#he wears leslie's stuff bc um..
redautism · 2 years
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im posting canon content tomorrow. for now.. antoine <3
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
Romance asks: #7, 8, 26, 29 for Keme/Jorgan, #1, 11, 20, 25 for Heodi; #9, 14, 30 for Taviloth; and #5, 7, 10, 18, 25, 31 for Ederity!
7. Favorite date activity?
*cough* Shooting range or gun/ammo shopping. 
8. What are their most prominent memories of each other?
Answering off where we are currently, one of Jorgan’s most prominent memories of Keme is the first time she pushed back against Garza when given a morally questionable order(killing the civvies Krel had maaybe turned into cybernetic bombs). One of Keme’s is their first kiss. She’d been wanting to do that for a looong time, and it was every bit as good as she was anticipating 
26. How important is the romance in your OC’s overall story?
Middling. They’re happy together and make an amazing, kickass team, and reuniting with Jorgan is one of Keme’s driving motivations through all the Zakuul crap(she doesn’t want an “Alliance”, she wants to FIND her DAMN HUSBAND) but they’re wholly developed and well rounded people even without the romance.
They’re basically the embodiment of that “in a fight they’re lethal, around each other they melt” quote and it’s wonderful. 
29. What are your favorite moments that happen between them?
We’re not there quite yet, but I’m super looking forward to the reunion in KotFE ch11. :D (Look, Tim Omundson did a breathtakingly FANTASTIC job with the VA work there, and that is not just my bias speaking. :P It’s so wonderful, makes me grin like an idiot just thinking about it)
Um, the convo where Jorgan says he was wrong about thinking you were too green to lead a squad like Havoc and you’ve been a solid leader. 
The “I’ve been watching your back, alright… and everything else.” convo. The marriage proposal. When Zane gets rude and Jorgan’s quick to make clear he needs to respect you. Oh, and when he gives you the necklace(is that still in the game? I honestly to God can’t remember and I know they cut some convos... it happened for Keme either way).
There are a lot, I could keep going :D
1. What drew your character to their LI and vice versa?
Adi thinks Heodan’s sweet and he’s clearly a hard worker, Heodan absolutely loves Adi’s curiosity and how kind she is.
11. Do they have any inside jokes?
Not really. Much as I personally love inside jokes, most of my ships don’t wind up with any
20. Did either person change at all, to be with their partner?
Nah. Kinda the opposite; Heodan’s always the first one to encourage Adi to stay curious whenever she talking about reining it in so people don’t get hurt. Sure, she needs to be risk-conscious, but the solution is not to stifle parts of herself.
25. Share any headcanons about their relationship.
Heodan is the only one other than Adi who can make her tea absolutely right every single time. Kana and Aloth get pretty close, Xoti’s even closer, but Heodan’s the only one who nails it every single time (she jokes that’s part of why she fell in love with him)
There was one time Adi got a teeny bit of a concussion in a fight and wasn’t supposed to read for a couple days as part of recovering, which was ofc torture for her, so she stressed-baked cinnamon blueberry muffins(she has the recipe memorized). Heodan ate, like, half of them bc they were just so good. Adi teased him for a good bit, but she’ll occasionally make a batch that’s just for the two of them now that she knows he likes them so much.
Heodan always keeps a part of the craft hall counter clear bc that’s where Adi sits whenever she comes out to visit him.
As with pretty much every folk/orlan ship, there’s lots of her-standing-on-chairs/counters/a few steps up for kisses
She loves to play with his hair. It’s just shaggy, not super long, so there’s not really anything she can do with it, but there’s just something about running her fingers through it both of them find really soothing.
Most other ones I think are in one of the two Star Rewritten posts I’ve made, though I’m sure there’s something I’m forgetting....
9. How open are they with their feelings?
(after the initial ‘bury my feelings bc there’s no way they’re mutual’ period) Tavi is extremely open, all the time. Aloth is… usually willing to talk if she asks, but sometimes she does have to dig a little. He’s still more open with her than anyone else.
14. Is there anything they associate with each other?
Tavi associates with Aloth–Books, the color blue, tea, the crackly smell of burning ozone.
Aloth associates with Tavi–Swearing, loud laughter, carved wooden figurines, beaten-to-splinters training dummies
30. How does their love change as they get older?
They reach a point where they almost never say the words “I love you” bc it’s been 100+ years, they know. It shifts a lot more to the quality time/physical touch end of the love language spectrum, where they’ll brush hands as they walk past each other, or bump shoulders stuff like that.
5. How do they comfort each other when they are sad?
Hugs, cuddling, Edér will crack bad jokes on purpose to make her smile, Charity will plunk Sparrow in his lap bc petting things helps.
7. Favorite date activity?
Snuggling on the couch and talking about their day and whatever else comes to mind.
10. Do they have pet names for each other?
Edér’s pretty much the only one who calls her Char, but other than that it’s just typical couple stuff, I think. (Darling, love, sweetheart etc)
18. Is there any way they disappoint each other?
Not so much “disappoint”, but Edér can be a bit of a ‘leave clothes where I take them off’ slob, which bugs Charity before it bugs him, so that gets on her nerves. And she tends to keep her mouth shut if she disagrees with something  “inconsequential” (i.e. she wants to have something different for dinner, or was looking forward to doing something that’s not happening anymore. Things she sees as not important, whether bc they really are little things or bc there’s nothing that can be done about them, so there’s no point complaining), so Edér has to really really dig to figure out what’s bothering her and she tries to brush it off and he insists and they maybe get a little snippy with each other for a while.
25. Share any headcanons about their relationship.
Charity wears Edér’s shirts a lot when she’s just doing things around the house. Sometimes with pants, sometimes not.
Both are secretly convinced Sparrow likes the other one better.
Charity consistently winds up moving in her sleep so she cuts of the circulation in Edér’s arm. He doesn’t mind; he sleeps like a (snoring)log, so it just means his arm’s asleep when he wakes up, and she’s just so cute.
She’s pretty nmw, but his absolute favorite is when she wears her hair in a messy bun. Charity is amused by this, bc it’s literally her “hair out of my eyes to do house/yardwork” hairstyle that takes no thought whatsoever to do and is never the same twice.
31. Share anything you would like about the couple!
She likes the way his bead tickles when they kiss.
Aside from their wedding, they’ve never seen each other dressed up.
I think they’d be fantastic parents.
The mental image of them sharing giggly-sleepy morning kisses makes my chest ache from the sweetness. Think Jim/Pam or Ben/Leslie on mf steroids.
Writing their stuff is always self-indulgent af and I don’t care. (I’d call it a guilty pleasure ship, but I feel no guilt whatsoever :D)
Romance Asks
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mercifuldeaths · 5 years
I gotta know, who would you wear if you were going to this years met?
OH MY GOD....UM............I thought about this but ultimately could never decide.....
Probably Palomo Spain (who I’ve been obsessed with for a hot min now), but then we obviously have my OG- Margiela...like did yall SEE what they did for Rihanna last year UMMMMMMMM YES. Jeremy Scott has always been a little too campy for me-bc as much as I love kitsch his stuff is a little too recycled for my taste. 
OR I know Siriano is designing for Leslie and Ryan..(so possibly Cody, too???) and I’ve worked with him before and know how much of a sweetheart he is and would honestly love to collaborate in some way. bc we all know I’m not going anywhere unless I have a say in what the final product looks like lmao. 
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