#her wardrobe was solid though ngl
no-zaku-boy · 6 years
1:What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before? Visited Austria and went to a concert in another country, climbed a (small) mountain, did disaster relief volunteering, played on average more than one video game a month, ate natto (I guess I'm nasty because it wasn't that bad), annnnd was in a BABY/AatP con fashion show.
2:Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I think I did pretty well. I made mostly "keep working on it" type resolutions, and I kept up with most of them. I'll continue this trend for 2018 because it seems to be working well.
3:Did anyone close to you give birth? Nope.
4:Did anyone close to you die? Squeeze. I’m so, so sorry. I wish I’d done better by her, and I wish her last few days had maybe been easier (through the fault only of the vet), but I know she spent most of her years well-loved in a happy home and that she lived a long and good life full of lap pets from an amazing hoomin whom she adored. I may not really believe in a people afterlife, but I sure like to think she’s out there flashing her high beams on the twilight seas of wherever is next for kitties.
5:What countries did you visit? Austria and the Czech Republic.
6:What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? Discipline is always a good answer, and more confidence.
7:What dates from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? It's always moments rather than specific dates. Wasteland Weekend, yet again (probably forever). Despite the fact that I was terribly sick, being in Spokane with my best dudes is easily a major highlight of the year. Seeing Miyavi live and the moment he first started going wild on that guitar.
8:What was your biggest achievement of the year? Gaining more stability. Getting a steady job, engaging even more with things I have always loved like reading and video games and cosplay, and coming to terms with the fact that I shouldn't be trying to play catch up for the time I've lost in order to be impressive to other people and should instead focus on genuinely doing what makes me happy. Yeah.
9:What was your biggest failure? Not pushing myself harder.
10:Did you suffer illness or injury? I was sick as fuck this year, son. It seemed like I was constantly coughing or running a fever or SOMETHING. I'd better not be sick at all in 2018, is2g. I also had that random back injury that really messed with me for almost two weeks. Ugh.
11:What was the best thing you bought? Travel and event expenses, like the last couple years. I'm content with this trend.
12:Whose behaviour merited celebration? A lot of my friends for being kind, generous people who try to make the world better for the people around them and more.
13:Whose behaviour made you appalled? A relatively small number of atrocious customers and everyone involved in/who voted for the people at the center of the circus that is US politics.
14:Where did most of your money go? Travel and living expenses.
15:What did you get really, really, really excited about? Video games and a few potential projects I've been kicking around, travelling both abroad and domestically, Wasteland this year and MAX HYPE for next year, the three or four cosplay groups I got to be part of, and picking up Japanese again more seriously than I've done in years.
16:What song will always remind you of 2017? Ngl, Richard Spencer getting sucker punched to Born in the USA has been running through my head pretty much constantly since January. I also feel like ABBA and Neil Cici have really dominated this year for me.
17:Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? Happier, maybe slightly thinner, poorer.
18:What do you wish you’d done more of? Studying and putting myself out there. I also wish I'd spent more time acting with authenticity rather than being concerned with external pressures (for instance, wanting recognition and, as a result, wondering if my actions are merely performative even if they do have some practical effect, or at times choosing comfort over conviction). I know I'm being hard on myself here, but in 2018 I'd like to Do More and Do Better. (And yeah, I'd like to have it be noticed, I'm only human, but I'd also like to work on caring less about that, too.)
19:What do you wish you’d done less of? Worrying and wasting time.
20:How did you spend Christmas? With family and friends, playing games, getting weird (still not sure where some of these bruises came from), and having good food, good conversation, and a good drive. <3
21:Did you fall in love in 2017? Here and there~
22:What was your favourite TV program? Of the new-to-me things I picked up, Brooklyn 99 and Boku no Hero Academia were top of the pops.
23:Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Who has that kind of time?
24:What was the best book you read? Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett was probably my fave of the year. I wish I had finished Atlas Shrugged; as much as I disagree with a lot of Ayn Rand's philosophy and the presentation thereof, she's a damn good author. Gonna finish in 2018.
25:What was your greatest musical discovery? Screaming sky cowboy. Also, I'm grateful that someone clued me into Wednesday Campanella.
26:What did you want and get? A bit of direction and focus, and the motivation to resume studying a language in the first time in a long time.
27:What did you want and not get? I'd wanted estate stuff to be over and done with completely this year, but alas.
