#have forgotten the powerful gap moe of an anime girl who can't cook for shit
aihoshiino · 8 months
i see a lot of fanart or otherwise fandom depictions of Ai as this perfect housewifey type girlfriend and mother and I am standing up and making the bold declaration that if you hold true love for Hoshino Ai in your heart, you must accept the truth and realize that the girl is the most enthusiastic failwife ever to walk planet earth.
she was never taught basic common sense and self care growing up! you think she knows how to use a rice cooker without burning it or using too much water??? i just KNOW when she was making bentos for Aqua and Ruby (because of course she did her best to cook for them despite her ineptitude because she's a good mom who wanted to make good food for her kids) she came away with band aids up and down every single finger. she under and overseasons everything. she forgets you can't just set and forget real food like you do with microwave instant meals. once she almost burned cup noodles. do you understand my vision????????
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