#here's me hoping i have judged p'aof completely wrong and he does a 180
panncakes · 5 months
if they do go the mhok moves to songkhla to learn how to be a chef and day stays in bangkok to finish his studies (and learn to be independent) route i will have peace with it and i understand the messaging if they don't do an arbitrary break-up; but i do wish p'aof wasn't so fond of seperate growth tbh; i understand the messaging but mhok learning how to do stuff for himself and put himself first and day becoming independent doesn't have to happen away from each other; that sort of growth can happen side by side and i do think my preferred ending would be then moving to songkhla together for a bit because i think day does need that separation from his family to show he is a capable adult and mhok deserves to be supported in investing in his future
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