28:What was your favourite film of this year? Get Out was so, SO good, and Thor: Ragnarok really surprised me, so probably one of those two. Special mention to Blade Runner 2049 (I still have some genre-typical beef, but I find more things I liked about the film every time I reflect on it).
29:What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Time with loved ones for sure, and gaining more confidence in my abilities and my future re: jobs. And being more "selfish" with my time and energy, to be honest. I feel guilty that I'm not there for everything or everyone like I usually pressure myself to be, but prioritizing myself more often rather than routinely making my desires secondary to pleasing others has made me a much happier person over all.
30:How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017? I had to wear business casual most of the time (I did manage to put together some semi-stylish work outfits, though, and got a lot of compliments on the work wardrobe I built up over the year) and spent most of my free time in pajamas. I had a pretty cute but relatively basic office look going most of the time and would like to play with it a lot more in 2018, and I'd like to be less lazy fashion-wise during my days off. I'm thinking about returning to the side shave hair cut to inspire some bolder choices, but we'll see.
31:What kept you sane? Boything was patient through a lot of weird highs and lows (mostly highs) this year, which I really appreciate, and having a solid routine helped balance me and keep me on task once I adjusted to it. Frequent skype nights with my best dudes and finally building at least one more solid friendship here in Austin also helped quite a bit.
32:Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I guess those good, good McElboys took up a disproportionate amount of my attention span. Also, Chris Fleming, if only because I've hated my hair most of this year and every time I've looked in a mirror, I've started internally singing, "Just because I have bad hair doesn't mean that I'm polyamorous."
33:What political issue stirred you the most? I'll admit it, I got burnt out very quickly this year and only did my part in little spurts. I'd like to be more active next year. But I guess just the general trend of politics in America has had me somewhat riled, and I was probably the most outspoken about condemning white nationalism and white passivity in the face thereof.
34:Who did you miss? Everyone who was too far. ]:
35:Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017. Having a regular sleep schedule is invaluable. Getting up fifteen minutes earlier to enjoy a cup of coffee and do some reading is always worth it. It's okay to choose yourself. More personally, I'm starting to accept the idea that people value my company and my input, and that I shouldn't shy away from sharing so often because I do have insightful/interesting things to contribute, or at the very least, I can usually get a laugh.
36:Quote a song lyric that sums up your year THE BEST (THE BEST THE BEST) PART OF WAKING UP IS FOLGERS IN YOUR CUP
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She’s about to do something stupid.
anyway... who’s back with almost 5k words worth of garbage? MEEE
I was too lazy to rebrand the frenchness of french toast. Not even Snooj is French, goddammit, and I can't think of anywhere else off the top of my head. Next time, (as in, 3 chapters' time I see) I'm just renaming any country that has no counterpart lmao
I’m not happy with this one ngl... the funky flow is not in there as I had to weld 2 chapters together so I will end closer to 40 overall. Hereby I also declare that I shall attempt a biweekly schedule with this trash so I can end it on the date the story ends (plus-minus appendix and shit). Smell you alter, readers.
Kat is preoccupied with the new idea as she's doing a really quick rabbit shadow show while near invisible, which, as expected, Carrot is all over about. (She tells something about Wano and shadow theatre, but never having seen this…?)
However, she forgets about it as soon as Usopp replaces her after the lukewarm performance to do some actual skilled shadowplay for the mink to enjoy. The distortion part also gets cancelled after the initial tricks, as it would be hard for the eager girl to learn some of this otherwise.
It's the mild pain in her face from laughing and smiling a little too much at the sniper's excessively dumb commentary that reminds Kat of time being up, and she makes another run for it.
"Well… I was already giving up on you getting back within a few minutes," Law sighs in resignation and mild relief as she opens the door with care only she bothers with. Taking a look back at her, his brows pull closer together. "… is… there something up with your face?" She doesn't seem to be especially bothered, but… it could be that. Or a splitting headache, if she's not drinking enough. She has just had coffee, but what and how much did she have before that?
"Usopp said a lot of funny hogwash and it made me laugh a lot…" Kat near complains with a groan, rubbing her cheeks. "Guess your grumpy face is not used to it." A sting or two is commonplace even in her own body, as she either has a plastic smile or empty stare on in public, but Law's face seems to be even more taken about the exercise.
… or, it could be that. After short consideration, Law lets himself relax again. "Wouldn't be too surprised, to be honest. Maintaining a poker face and the occasional smirk is not very taxing on those muscles." He stops again before getting back to his transplants book; "If you were to get legitimately sore… just fucking tell me, okay?" He could definitely see something like this trigger the other two problems.
