#he's a fox news watching reagan loving far-right bootlicker who makes everyone he lives with miserable
softened-hearts · 2 years
why is stuff about shitty in-laws (tv tropes, cartoon strips, reddit posts) centered on catty insufferable mother-in-laws. like obviously misogyny is a huge factor but. do straight men not get filled with rage wanting to throttle the fathers of their girlfriends and wives for all the damage they've done? the only times you generally see talk of shitty fathers is absent ones. how is there no acknowledgement for fathers where she would have likely grown up happier if he had left? for when you think of or hear of the shit he's done and said, your adrenaline immediately kicks in? for when you hear them talk, all you can think is "you don't talk to someone you love like that."
so much of this rage is rooted in queerness, i know. but it's stunning nonetheless how completely ignored this focus of anger is.
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