#hdhjd i wrote this as an apology for my absence but now I'll have to apologize for hurting everyone kkkkkk
fe-husband-heaven · 5 years
Líf x Reader - Specter
Previous Writing Post: Dimitri N/S-F-W Alphabet!
aye...so that last story chapter gave me some feelings...and I feel bad disappearing from the blog so often (๑o̴̶̷̥᷅﹏o̴̶̷̥᷅๑)
Summary: Líf is an edgy brooding (with good reason) man and the Summoner is a curious puppy with no boundaries + Angst = This
You tried to ignore Alfonse's terrified face as you pushed him past the dismantled entrance to the ruined Askr's hero hall.
His eyes were wide with shock and fear, and he reached out to grab you but the boulder and rubble that Líf had set as a precaution took over his view.
You disappeared behind it, and he was left to cry out your name, having to be pulled back from the unstable collapsed rock by his men.
Luckily, for both you and Askr's future, you pulled yourself back hard enough and far enough to the side to avoid being crushed or hurt significantly. You escaped with a couple scratches and a bruised ankle that you cried out a little for when a stray piece of stone smashed onto it.
You didn't notice Líf clench his fist at seeing you in pain, nor how he had shut his eyes and covered his ears when the trap came down and he thought you'd die.
"Ow...", you whined as you tried to stand up, stumbling clumsily for a moment.
"What is it that you want?", you looked up at Líf who was giving you a piercing glare. Red eyes were cold and impassive.
"You are no fool. You could have escaped with them. What are you after?"
You wiped your hands on your coat, ridding your gloves of the mucked up dust, before tilting back on your heels and smiling sheepishly at him.
"Eheheh, you caught me! I wanted to talk to you...alone."
He studied you for a moment before turning away.
"Go back. We will end this another day."
You sighed and started walking towards him, stopping just a few feet from him. Gods, what hardship he must have endured to become so jaded. He was nothing like the Alfonse who's eyes twinkled when he looked at you.
"No. We have to talk."
He turned his face to the side, trying to burn his stare through you.
"We've nothing to speak of. Go back."
You frowned for a moment but then broke into a laugh and smiled teasingly at him.
"Yeah, that's exactly what you were like when we first met."
You bounded up the rest of the way to him, and he flinched when you grabbed at his cape.
"Uwahh...how do you even fight in this?? It's so long!"
Líf tugged your hands away when you started flapping his cape up and down. He only managed a "Stop that." before you moved on to gape at his shoulder plate.
"Woahhh...do you stab people with your shoulders? Those spikes are so pointy! And..oh its attached to the cape thing..you guys have some strange fashion going on..."
Líf had enough of you standing on your tippy toes to touch the top of the spikes, and grabbed your wrists roughly, holding them in place so you couldn't go back to fondling his garb.
"Enough! I said to leave! Go, and don't come back."
Please, go back home where you'll be safe.
"I can't." You looked up at him confused, "You blocked off the exit."
Líf froze. He looked to you, the mess of gravel behind you, and then back to you. For the briefest of moments, he felt the long forgotten tickle of laughter in his chest.
But he quickly snuffed it out, he didn't deserve to, not when they couldn't.
"Besides, I want to talk to you."
When he realized he was still holding your wrists, he let go like you had burned him.
"Why don't we work together? Why do you...why do you have to suffer alone?"
He knew he shouldn't, but he wanted it anyway, to be at your side. He'd missed you so much, when you had left him, a part of him died with you.
"Don't be ridiculous. You and I are enemies, nothing more. Don't be a fool, I must destroy your world to regain mine."
You studied his face for a moment, he was so bleak now, and you cursed Hel for having made him so. You thought his words over for a moment before you gave him a bitter smile.
"To save someone from your world, you have to sacrifice one in ours."
He said nothing.
"..Then...when the time comes...will you kill me too?"
Neither of you spoke, you only stood staring as his facade finally broke. He looked so disturbed and distraught by the idea that it might be his own hands striking you down.
For once since you had first seen him, you saw the full extent of how tired and worn he was. He looked like he wanted to die.
And you felt your eyes sting at the sight of it, heart breaking for the one you called your other half. He didn't move when you closed the space between the two of you, wrapping your arms around his waist in a tight hug.
He was so so cold.