"I knooow, I have it with my own actual face all the time from having too good of a goddamn time," she says, putting the last pats on the cheeks. It just… hurts, then maybe buzzes for a while. "I'm used to it."
"…" the quill stops over the notepad before he would continue the bullet points; he needs a second to interpret this reply. "… I kind of forgot you are not sunshine and rainbows all the time, to be honest." She started off as someone who was lowkey judging people from the sidelines in silence. If nothing else, catching a reaction or two on topics like Monkey D. Luffy was amusing enough.
It's been about a week since this initial impression had changed, but it feels like ages since Kat seemed like someone careful and distant, if not calculating and uncaring. Which… is funny, because she seeks out loopholes to have fun and also cares in her own way, even a little too much at that. Still, not counting that he saw her cracking up on her potential execution, or the suppressed smiles while watching the crews do something stupid, he did not see her laugh until a day after they've met. Following that, nothing until Friday, where she laughed a lot, and… well, there was Saturday evening.
Wednesday also marks the date when she had caught his attention. That smile of hers irked him from the get-go, even without knowing why.
"When I'm in my element, maybe… otherwise, I'm partly cloudy with a chance of rain," she mumbles, then notes that the teddy she has passed to him is sitting in the junk behind the now closed door. Seems like some stuff has also been moved. "… what did this bear do to deserve the timeout corner?" Was he trying to get the wardrobe open? Or is it the huge chest crammed into the literal corner with a lot of stuff still on- and in front of it? Well, it's really easy to find out either way.
"Wanted to put it away, but I guess I'll have to wait until I have my bod-" He hears some stuff hitting the bed, followed by a short scraping sound on wood and some hinges creaking, and he freezes with eyes wide and as pale as a ghost. She didn't just do what he thinks she did, did she?
"Oh my gosh," Kat squeals upon discovering the unquestionably high grade stuffed material in the levitating trove. "These are deliberately the most adorable things ever?" The poofy white teddy at the top smiling at her is made of tangible sunshine and rainbows. There's no way all of these are from the same person, there's too much variety… This crew has taste, alright. That shaggy blonde leg near a corner actually kind of looks like… "The soft stuff," she whispers in awe, grabbing it immediately.
"YOU," Law near-shouts, then lowers the volume to an aggressive whisper while tumbling out from his chair; "put those things away right now." Uni and Shachi are in the control room and could barge in any time, and by god, he cannot let them know that he's actually kept every. single. one of these. His occasionally mulled-over plan to just dump it all on the nearest kindergarten or clinic is suddenly top priority, because fucking Kat with her apparently zero self-restraint will unearth any embarrassing secret or cursed relic she can put her grabby hands on. Not to mention digging up traumatic memories she should have zero access to. And she has his body, his devil fruit… is there anything he has that is safe from this woman?!
"Okay, okay, I will," she slurs as he dumps backpack burglar bear in with the others and is reaching for the one in her hands; "but… "
"But what," he hisses as she lifts it out of reach, eyeing the door behind them while also listening for movement.
"Can I keep this one?" she squeaks, holding her new stuffed friend with the plaid bandana scarf close. He's been given so many and puts them all someplace nobody could find them, one more or less really won't matter, right? "Please?" … it kind of stinks, though. Nothing that a round or two in the washing machine cannot fix, though.
"…" He's had to deal with some weird requests in the past few months, but this… this is the one that takes the cake. "Why the hell do you want it?" he bursts out, struggling to keep his volume low. "Isn't there enough useless garbage in that dump house of yours already?!"
The chest sways in the air as shame washes over Kat's face; she can't get any sound through the lump in her throat for ten solid seconds. Once her color fades into the negatives and she would be able to say something, she has no words left in her.
Seeing her mood whiplash, Law gets to calm down and lets out a frustrated sigh. He's done it now, didn't he. Legitimately hurt her. It was only a question of time, but he expected to feel less of an ass over it. The accusation is unfair anyhow, since he also has a room full of obsolete shit and a huge treasure chest reserved for nothing but teddy bears that everyone thinks he's long gotten rid of.
"Whatever, take it if…" Kat reaches out with the plushie in hand… "… you, uh…" … and puts it back on top of the pile.
"Don't want it," she mumbles through her sore throat.
"It's… it doesn't matter, I'm full on these things. Won't be able to cram in any more, anyway." About two bigger ones, and he won't be able to shut the lid without squishing its inhabitants.
