanket they can find in the house sipping hot chocolate with marshmallows in it and candy canes on the cup●spot is Ready to watch christmas movies on november 1st but al is in post-halloween denial and depression for at least the first 10 days of november▪it makes for a lot of arguments▪"i want to watch white christmas!!!!!!"▪"you can but i REFUSE"▪"can we look for a christmas tree-"▪"nOt YeT"▪spot would Actually Fight Al if he didnt love him so much●albert owns So Many sweaters▪spot does too but he loves to steal albert's▪"am i ever gonna get that back"▪"no probably not"▪"ok cool"●al is the first one to use a pet name▪spot gets really red and cant speak for like 3 minutes the first time albert calls him "babe"▪al is getting a LAUGH outta this hes never seen spot like this before▪"babe youre so cute when you blush oh my god"▪"sH ut up dasilva"▪"whatever you say babe"●spot is the first one to say "i love you"▪he gets really scared bc for a minute there albert is really quiet and just sitting there staring at his hands ▪but then he kisses spot so softly on the lips and spot's just like "o h" in the back of his mind▪and they both pull away after a few minutes and al is smiling really wide and he kisses spot's neck and whispers "i love you, too, spot"●al can bake▪spot Can Not▪spot's amazing at cooking tho▪but hes bitter bc so is albert▪it'll be al's turn to cook dinner one night and spot is eating a cookie from a batch albert baked earlier and hes just like "fuck you"▪"what?"
▪spot gestures to al with the half eaten cookie in his hand and speaks through a mouthful, "you can do both. it’s uNFAIR"▪al dies laughing ●uhhhh hh albert plays guitar and is way better at songwriting than he likes to admit ▪actually spot doesnt even know al writes song until he sees his songbook lying around and decides to look through it a lil▪he loves hearing al play with or without singing▪never hesitates to tell al how freakiNg good he sounds and albert blushes and smiles every time and replies "thanks" rlly softly▪it makes spot's heart melt. every damn time. and he cant help but just kiss his boy▪one time after al finishes playing a song he looks at spot and smiles and hes like "that one was about you"▪spot near CRIES▪ofc. kisses. he loves his bf so much▪eventually he has to be like "put the guitar away albert" so they can go further
●ngl albert proposes at 3am without entirely meaning to
▪like he has a ring n stuff but he was planning to propose on a cute date or something
▪but y'know they cant sleep so theyre in bed talking 
▪"you know what, spot?"
▪"we should totally get married one day. like. it would be so cool. sean and albert conlon-dasilva"
▪"did you just. actually fucking propose to me at," he turns to check the clock and then turns back to face albert, "3:16 in the fucking morning"
▪albert turns around to grab the ring box out of his nightstand and turns back to face spot before opening it
▪what a disaster
▪spot loves him
here u go juls!!!!!! this got really long ajshdsjs so i hope u like it
-sanj 💕
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