"You don't have to anymore...you don't have to be alone, it's not your fault, it never was."
He swallowed thickly.
"You.." he sounded so small, "..are still the same..."
You hadn't changed at all. You were still so selfless, so caring, so inviting...so warm.
He could never.
He could never harm you, no matter what world he hailed from. His precious Summoner, his treasured partner, his other half, he'd rather be cast to the pits of damnation than to be the one to take your life.
He'd already failed you once, he'd never wish for you to befall the same fate again. Even so, even though he knew he should be pushing you as far away as he could, to somewhere where you'd be free of the danger of this entire ordeal, his arms still snaked around you, pressing you tighter against his chest.
It had been a reflex, his body had long grown accustomed to wrapping his arms around you in comfort. Though you were considered the "Great Summoner", you were still human, a human that could still get lonely.
So far away from your own world, at the start, Askr had done little to feel like home. When he'd first happened upon your shivering form, furiously wiping away tears you intended on keeping to yourself, he'd felt his heart shatter and from there on, he was at your side every moment he could.
"..Y/N..my Y/N..."
Your name seemed so foreign on his tongue now, how long it had been since he last called it. Your scent was the same, you might be from a different dimension than his but his soul longed for you regardless.
He said your name so tenderly that for a second, you forgot it wasn't your Alfonse. After a couple more moments of quiet bitterness, you pulled back just enough to look at him. There was just glimmer of his old self in the way he looked at you.
"..Please don't make that face..."
He hated it on you, that pained expression, it made him want to shelter you from everything. A dark dark part of him whispered that he should just take you.
That he should steal you away from the other Alfonse, it would crush him, the same way it had him when he himself had lost you.
But he couldn't.
You would be so sad, and he'd rather relinquish ever meeting you again than for your smile to never grace your lips again. That smile was slowly blurring in his memory but he remembered loving it with every ounce of his being.
When he thought of it now, he'd feel an echo of fondness mixed with the twisting feeling of guilt, but when he was truly alive, it made his heart beat wildly.
You hadn't even noticed when you'd began crying fully, it felt like he was saying goodbye and it was so painful.
"I-" You swallowed, it hurt and your throat constricted in protest,
"I want to help you.."
He gently wiped away traces of tears from your face,
"You can't."
Sweet sweet Summoner, don't waste your time trying to save me. You won't listen, and you'll try again, but I will in turn stay as far away as I can from you.
I have already spent too much time near you, Hel can sense the living, those who she has not turned into her minions. If she knows you're precious to me, she will hunt you down. So stay away, as far as you can be, in a place far away from a war of the living and dead. A place far away from me.
lo e
y u
You were growing frustrated, did he truly believe working together would accomplish nothing?
"But-" You opened your mouth to speak but an ear piercing explosion cut you off. Shrieking, you shut your eyes and felt yourself being pulled under Líf's cape.
As the rubble settled, you felt the cape slip off and rubbed at your eyes from the unsettled dust having brought a stinging sensation to them.
You heard hurried footsteps from where the boulders blocking your way had been blown to bits. Turning just in time to see through teary eyes as Alfonse burst through the cloud of dust.
He looked panicked then relieved when his eyes locked onto you. Practically flying over to you, you were almost knocked over by the force of his sudden embrace.
"Oh thank the gods.."
Alfonse had buried his face in the crook of your neck, brows furrowed in both relief and the surge of emotions taking their toll...before they quickly became furrowed in anger instead. He took hold of your shoulders in a firm grip and you were a little shell shocked at his sudden change.
"Y/N, don't you ever do that again."
The full force of guilt hit you like a truck, he looked absolutely wrought with worry, and your guilt only festered when he continued.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?"
He held your face in his hands and studied every inch of your face, searching for even the smallest scratch. The effects of Zacharias' disappearance made clear. You pulled him back into a hug and apologized.
"I'm sorry, Alfonse..I'm okay, I'm alright, I'm safe."
You physically felt him deflate against you, his shoulders loosened from their tense state and he relaxed against you, taking a moment to calm down. By the time the two of you separated, his adrenaline was gone and a wave of tiredness hit him.
His attention was on you when you gasped, "Ah! I totally forgot!" You turned around to face Líf, "The two of you need to...Líf?"
He was gone.
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