#heterophobia doesn't exist but with your help we can do it
thatsnotxitsy · 2 years
That's not a woke take that's just more ignorance (part 1 most likely)
I saw somebody have on their DNI list 'if you think misandry is real'. I think you're confusing the idea of misandry with the idea of sexism. Let's forgot the things 'mens rights' activists consider 'misandry' for a moment, too, because radicals don't count. Sexism is the word we give to sex-based oppression. Men cannot be victims of sexism, even if their sex is directly related to any reason they are treated badly or abused, because society (many societies) do not give non-men any power over men in wider context of that society. It's why somebody can be insulted for being white, but it's not racism. It's why somebody can have a stereotype about them because they are straight and it not be 'heterophobia' etc But all groups are capable of simply being hated. Undue hate towards an entire group of people simply for existing with a non-alterable trait is never fine. Not even if they are a 'privileged' group. The more we isolate traits of people's being like that and see them as valid for scorn, the more those groups who have power over us feel justified in doing the same as well. My point is, misandry is real. Misandry is real because it's completely possible to perpetrate hatred towards men as a whole group. It's become such a huge thing that safeguarding training for businesses, schools etc (at least here) now includes it. If you spend your days spewing a need for violence towards men, their mutilation, imprisonment, removal of rights and/or speak about how dirty and disgusting they are and how unfortunate it is to be attracted to them then that is misandry. It's just not sexism or oppression. But it's also not helpful, kind or justified. Just stop that. Nobody should feel ashamed of their sex or gender.
Because yes, trans men also get affected by these words! There's nothing more crushing than people making out that the gender you know is right, the gender you've strived for, somehow makes you a bad person and part of the problem inherently. No trans man wants to be subject to that as well as a good dash of transandrophobia being told that their trans bodies are only viable and valid if feminine enough. No cis man wants that either. Their are very good men out there, and if some good men exist, then any generalised statement is just hate. In the same way, misogyny doesn't mean the oppression of women it means the hatred of women. Also, misandry is a huge contributor to why transphobia exists towards trans women. Not entirely, no, much of it is just hating trans people. But there is a reason that TERF's target trans women the most. Some of it is internalised misogyny with a dash of racism (i.e. 'this trait is masculine' yet many WOC have that trait and are cis). TERF's target trans women because they see them as men and see penis as the enemy. Their hatred for men and for people they view as men extends beyond the logic of even a fully transitioned trans women and deep into the core of their ideal. They hate men, 'trans women are men' so they hate trans women and by extent, hate trans men for wanting to become men, the hated sex/gender.
I'm rambling now. My point is, misandry does exist and you're not a bad person for saying it does nor are you woke or a good person for saying it doesn't. - Gravy {Chalk Circle System}
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tiefsterwinter · 3 years
thinking bout being a bit heterophobic...
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