#honestly the average cishet white american will make a hot take so hot that it's like they're basically saying 'ya im facist so what ?'
bugpov · 2 years
why is anyone going to a grocery store like we should all be farming and cooking soup over fires outside and sipping hot soup under the stars to keep warm and bathing in cool streams to replenish our energy during the day and traveling and migrating from place to place, exploring the world and discovering new things to help us heal and advance our species towards godliness
#snail sounds#one day animals won't be so afraid of us anymore i think#and we will stop living so unnaturally#the invention of cars and even riding horses to me is honestly a tragedy#like i understand the appeal but still no#anything that uproots you from the earth in a way that makes you feel more powerful than it is to be kept away from#cars cause so much kidnapping and sex trafficking and i understand this stuff happens regardless#but we've made it easier for these sickos#cars are so dumb and they make us detached from what is real#people are so impatient when im crossing the street too sometimes like can u chill the fuck out . just relax fucking calm down#beep beep honk honk go to work go to work go to work go to work#this is madness#the world is dominated by men dominated by their madness#im so disgusted#we need to go back to living in little villages and weaving baskets#anybody who's still doing that rn is doing something right and we should all be like them#cuz fuck america fuck this made up imaginary nation that weirdos worship#honestly the average cishet white american will make a hot take so hot that it's like they're basically saying 'ya im facist so what ?'#very concerning#like stop getting so defensive for no reason . ur not the one under attack here esp if u are not part of a marginalized group of people#just be fucking uncomfortable cuz life isn't about being in constant coddling comfort and care#it's always just like 'oh my perspective matters toooo' n then they share whatever bs they were about to say#only to prove at the end of it that they weren't listening to the other person talk at all . like their ears just start ringing#while a marginalized person is explaining how they've experienced oppression#and then the oppressor is like 'well what about how you've hurt my fragile uwu feelings by calling me out on my bullshit how dare u'#it's like talking to a brick wall they are insistent upon living in darkness#n like it's sad but you can't force anything upon something like that . u can't force anyone to change or even do anything it's not right#u just gotta be kind and hope for the best i suppose#just keep talking about ur experiences cuz everyone needs to speak up against the oppression they face#not just a select few influencers with a few general statements on their political stance and nothing else very groundbreaking or memorable
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