She shakes her head. "This memory… is no good."
"…" The memory? The random junk in the 'dump,' and all that knickknack she has littering the place that are on the decorative side of things are… stuff to remember things by? More specifically, reminders of pleasant things. Huh. Suppose… there is something to that.
He takes one more look at the bears inside, then shuts the chest. "I see." Both of them have some long overdue spring cleaning to do, and not only on the physical plane.
Kat then rearranges the mess into the same pile as she has found it; chest as the base, followed by tightly rolled-up posters to the sides to support the folders and books on them, another doctor's suitcase that's barely in one piece, a metal case between that and the wardrobe, and finally, the notebooks and whatever else… on top. All that's missing is the little shelf rack that was sitting in front.
Law can tell by a single glance at her body language that she's lost all motivation she might have had thus far. Great. Just… great. He made her plummet back to square one, if not zero. Can't help but keep digging your own damn grave, can you? Take a deep breath and do what you have to. "Kat-ya?"
She freezes up for a moment, then lets out a questioning hum.
Not even on talking terms, huh?
"As one hoarder to another… sorry."
After some delay, she sniffs.
"... don't you fucking start crying on me."
Long story short, she did start silent crying and the man had to manually insert a leftover cracker in her mouth like a punch card and had her drink the last cup's worth of tea to get her to calm down. She felt both empty and relieved, and also like a big baby in need of their favorite stuffed toy for the rest of the day. Law meanwhile likely felt like playing a very done surrogate dad, dealing with an insufferable kid on the way home. Shachi even tried to nickname him 'Mr Babysitter' once him and Uni had actually entered the place in the middle of it all, but this jab was quickly redirected as Law flat-out told him that taking care of a toddler was nothing new for someone running a daycare 24/7. That one earned an immature, wet faced chuckle from her.
She probably should have felt more embarrassed by the situation overall. However, she kind of enjoyed it, even? Which also ought to have earned much more shame on her part, but she just became really calm and tired for the rest of the day. Crying feels good, sometimes.
Also sometimes, she has to wonder whether coffee even works.
"Okay, touch-me-not… time to hit the hay," she can hear Law's voice phase in some time later before getting shooed from her button project and out of the room. "And tomorrow, try to act like a respectable adult, because as of now… it's hard to look at you as a grown-ass woman." It feels like he had to turn into an actual babysitter, if not a pet owner for the day. And holy shit, was it fucking exhausting. She might be on par with Luffy in this regard.
She just gives a tired, matter of fact 'okay' as an answer as she surveys the doorway with vacant eyes.
The flat response… is not something he's used to. Is she like this after letting some steam out, or…? "... are you actually registering the things I say?"
"Yes, I'm just… one with the universe," she nods.
Law squints at her, then shoves the woman personally out the door; her eyes are still a little red, and the weird (although not really out of character) answer would make him suspect her being high on weed, if not for the fact that it's a substance that can be found in one single container on his wannabe-estate, that is to say, in his room, and that one is locked shut ever since some not-so-mysterious vanishing acts. Even if she shoplifted him, he would fucking notice, sharing the goddamn space all day. "You talk and walk like a zombie, get the fuck out right now."
He watches her wobble up the staircase for a bit, then closes the door with a shaking head. This… was certainly a day.
A few comatose minutes later, Kat walks into the unlit room and falls into the cotton pile unceremoniously right after. Nice and cool… almost enough to beat some life into her. Almost. It gives just enough energy to stop suffocating by flipping over, and pull one of the things over her torso. After lying around in the empty room for a bit, she turns on her side and hugs the blanket tight. She's missing her hug pillow a lot right now. Wondering about how nice it would be to have that, or the huge, white bear over, or even just another layer so this place feels less hard, she falls asleep rather fast.
Then, in what feels like a minute later, she finds herself sweating bullets. There was another nightmare, which was easily the worst one as of yet; being shut into the chest with plushies, barely able to move, with noone to hear her voice... And the screams of people outside... and the guns, just... the never ending gunshots and screaming. She shudders just thinking about it… a dream like this would upset her even without context. After shedding a few tears, she also feels the pain slowly settle inside; she was just thinking what felt off about this dream… the absence of agonizing stabs and cramps is what it was. This time, it's creeping up her right thigh and her hips, setting them on fire in real time, then the already throbbing sternum turns into a knife in her chest. Any other vague throb around the stomach has nothing on these, they might as well not even exist. She peeks direction windows to see nothing but darkness; she can hear the soft breaths of the other three, so a considerable amount of time has passed, but it must be pretty early still... she's got the bad feeling that this pain will not go away until morning, and sleeping back in right now is just... unless she faints from this, there's no way she will.
