#have to transfer the game i bought from my system to my lil bro's bc that's who we wanted it for..... yet another step. nothing is easy
kulekrizpy ยท 4 months
stressed and wish i had someone to comfort & look out for me
i have an interview tmrw and a LOT of stuff to pack and i'm leaving the home i've been in for 20 years in 15 days
watched school spirits and the main character's situation w/ the shitty boyfriend is stressing me out (also bc i tend to channel my stress into relationship stuff and tho i'm trying my best not to i still have the feelings that trigger the urge. bc trying to mediate a relationship feels more attainable than doing things that cost real-world money and have real consequences. it's a source of comfort to work things out. but in this case said guy will literally just hurt me again at some point so that's a no-go. i need to do yoga... and i need to be done with this guy so i can just MOVE ON)
also will be trying to see ppl for holidays. ugh ๐Ÿ˜ฃ family is unexpectedly in town so we have to be sure to see them
no working stove for like four months, it's hard eating healthy
barely done any exercise besides standing at my retail job, partially bc it's cold and partially bc everything is happening
car is still working fine, but i do wanna get it checked out at some point...
friend is getting married soon and i have to pick an outfit for THAT (which may end up being picked on the day of like so many). i'll have to drive like an hour
if i get this job, yay but also i'll be working fulltime and i have a lot of transitions to make... if i don't, i have to keep looking AND deal with those transitions eventually. and god, more interviews
can't seem to FOLD MY LAUNDRY (attempted this at least 3 times over the last few weeks and it's still only about half-folded.... all mixed in with the unfolded stuff)
oh and i have to pack and unpack my whole life ๐Ÿซ 
feeling the pressure
in the morning i need to shower and pick my outfit for my interview
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