#hiiii I've been lurking in this fandom for a couple months and I finally got the energy to make a sideblog
geoffreymccullum · 1 month
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this is how I'm choosing to take my first steps into the Vampyr fandom
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tellmegoodbye · 8 months
For nice ask day - I'd love to know about when you first got into Lone Star, and what are other shows/movies you like and would always recommend?!
Hi!!! It's actually really interesting because I probably would have gotten into the show sooner, I was just lazy.
So my first introduction to the show was actually seeing the ads for season 3 and going hmm looks interesting, and then I proceeded to forget to actually go watch it. 😂 I then started seeing gifs on my dash a few months later, mostly from season 3. It took me until February of this year after seeing like ten thousand gifsets of the scene where TK wakes up from his coma and going "okay I am literally missing out on some delicious angst right now, I need to do something about this"
I binged the whole show and it took me from about the time 4x04 dropped to when 4x06 dropped, so about two weeks. (that's not even close to my record, I binged ten seasons of shameless in two weeks) I also then went and watched OG which I also enjoyed, but lone star is still my fave! I've mostly been lurking around here because I'm generally very shy but also wary of fandoms. But y'all seem nice so hiiii you get to deal with my annoying dumbass now ^_^
(I also couldn't contain my fic ideas, so when I'm done being the slowest writer in existence, I am also excited to jump into that as well 😊)
Obviously I'm coming here from Shameless so that's one show I reccomend. (it's also where my url is from in case some lone star people were like "huh??" I'm too attached to it to change it) I don't really watch a ton of shows, as this is only my third fandom and only my second for a tv show, but I will reccomend one show that I haven't seen much of on tumblr, which is a show called Dark. It's a German show on Netflix and if you're looking for sonething that will absolutely confuse the shit out of you in the best way possible then that's a good one to watch!
For movies, There's a couple I really love. my favorite movie of all time is August Rush. The soundtrack is amazing and it's just a really sweet movie overall.
Just listen to this shit and tell me that doesn't go hard.
Another movie I really love is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. It's about a kid who loses his father during 9/11 and how he navigates that grief both by himself and with his mother who he has a complicated relationship with. He also has aspergers which impacts exactly how he deals with these emotions and I really relate to him a lot in that regard. It's a sad movie with a beautiful ending, and it will definitely make you cry!
Finally, a movie I'm sure everyone knows and loves, is The Parent Trap (1998 version) It's just so fun and sweet!
Thank you for this ask! I'm having a lot of fun today :)
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