There is indeed no more rest she can get; after the generally early bird Carrot leaves, she sits up to get at least that part done, then tries her best to get on her feet before the others start moving as the alarm sounds an hour later. Task is successfully mastered in time, although she has to lean on one of the chairs for a minute, because even while being more numb than in pain at the moment, her legs did not appreciate that.
" … bad day for sleep, huh?" Nami half-asks from her own daze once having taken a look at her.
"Nnnnhng," is all that Kat can manage for the time being. Getting tortured aside, she really hasn't slept a lot, even with the near immediate knockout in the evening. Her brain is on autopilot; nobody suspects that her hobbling and nearly running into walls has any other cause than the velcro eyelids, really. At least moving around seems to ease her suffering somewhat.
By the time she has to stand up from the dining table and make her way down, the temporal alleviation has worn off and she can barely manage the task without falling back onto the chair. This is worse than the two weeks of hell from spring when she managed to trap a nerve in her spine. There's also a numbness spreading on her right side, slowly creeping higher and higher as the soreness decides to look for a new target before moving on from her hips for good. She could cry, really... likely slept through the worst every time thus far. God… being Law sucks.
As soon as she enters his room, which looks somehow even messier than before, Law clicks his tongue beside the chest of drawers which is buried under new junk.
"If nothing else, you have impeccable timing whenever you are following the routine… good morning." Looking back at her slowly puzzling the scenery together, his face displays overt exasperation soon enough. "… I can already tell you will need full-time supervision today, so I'm skipping the briefing. I wanted to take matters into my own hands, anyway." Matters being… her focus, which seems to react well to spoon-fed attention judging by her episode yesterday. Whatever amount of that still exists in this walking corpse. This experimental endeavor might be ill-timed, but to hell with it all, he's already planned this out, and he's going to go through with it. He turns back to the piece of furniture to stack some of the junk they won't be needing today; "Move it while we're young, alright?"
She hums. Closing the door, her eyes linger on the chest in the corner. Turning back towards him, she stops for a moment; asking would be all kinds of rude, yet she can't help but wonder… how much of the dreams are actual things that happened. A lot of people she sees and meets certainly are… or were actual people.
Also… how does he handle days like these? Does he lock himself up in his room, or is he just lowkey clingy? Well… there's always Bepo to look for, minks are cuddly and he does get comfortable leaning on him and whatnot. Must be his go-to therapy. Would be nice to have access to that, since the polar bear really is as soft as it gets. Honestly… she really needs to hug the shit out of something decently squishy that won't ask follow-up questions right about now. Questions that are none of their business, at least.
"Zombie attack," she moans in a monotone voice, hobbling to his side with stiff thighs.
He mouths a 'wha' as the words click just as she goes in for the kill. "What the- Kat-ya, what now?" he asks in bafflement as soon as the initial surprise wears off. Also, these impulse hugs are only getting tighter, aren't they?
She gives him a little squeeze before release, but there's no answer.
Law raises a brow while staring at her blank, if not sad expression; a few seconds of consideration later he lets out a tired, knowing sigh. "Nightmare?"
The girl nods with a hum after some delay.
" … no tea and crackers if you haven't brought more, so that's that." Not sure what else he could start with, or do in general. He'd rather avoid the rest of yesterday's fiasco.
"I'm supposed to be a big girl now, so I won't ask for any," Kat pouts to that with overdone articulation as if reading his mind. "I might ask for some hugs, though," she adds stepping out of the role of a five-year-old with a sigh that sounds as painful as her liver area feels now. The heat is also getting to her today and she already is about to break out in sweat. Except she doesn't, which just makes her feel like implodig with nausea.
"…" He can't think of anything on the spot, but she could be asking worse. Hell… he's kind of getting used to it. "Eh, whatever, I'll bear a few if necessary," he shrugs at last. But: "Tell me beforehand and keep it to a minimum, though." She may not be able to disturb him during work today, but if he doesn't give restrictions, she might cling to him all the damn time. As upsetting those dreams may get at times, that's absolutely unnecessary.
She perks up; did he just… okay it? "Woah… really?"
