#god just hugging him would be... fjdkajfhsk & i'd be crazy nervous & excited & happy & turned on & melty & buzzing & ahhh
warmbeebosoftbeebo · 2 years
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Thanks to Leah
He's our happy precious lil baby boy 😍
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warmbeebosoftbeebo · 2 years
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I need to know the specific context of this magnificent moment (eg which show so I can look this damn death walk up and see this soft boy hugging like this, eyes closed, face squished into someone's shoulder).
Imagine if I had a forth night of dreaming of B? (Damn, girl, if I manage that haha.) NGL, I'd be so happy if tonight was just lots of smooshy cuddles. (And pets, talking, giggling, playing with his hair & scritching his scalp, being all warm literally & metaphorically... Maybe some platonic smooches esp over his cutie pie face)
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