#hc that hidan's a massive history and culture nerd
x-emeraldsky-x · 3 months
Hidan: Hey, don't you have a cousin in Konoha? That Sasuke dude?
Obito: Yes, he has his own family there too.
Hidan: Why don't you go visit them?
Obito: I do sometimes, when I make visits to the Hokage. With the kids' missions on both ends, we can't organise a visit where we all see each other that often
Hidan: Hm... interesting.
Obito: Why do you ask?
Hidan: I'm just curious about what you Uchiha do for family things, like if there were traditions or something
Obito: There are a few I remember from when I was a kid, but when we live so far apart its hard to do. Most involved a gathering of the family
Hidan: What do you do? If I can ask
Obito: We used to paint on scrolls or wooden plaques, usually things from the stories of our history. And sometimes we'd play music on special, hand made instruments. Sasuke wasn't around for that though, the traditions fell apart when Konoha started turning against us, just before he was born.
Hidan: ... You could bring it back
Obito: I could... but I don't know how. It's a family thing, for multiple families. And I can only remember the words of the Uchiha songs, I never learned the instruments.
Hidan: I'll join.
Obito: Really?
Hidan: Yeah, if you're okay with it. I'll be an honorary Uchiha!
Obito: *smiles a little* Thank you.
Hidan: I'm shit at art though, just warning you now
Obito: You'll be fine. It's not my thing either
Hidan: Great! We can suck at it together!
Obito: *chuckles a little* Wonderful
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