#he was born in my favourite cattery and if he isn't amber carrier hát én bevonulok a bolondokházába
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Featured breed: devon rex
(The cats are solids, because apparently locketed chocolate tabbies can't be found on the internet. By me, i mean. I'm not very good in this. But hey, at least I found some solids!)
genetics guide
Brown (tyrosinase-related protein-1, TYRP1): this gene determines the quantity of the functional eumelanin.
dominant allele: B - full pigment production, black cat (wild type)
"middle" allele: b - less pigment, chocolate cat (variant)
recessive allele: bl - even less pigment, cinnamon cat (variant)
Order of dominance: B > b > bl
The depicted variant is chocolate.
Further description in this post
Low-grade white (?): Hypothetic gene(s). Even with the extreme variability of the white spotting allele(s), the existence of some independently inherited genes is strongly suspected. Their effects most commonly manifest as a white locket: a small white patch on the chest or the belly, and/or a white tail tip. I'm not sure if there is any consensus whether these are more likely to be recessive or dominant alleles.
Bonus: tailtip
Norwegian forest cats with a white tailtip because I count that here too but I always show lockets
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Ok ok, I'm actually not sure that their white tailtip is not just part of their general white-spotting, which does have a lot of unpredictibility. But still, cats without any white but their tailtip exist. I think.
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