"Yes, re-" Law deadpans as she gives him the frontal treatment right away. "-ally. Honestly, do you have to do this?" he sighs in limp resignation. He feels like becoming a comfort article… she might have been in need of that bear, after all.
"Absolutely," she says beaming as she straightens herself with some care as to not trigger some really unpleasant things. "you are big, warm and strong, so I can give soft, high quality hugs to everyone I like!" Being half a beefcake and heater feels nice~ Gotta accept that her body really is on the bony side after getting to hug herself a few times.
First of all: was that an indirect compliment? Second of all: there's a foreboding number of likely people she's already made close physical contact with… apart from being embarrassing and potential blackmail, his relatively weak immune system should not be put into situations all haphazardly like that. Hopefully she washes her hands regularly, if nothing else. And finally, she hugs people she likes, and the implied message of having received, like, five in the past two days already… all in all, every single aspect of that sentence gives Law something vaguely alarming to think about.
He opens his mouth, then closes it again as he cannot muster an answer. Well then… move on? "... aaanyway… you seem to have magically woken up, so here's the deal with today: I was thinking of some changes, that is to say, instead of ogling you from the sidelines, I will be actively present in your training schedule. Also, we'll be doing various mixed tasks for as long as you're… operable? How much sleep did you get?"
Kat finds this idea to her liking; can't do wrong when being instructed, and company makes for a less boring day. She lowkey needs some supervision and someone to tell her what to do all the time to be at maximum productivity, anyway. Getting interrupted too often has the total opposite effect, but…trying can't hurt. "Could have been five? I'm not sure. Anyhow, that… sounds nice, actually."
Luckily, after settling into the new system and the pain receding for a while, the morning is an overall blast. Partly since she's basically constructing a junk castle over and over, removing and inserting parts with as little leeway as possible. Also, despite her worries… Law would actually make a pretty good teacher? His explanations use more jargon than necessary, but they leave just enough up to imagination and he also lets her deviate from the task. He helps no more or less than what she needs, too. Who would have thought. She sneakily uses Scan to her benefit as well, since it aids at taking things out of other things. Funny how she's getting the hang of the reverse task faster… or so it would be, if time was not pressing her to succeed at both as fast as possible.
Getting up for the fifth time in a few minutes to adjust something towards noon serves as a quick reminder that she was getting too brave with moving around, because the stabbing pain returns as quickly as it was slow at fading out. This time she actually is covered in cold sweat all of a sudden and overcome by a sense of weakness as well. That won't be her blood sugar… but could be.
"Suddenly… I feel like I could eat a horse," Kat notes between gritting her teeth. Yeeeesh, some muscle is fucking cramping on her right side, holy fuck… It's fortunate that Law's to her back, because… Okay, okay, okay… it's receding, take a breath. "Kind of forgot getting more than the usual after the forced wake. I don't suppose you have one lying around? Some snacks would be nice until… lunch." And now blood pressure seems to be plummeting, too… ho, boy. Imagine how he would react if she just fainted right now. Not fun, not at all.
He sighs. "You should have more than just a cup of cocoa anyhow? Feed me proper, that body is used to labor and burns what it gets, goddammit." He does get up, however, and adjusts his pants quick. He needs a breather from this anyhow. "I’m also getting peckish, so I might as well get something. Lunch won’t be ready for an hour at least… you won’t want to eat rice balls, I suppose, so French toast or toast toast? Likely slightly burnt in either case. That's about all I'm capable of." Hopefully Fugu won't catch him red-handed… if he's lucky, the cook's already headed out for veggies and stuff.
… not eating at all was a lie, but she's suddenly reminded of how long it's been since she's had either. Or scrambled eggs. With pepper and paprika, and thinly sliced garlic… can't have him try and fuck that one up, though. "... give me your best shot at a French toast, two slices," she replies with a watery mouth.
"Just don't complain if you don't like it," he shrugs walking up to the exit. "Be right back."
Being alone for a moment, she groans in frustration. The pain is not only back, but just as bad as it was, like it just won't stop at all. It sneakily crawled up her neck in the past hour, making it stiff, and now it started eating the right side of her face from the inside out and she already knows this will end with a splitting headache. The goddamn left shoulder is also getting tense again, but that keeps happening so often she doesn't even notice any more unless it hurts.
Thinking about that, her eyes wander over to his desk- and then to the upper right shelf where he fished out a pill from the other day. After short consideration, she steps over to the furniture slowly and rests the tip of her finger on the handle. These are for him, right? What if she just…
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